As far as I'm concerned, I've never played a single game where cash shop related items have so many errors. With iRO either some number is off, effect not working or sometimes things can even get its effect nerfedchanged after publishing without any notice.
WarpPortal management is nothing short of scandalous after having publishing so many cash shop related items and not have a single care when it comes to accuracy and readability of their items. This thread was published on July 14, 2024 and the item mentioned may go as far back as 2017. As of today, Nov 25, 2024, there still has not been any response from the management in trying to take care of any of the issue.
If it was regular in game item I would not have bothered but this is cash shop related items. Items from OCP, Kachua Keys and Spend Promotions.
Our rights as players and consumers has been violated and maybe it's time we take action against this scandalous management.
The significance:
I'm spending real life money and I'm getting scammed, things don't work as described, period.
ATK% and Class modifiers is the most commonly mistranslated with items but mistaking any modifier into ATK% is also a mistake that creates the biggest error in damage calculation. ATK% as a category is the least impactful as it does not interact with Class, Size, Race, vs. Element modifiers. With the categories multiplying each other it does create a sizable gap in damage.
ATK% is also not the only mistake being made, race and size are also mistranslated in several occasion, numbers were also somehow mistranslated. There are a couple items where 15% is turned into 25% and 25% turned into 15%. Namely Illusion Military Boots and Awakened Meteor Striker.
As players, we deserve readable descriptions AND MOST IMPORTANTLY CORRECT DESCRIPTIONS
How did we find out:
We just play the damn game and we're not idiots
Between checking the source of items (which generally came from jRO, twRO or a couple other servers), testing in game. We also enter these items in calculator to verify.
Note this list may still be missing the lots of errors from OCP and Kachua and even regular in game items.
OCP Items
Mob Scarf
❌ Atk + 6% for every combined sum of 80 base Str and Luk.
✅ Increase physical damage against all class by 6% for every combined sum of 80 base Str and Luk.
Enforcer Shoes
❌ Atk + 4% per level of Weapon Crush known.
✅ Increase physical damage against all class by 4% per level of Weapon Crush known.
Imperial Glove
Supplemental Chip
Brooch of Hero
Shield Ring
Giant's Protection
Rebellion's Scarf
Dark Ring
Storm Stone
... etc
❌ Atk + 5%
✅ Increase physical damage against all class by 5%
Immortal Dog Tag
❌ Increases physical damage on targets by 5% per upgrade levels of Juliette D Rachel [2].
✅ Increases physical damage against all class by 5% per upgrade levels of Juliette D Rachel [2].
Imperial Boots
❌ Atk + 4% per level of Sacrifice known
✅ Increase physical damage against all class by 4% per level of Sacrifice known
Tengu Shoes
❌ Atk + 4 % per level of Gentle Touch-Silence known.
✅ Increase physical damage against all class by 4% per level of Gentle Touch-Silence known.
Fortunetelling Sealed
❌ ASPD +2% for every 50 Base Int and Dex
✅ ASPD +2% for every 50 Base Int and every 50 Base Dex*
❌ Increase magical damage dealt to small, medium, large monsters by 4% for every 50 Base Int and Dex
✅ Increase magical damage dealt to small, medium, large monsters by 4% for every 50 Base Int and every 50 Base Dex*
*To clarify, at 125 int and 125 dex you're only getting 8% ASPD and 16% size modifier and not 10% ASPD 20% size modifier.
Storm Muffler
❌ Increase ranged damage to all enemies by 4% and Severe Rainstorm damage by 2% per each skill level of Glommy Slyness learned.
✅ Increase ranged damage to all enemies by 4% and Severe Rainstorm damage by 2% per each skill level of Frigg's Song learned.
Illusion Military Boot
❌ When equipped with Illusion War Axe, increase damage dealt to boss monsters by 70%, reduce damage taken from Boss monsters by 25%.
✅ When equipped with Illusion War Axe, increase damage dealt to boss monsters by 70%, reduce damage taken from Boss monsters by 15%.
❌ When FAW Magic Decoy Lv reaches 5, reduce after cast delay by 10%, increases MaxHP + 150 per 1 BaseLv.
✅ When FAW Magic Decoy Lv reaches 5, increase ASPD by 10%, increases MaxHP + 150 per 1 BaseLv.
Sixth Sense Ring
❌ When Stiking Lv5, increase neutral, fire, wind, earth property magical damage by 10%.
✅ When Stiking Lv5, increase magical damage against neutral, fire, wind, earth property enemies by 10%.
Devil Ring
❌ Increase damage dealt to all monsters by 5%.
✅ Increase physical damage against all class by 5%
Drake's Coat
Infinity Blade
Kenzen Ichinyo
Wild Beast
Two Tone Cap
Invicible Crest Hat
Squirrel Ear Hat (White)
Chic Peony
Wildcat Knit Cap (White)
Flash of Lightning
Altair Hat
Abyss King Ring
Noblesse Oblige
Ring of Silver Claw
Ring of Artemis
Ring of Storm
❌ Atk +x%
✅ Increase physical damage against all class by x%
Paracelsus Glove
❌ Luk +0
✅ Luk +7
❌ Increase physical damage to all size monsters by 10%.
✅ Increase physical damage to all class monsters by 10%.
Jasper Ring
❌ Str +0
✅ Str +7
❌ Increase physical damage to all size monsters by 10%.
✅ Increase physical damage to all class monsters by 10%.
Striking Hat
❌ Agi +0
✅ Agi +5
❌ Dex +0
✅ Dex +5
Striking Mail
❌ All Stat +0
✅ All Stat +10
Skyblow Ring
❌ Atk +10%
✅ Increase physical damage to all class monsters by 10%.
Paracelsus Coat
❌ When refined to +5 or higher, Def + 150 , Mdef + 15.
When refined to +7 or higher, Def + 150 , Mdef + 15.
✅ Def +300, Mdef +30
❌ Increase physical damage to all size monsters by 7% per 1lv of Crazy Vines.
✅ Increase physical damage to all race monsters by 7% per 1lv of Crazy Vines.
Military Glove
❌ Vit +0
✅ Vit +7
End of the World
❌ Increase physical damage to all types of monsters by 10% per 1 skill level of Cross Reaper Slasher.
✅ Increase physical damage to all classes of monsters by 10% per 1 skill level of Cross Reaper Slasher.
Memento Mori
❌ Increase physical and magical damage to all size monsters by 10%.
✅ Increase physical damage to all class monsters by 10%.
✅ Matk +10%
Traveler Ring
❌ Agi +0
✅ Agi +7
❌ Increase physical damage to all size monsters by 10%.
✅ Increase physical damage to all class monsters by 10%.
Paradise Lost
❌ Increase physical, magical damage to all size monsters by 10%
✅ Increase physical damage to all class monsters by 10%.
✅ Matk +10%
Full Force
❌ Increase physical damage by x% per 1 refine rate.
✅ Increase physical damage against all class by x% per 1 refine rate.
Striking Armguard
❌ When refined to +1 or higher, MaxHP + 3%, MaxSP + 3%
✅ For every refine, MaxHP + 3%, MaxSP + 3%
❌ For every refine level of shoes, ATK + 4%.
✅ For every refine level of shoes, increase physical damage to all class monsters by 4%.
Majesty of Yggdrasil
❌ ATK + 25%
✅ Increase physical damage to all class monsters by 25%.
Amazing Grace
❌ For every level of Clearance learned, increase magic damage against all size enemies by 14%.
✅ For every level of Clearance learned, increase magic damage against all race enemies by 14%.
Mystery Wing
❌ For every total 100 of base basic status, ATK + 5%
✅ For every total 100 of base basic status, Increase physical damage to all class monsters by 5%.
Illegal Chip
❌ Atk +15%
✅ Increase physical damage to all class monsters by 15%.
Ring of Ceyneian
❌ Dex +0
✅ Dex +7
❌ Atk +10%
✅ Increase physical damage to all size monsters by 10%.
Palace Ring
❌ Set Bonus:
Palace Ring[1]
Stephen Jack Ernest Wolf Card
ATK and MATK +10%.
✅ Set Bonus:
Palace Ring[1]
Stephen Jack Ernest Wolf Card
Increase physical damage to all class monsters by 10%.
Increase magical damage to all class monsters by 10%.
Dragon Slayer's Longsword
❌ Atk +x%
✅ Increase physical damage against all class by x%
❌ Attack Range : 1
✅ Attack Range : 3
❌ Weapon Attribute: Neutral
✅ Weapon Attribute: Holy
Erymathian Skin
❌ Dex +6, Reduce incoming damage from players by 5%, reduce after cast delay by 3%.
✅ Dex +6, Reduce incoming damage from players by 5%, increase ASPD by 3%.
Fafnir Helm
❌ When Dragon's Water Breath and Dragon's Breath Lv. 10 is learned, increase ranged physical damage by additional 50%.
✅ When Dragon's Water Breath and Dragon's Breath Lv. 10 is learned, increase ranged physical damage by additional 50% and reduce fixed cast time by 0.2 seconds.
Wolf Officer Hat
❌ When Aimed Bolt's skill level 10, Reduce after cast delay by 15%.
✅ When Aimed Bolt's skill level 10, increase ASPD by 15%
Anulus Ring
❌ Str +7, increase damage to all enemies by 10%,
✅ Str +7, increase damage to all classes enemies by 10%,
❌ When using Knuckle Arrow lv10, increase damage to all enemies by 10%.
✅ When using Knuckle Arrow lv10, increase ranged damage by 10%.
❌ When using Lightning Walk lv10, increase chance to guide attack by 20%.
✅ When using Lightning Walk lv5, increase chance to guide attack by 20%.**
❌ When using Rising Dragon lv5, reduce after skill delay by 30%.
✅ When using Rising Dragon lv10, reduce after skill delay by 30%.**
❌ When using Gentle Touch - Convert lv10, reduce variable casting by 15%,
✅ When using Gentle Touch - Convert lv5, reduce variable casting by 15%,**
**Effect is also likely mixed up, I do not have one so cannot confirm
Really makes you wonder if they even know their own game
Demon God's Ring
❌ Weapon Atk + x%
✅ Increase physical damage against all class by x%
Rotten Garden Knife
❌ Increase damage of Bomb Cluster by 4% per skill level increase.
✅ Increase damage of Bomb Cluster by 4% per base level.
Ring of Adoramus
Skull Ring
Glittering Cat Choker
Metal Pick
Ring of Pazuzu
❌ Int +0
✅ Int +7
Loud Park
❌ For every level of Gloomy Shyness learned, Increase magic damage against all size enemies by 14%.
✅ For every level of Gloomy Shyness learned, Increase magic damage against all race enemies by 14%.
Kiel Hyre's Darkness
❌ When refined to +11 or higher, increase physical damage against all size enemies by 20%.
✅ When refined to +11 or higher, increase physical damage against medium and large enemies by 20%.
Space Shoes
❌ When performing magical attack, Increases magic damage by +15%.
✅ Increase Magic damage against bosses by 15%
Runaway Accelerator
❌ Reduce physical damage from Boss and Normal monsters by 10% per 1 refine rate.
✅ Reduce physical damage from Boss and Normal monsters by 10%
❌ Increase physical, magical damage to all monsters by 1%.
✅ Increase physical damage to all classes by 1% and MATK +1% per refine.
❌ All of the combo effects are missing
Wolf Officer Hat
❌ When Aimed Bolt's skill level 10, Reduce after cast delay by 15%.
✅ When Aimed Bolt's skill level 10, Increase ASPD by 15%
Okami Robe
❌ increase physical damage dealt by x%
✅ Increase physical damage against all class by x%
Garden of Eden
❌ Increase magic damage against all property monsters by x%
✅ Increase all property magic damage by x%
❌ Missing Description
✅ Increases the damage of Cart Revolution by 1% for every base level.
❌ Missing Description
✅ When Spirit of Life Lv.1 is learned, increase ATK based on enemy's DEF (MoT Effect)
❌ Missing Description
✅ Indestructible in battle
❌ Reduces damage taken by 1%
✅ Reduces damage taken from Player/Doram by 1%
❌ MDEF: 0
✅ MDEF: 15
❌ When learned Spirit of Life Lv 1, When using Scar of Tarou, active [Reckless Rush] for 15 sec.
✅ When learned Spirit of Life Lv 1, When using Scar of Tarou, there is a chance to active [Reckless Rush] for 15 sec.
❌ If user learned Spirit of Life level 1, increases ATK by 100 and has a chance to gain [Foolhardy] for 15 seconds when dealing melee physical damage.
✅ Effect not implemented, and it's physical damage, not melee physical damage
❌ Increase animal damage type skills by 15%.
✅ For every level of Spirit of Savage, increase animal damage type skills by 15%.
❌ MaxHP + 2% per 1 refine rate, additional physical damage to all enemies by 2%, chance to guide hit by 2%.
✅ For every refine, Max HP + 2%, increase physical damage to all class by 2% and increase perfect hit by 2%
❌ Increases the damage of Water, Earth, Fire, Wind and Ghost property magical attacks on targets by 5%.
✅ Increases the damage of Water, Earth, Fire, Wind and Neutral property magical attacks on targets by 5%.
Set Bonus
Survivor's Circlet [1]
Survivor's Orb
If Survivor's Circlet [1] upgrade level is +7 or higher,
Additional Vit + 4
Reduces damage taken from Demi-Human race enemies by an additional 4%.
Reduces the variable casting time of skills by an additional 6%.
Set Bonus
Survivor's Circlet [1]
Survivor's Orb
If Survivor's Circlet [1] upgrade level is +7 or higher,
Additional Vit + 4
Reduces damage taken from Demi-Human race enemies by an additional 4%.
❌ Reduce cooldown of Ignition Break by 2.5 sec.
✅ When Ignition Break Lv5 is learned, reduce cooldown of Ignition Break by 2.5 sec.
Kachua Items
Cylinder Boots
❌ wAtk + 4% every level of Fire Expansion Known
✅ Increase physical damage against all class by 4% for every level of Fire Expansion Known
Dual Shadow World Cloak
❌ For every 4 refine level, increases physical and magical damage against all size enemies by 3%.
✅ For every 4 refine level, increases physical and magical damage against all element enemies by 3%.
Demon Hunter Shoes
❌ ATK + x%.
✅ Increase physical damage against all class by x%
Reforming Magic Cloak
❌ When learned Shadow Spell Lv.10. Increase all property magical damage by 10%.
✅ When learned Shadow Spell Lv.10. Increase magical damage against all element enemies by 10%.
Overdrive Rampage
❌ For every 5 base level, increase physical damage to all size enemies by 1%
✅ For every 5 base level, increase physical damage to all class enemies by 1%
Crystal Blade Necklace
❌ Increases physical damage against all size enemies by 10%.
✅ Increases physical damage against all class enemies by 10%.
❌ Increases physical damage by 4% and increases Fire Rain damage by 50% per each level of Fire Rain user learned.
✅ Increases physical damage against all class by 4% and increases Fire Rain damage by 50% per each level of Fire Rain user learned.
❌reduces fixed casting time of Vanishing Buster by 20% per each level of Vanishing Buster user learned.
✅ Effect not working
❌For every level of Vanishing Buster learned, reduce Vanishing Buster Fixed Casting Time by 20%.
✅ Effect not working
Poenetentia Courage Crown
Poenetentia Ambition Crown
Poenetentia Purity Crown
❌ When refined to +13 or higher, ATK + 20%, Fixed Casting Time - 0.5 seconds.
✅ When refined to +13 or higher, increase physical damage against all Races by 20%, Fixed Casting Time - 0.5 seconds.
Poenetentia Glory Crown
❌ When refined to +13 or higher, MATK + 20%, Fixed Casting Time - 0.5 seconds.
✅ When refined to +13 or higher, increase magical damage against all Races by 20%, Fixed Casting Time - 0.5 seconds.
Scrap Remodel Shoes
Set Bonus:
Scrap Remodel Shoes [1]
Arquien's Necklace [1]
❌When using Axe Tornado or Cart Tornado,
there is a chance increase long-range physical damage by 30% for 10 seconds.
✅When using Axe Tornado or Cart Tornado,
there is a chance increase melee physical damage by 30% for 10 seconds.
Violent Dragon Shadow Armor-LT
Set Bonus:
Violent Dragon Shadow Armor-LT [1]
Nidhoggur Shadow Card
❌Increases magical damage to all size enemies by 30%.
✅Increases magical damage to all class enemies by 30%.
❌When refined to +9 or higher, increases melee and ranged damage by 25%.
✅When refined to +9 or higher, increases melee and ranged damage by 20%.
Set Bonus:
Abyss Lake Roaring Armor-LT [1]
Detardeurus Card
❌Increases physical damage to all size enemies by 30%.
✅Increases physical damage to all class enemies by 30%.
❌Missing Description
✅For every 2 refine level, ATK +10
❌Armor Level: 1
✅Armor Level: 2
❌When Grade A, refined to +12, equipped by Geneticist, when receiving a melee physical attack there is a 50% chance that Acid Demonstration Lv.1, Spore Exploison Lv.1, and Cart Cannon Lv.1 will be activated on the target. (If a higher level has been learned, it will be activated according to the level learned. Material will be consumed when casting, if the material are not carried it will not be cast.)
✅I don't know what the actual rate is but it is not 50%, it is far lower
Set Bonus:
Brave Heart (Hyper Novice) [1]
Circlet of Time(Rebellion) [1]
Set Bonus:
Brave Heart (Night Watch) [1]
Circlet of Time(Rebellion) [1]
❌If refine rate is 11 or higher, for every 2 Base Level, increases Cannon Spear and Vanishing Point damage by 2%, up to Level 240.
✅If refine rate is 11 or higher, for every 2 Base Level, increases Cannon Spear damage by 1% and Vanishing Point damage by 2%, up to Level 240.
❌Physical and Magical damage to all monster sizes +3%.
✅Effect Not Working
❌When equipped to Left Accessory If Dragon Water Breath skill is Lv.10, increases Dragon Breath damage by 50%.
✅When equipped to Left Accessory If Dragon Water Breath skill is Lv.10, increases Dragon Water Breath damage by 50%.
Spend Promo
❌Increases physical/magical damage to all size monster by 8%.
✅Increases physical/magical damage to all class monster by 8%.
Kachua Mileage Coupon
❌Missing Description
✅ ATK +5%, MATK +5%
❌Set Bonus:
Pure Heart [1]
Scrap Remodel Shoes [1]
When equipped by Merchant classes,
ATK + 150, Variable Casting Time - 10%.
✅ Effect Not working
❌Set Bonus:
Astraea Armor-LT
Arch Bishop Margaretha Card
✅Set Bonus:
Astraea Armor-LT
High Priest Card
❌Armor Level: 1
✅Armor Level: 2
❌Required Level: 1
✅Required Level: 150
❌When refined to +12 or higher, Casting will not be interrupted.
✅Effect not working
❌Set Bonus:
Neptune Uniform-LT
Khalitzburg Knight Card
ATK and MATK +12%.
✅Set Bonus:
Neptune Uniform-LT
Khalitzburg Knight Card
ATK +12%.
❌Missing Description
✅Set Bonus:
Neptune Uniform-LT
Mutating Khalitzburg Card
MATK +12%.
To clarify, not all class modifiers are mistranslated as ATK%, for example Ghost Whisper actually has ATK% correctly
btw the Melee modifier enchant just gets labeled as "Physical Damage" please fix that.
Edited by DrowsyCate, 05 January 2025 - 04:52 PM.