Dark Lord Isn't a MvP I normally farmed, so maybe it has been this way for ages, but some odd things have been happening.
First off, his mini boss mob no longer seems killable. You get them to zero hp by the looks of it, but they will not die.
Then there something even crazier that happened. One time I faced it with my RK, and somhow I instantly died out of nowhere, and there was no visual que of anything hitting me atm. I should point out the my RK has nearly 70k hp.
I ran into his mob another time, and I know it couldn't be something like all their attacks hitting+graphic glitch, as I confirmed they can't really hurt my RK(they were doing like 50 damage a pop), besides as far as I know, no MvP(not even Valk, damn I hate that boss lol, so cheap), let alone a lower tier one like Dark Lord can do 70k damage.out of nowhere.
What's the deal?