Just happen to miss click and ended here after many years away. Now I have thoughts of coming back to the game, and playing around.
From the password reset I lost 90% of my gear/money, unless devs would like to help gain me access to my sura account again.
Now that my venting is done. I don't see any guilds recruiting. I still see constant patch notes witch looks good.
I am thinking even if I get my things back is this worth coming back too. So many hours played, multiple servers been though, running multiple guilds. I have so many memories I have from this game.
I miss going through and leveling so many char. the joy of killing things and running away.
Best times were always in the event of WOE. The rush of having 300 people in one castle fighting to break it. Alliances battles, party set ups, supplier times.
The game before I left was already in bad state. Only one or two castles had any real battles going on. Even now looking at woochi videos does not look like that has changed any.
I would be interested in leveling my sorc and a sura to max level if get back into it. If i dont get my gears will it be fun for me still.
Is the grind worth it to get new gears to start to have fun again.
Let me know is it worth it to come back to game after all this time?