Am I the only one with this problem(can't hold onto Blacksmith Blessings)) - Ragnarok Online Community Chat - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Am I the only one with this problem(can't hold onto Blacksmith Blessings))

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#1 Zoltor


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Posted 31 October 2024 - 01:50 PM

Lol this happens to me all the time, I get Blacksmith Blessings from box OCP drops, but plan to use them, so I don't want to sell them. However then I see a item up for sale I want(it tends to be a out of print item at that), so I'm like I only need to sell 5 of my blessings to get the remaining zenny I need, and this keeps happening until before I know it, I have sold all my Black Smith Blessings lol.


I kind of look at it like this, you could always buy Blacksmith Blessing, where that's not the case for many equips. Also while I have other stuff I "could" sell, few things sell as easily/fast as Blacksmith Blessings.

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