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Is it worth it?

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#1 miliardo


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 02:10 AM

Just happen to miss click and ended here after many years away. Now I have thoughts of coming back to the game, and playing around. 


From the password reset I lost 90% of my gear/money, unless devs would like to help gain me access to my sura account again.


Now that my venting is done. I don't see any guilds recruiting. I still see constant patch notes witch looks good.


I am thinking even if I get my things back is this worth coming back too. So many hours played, multiple servers been though, running multiple guilds. I have so many memories I have from this game.


I miss going through and leveling so many char. the joy of killing things and running away.  


Best times were always in the event of WOE. The rush of having 300 people in one castle fighting to break it. Alliances battles, party set ups, supplier times. 


The game before I left was already in bad state. Only one or two castles had any real battles going on. Even now looking at woochi videos does not look like that has changed any.


I would be interested in leveling my sorc and a sura to max level if get back into it. If i dont get my gears will it be fun for me still.


Is the grind worth it to get new gears to start to have fun again.


Let me know is it worth it to come back to game after all this time?










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#2 VanishingPoint


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 02:20 AM

It’s never been easier to level up right now. Make sure tou stack the 20th event costumes and Lilly for the Lullaby (Halloween event) costumes for a big exp boost.

Some players have reported getting to level 200 in less than a day.
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#3 Zoltor


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 04:26 AM

It’s never been easier to level up right now. Make sure tou stack the 20th event costumes and Lilly for the Lullaby (Halloween event) costumes for a big exp boost.

Some players have reported getting to level 200 in less than a day.



I'm gonna have to call BS on the 2nd part. While overall leveling it easier, no one is getting to 200 in a day.  Renewal while makes leveling easier, power leveling is way worse then it was in the old days. Bt large you are limitet to what the bounty boards give you, and it can take around a hour to find/kill the enemies you need to. They there's the xp penalty you get if a monster is too high/low lv as well.



PS. To the OP, yea definitely worth it(like he said, It's a lot easier to lv now), and depending how long ago you played, your old gear may not be that good anyway. What kind of stuff did you have?

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#4 VanishingPoint


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 05:02 AM

Calling someone out before doing math makes you look silly. You've been been away for way too long to realize that there are tons of gears that gives exp bonuses now. Below is just a short list I was using to get from 175 to 200 in less than an hour.


300% server exp bonus + 50% from 20th anniversary set + 55% from Halloween set + VIP + BMX. Regular gears such as Happy Ballon (+5%) + Lian Shield (+10%), Leaf Cat Hat (+25%) + Experience Set (up to +30%)


I myself went from 175 - 200 in less than an hour without a single quest turn-in. 30 mins @ nogg then 20 mins @ Thana tower.

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#5 Zoltor


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 05:16 AM

Calling someone out before doing math makes you look silly. You've been been away for way too long to realize that there are tons of gears that gives exp bonuses now. Below is just a short list I was using to get from 175 to 200 in less than an hour.


300% server exp bonus + 50% from 20th anniversary set + 55% from Halloween set + VIP + BMX. Regular gears such as Happy Ballon (+5%) + Lian Shield (+10%), Leaf Cat Hat (+25%) + Experience Set (up to +30%)


I myself went from 175 - 200 in less than an hour without a single quest turn-in. 30 mins @ nogg then 20 mins @ Thana tower.

Bounty boards don't really get faster, nomatter how long you're away. They're steady, and consistant sure, but fast Isn't what they are, especially after lv 100/120, when every single bounty is atleast 150.



Lol you need all of that to pull that off yikes. Yea don't expect even 2% of players to have "all" that, that just Isn't normal lol.

Edited by Zoltor, 19 November 2024 - 05:17 AM.

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#6 VanishingPoint


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 05:40 AM

Most of them are free and some of the gears I mentioned are less than 50m. There are many more to choose. I also mentioned I did it without a single bounty turn-in. Probably faster if you do bounty.
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#7 freddym


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 04:55 PM

Just happen to miss click and ended here after many years away. Now I have thoughts of coming back to the game, and playing around. 


From the password reset I lost 90% of my gear/money, unless devs would like to help gain me access to my sura account again.


Now that my venting is done. I don't see any guilds recruiting. I still see constant patch notes witch looks good.


I am thinking even if I get my things back is this worth coming back too. So many hours played, multiple servers been though, running multiple guilds. I have so many memories I have from this game.


I miss going through and leveling so many char. the joy of killing things and running away.  


Best times were always in the event of WOE. The rush of having 300 people in one castle fighting to break it. Alliances battles, party set ups, supplier times. 


The game before I left was already in bad state. Only one or two castles had any real battles going on. Even now looking at woochi videos does not look like that has changed any.


I would be interested in leveling my sorc and a sura to max level if get back into it. If i dont get my gears will it be fun for me still.


Is the grind worth it to get new gears to start to have fun again.


Let me know is it worth it to come back to game after all this time?





How do you even miss know what I'm gonna get into it. The fact that you made a thread already screams something I don't know what it is but it's screaming. 


It's either 


A. You want people to feel bad for you.


B. You want people to tell you it's worth it and come back.


C. You're absolutely bored and "missed click"


D. All of the above.

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#8 ThePlutonians


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 05:21 PM

Calling someone out before doing math makes you look silly. You've been been away for way too long to realize that there are tons of gears that gives exp bonuses now. Below is just a short list I was using to get from 175 to 200 in less than an hour.


300% server exp bonus + 50% from 20th anniversary set + 55% from Halloween set + VIP + BMX. Regular gears such as Happy Ballon (+5%) + Lian Shield (+10%), Leaf Cat Hat (+25%) + Experience Set (up to +30%)


I myself went from 175 - 200 in less than an hour without a single quest turn-in. 30 mins @ nogg then 20 mins @ Thana tower.


To be fair, not all classes can function with full EXP gears on. They all are useful when turn in for sure, but wearing all of those during high-level leveling is not really practical even with some other items are BiS (maybe only some classes can do that). One of them who cannot do that is Sorcerer, which is the class the OP is interested in.


To answer OP's question, yes grinding is not really a big deal for lower levels since they introduced 4th jobs and increased the level cap to 250 and also added some leveling spots/methods. The same boring thing happens in the later part of the grinding process (maybe above 230, 240, or none at all till 250, depending on personal opinion on how they enjoy grinding) when the exp curve becomes so steep. Well thats for PvM. For WoE, I'll leave it to others to comment. But I guess it's still filled with drama, as expected, since it is "PvP" in nature.


By the way, Sorcerer (now Elemental Master) is one of the most powerful classes (at least in PvM/MvP) in RO today - though not sure if this is the same Sorc playstyle that the OP enjoy back then.

Edited by ThePlutonians, 19 November 2024 - 05:23 PM.

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#9 Jefuu


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 05:29 PM

I'm gonna have to call BS on the 2nd part. While overall leveling it easier, no one is getting to 200 in a day.  Renewal while makes leveling easier, power leveling is way worse then it was in the old days. Bt large you are limitet to what the bounty boards give you, and it can take around a hour to find/kill the enemies you need to. They there's the xp penalty you get if a monster is too high/low lv as well.



PS. To the OP, yea definitely worth it(like he said, It's a lot easier to lv now), and depending how long ago you played, your old gear may not be that good anyway. What kind of stuff did you have?


Actually, VanishingPoint isn't wrong. As long as you have strong enough gears to 1-shot the 180+ dungeons, and a class with a great AOE, you can go from 1-100 (including rebirth) in about an hour and, with proper Server Bonus EXP like right now, clear 100-200 in a few hours.


I've done faster on better classes but I just did Novice > Super Novice > Hyper Novice (lvl200) in around 6-7 hours over 2 days? Not including the silly "kill 1000 Porings" part of the quest in that equation. Having something more optimized like EM or AB with costume stones and could maybe do it quicker!


I did not use any EXP-boosting gear except the 20th Anniversary Costume set either. Gramps TI covers you 100-150 and then the Illusion Dungeons cover you til 180, followed by the 180+ dungeons with great turn-in NPCs (Einbech/Odin/Abyss/Thantos/Undies2).

Edited by Jefuu, 19 November 2024 - 05:38 PM.

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#10 Jefuu


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 05:35 PM

To answer OP's question, yes grinding is not really a big deal for lower levels since they introduced 4th jobs and increased the level cap to 250 and also added some leveling spots/methods. The same boring thing happens in the later part of the grinding process (maybe above 230, 240, or none at all till 250, depending on personal opinion on how they enjoy grinding) when the exp curve becomes so steep.


This is what kills it for me. I stop most of my characters at 230 (outside of my main) simply because the grind is so dull 230-240. Not having a meaningful turn-in really kills that sense of accomplishment to drive you to grind more lol.


While I haven't done them yet, the new Clock Tower Basement + Biosphere at least have some turn-ins worth a little something, so maybe it's time to finally 250 my WindHawk :heh:

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#11 freddym


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 05:50 PM

If we can just step outside our comfort zones and look at leveling from a different point of view that'll be great. Because new players surely won't level to 200 in a day as they don't have anything to get them that far. Sure it's SUPER easy and convenient when you have all the gears and exp boosts for days but not for all. Maybe before typing ask yourselves "is everyone like me?" "Does the world revolve around me?" and I can assure you it does not  :eyes: . 

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#12 Jefuu


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 05:54 PM

If we can just step outside our comfort zones and look at leveling from a different point of view that'll be great. Because new players surely won't level to 200 in a day as they don't have anything to get them that far. Sure it's SUPER easy and convenient when you have all the gears and exp boosts for days but not for all. Maybe before typing ask yourselves "is everyone like me?" "Does the world revolve around me?" and I can assure you it does not  :eyes: . 


I don't think anyone is saying this is doable for everyone and, if anything, it's probably only doable for the minority. Vanishing was called BS on his comment and I was just confirming that it is actually possible in the right conditions.

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#13 ThePlutonians


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 06:01 PM

This is what kills it for me. I stop most of my characters at 230 (outside of my main) simply because the grind is so dull 230-240. Not having a meaningful turn-in really kills that sense of accomplishment to drive you to grind more lol.


While I haven't done them yet, the new Clock Tower Basement + Biosphere at least have some turn-ins worth a little something, so maybe it's time to finally 250 my WindHawk :heh:


Err, if you expect the majority of your exp comes from quests like you did in earlier levels (bounty boards, illusion investigation, etc.) then nope haha. Even the CTb 5000-kill weekly quest only gives you like 10% or less near the end of the level cap. It gives you a good progress earlier in your 240-250 journey, but expect your main activity will be grinding at this high level.


Currently, the pace is still okay and many did reach 250 (expanded and non-expanded) because of many players forming a party (due to expanded class race, exp boost event, and the new map which is good both for leveling and farming some loots). But once less people play (therefore harder to find big party), the progress will definitely become slower since grinding with big party (exp share) is your only hope to make this part of the journey bearable (to me at least; I would rather just stop than solo grinding if there's no party). 

Edited by ThePlutonians, 19 November 2024 - 06:06 PM.

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#14 freddym


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 06:02 PM

I don't think anyone is saying this is doable for everyone and, if anything, it's probably only doable for the minority. Vanishing was called BS on his comment and I was just confirming that it is actually possible in the right conditions.


But how was anyone suppose to realize that when all the posts were one sided....Zoltor mentioned that they couldn't get to 200 in a day and called BS but in actuality not everyone can so technically it's not BS for some.  I'm not saying Vanishingpoint is wrong and I'm not saying Zoltor is wrong they both expressed two different point of views that are valid but defending one point of view without acknowledging the other is wrong. 

Edited by freddym, 19 November 2024 - 06:19 PM.

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#15 Hakobune


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 06:34 PM

Let me know is it worth it to come back to game after all this time?







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#16 Jefuu


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Posted 19 November 2024 - 08:03 PM

Err, if you expect the majority of your exp comes from quests like you did in earlier levels (bounty boards, illusion investigation, etc.) then nope haha. Even the CTb 5000-kill weekly quest only gives you like 10% or less near the end of the level cap. It gives you a good progress earlier in your 240-250 journey, but expect your main activity will be grinding at this high level.


Currently, the pace is still okay and many did reach 250 (expanded and non-expanded) because of many players forming a party (due to expanded class race, exp boost event, and the new map which is good both for leveling and farming some loots). But once less people play (therefore harder to find big party), the progress will definitely become slower since grinding with big party (exp share) is your only hope to make this part of the journey bearable (to me at least; I would rather just stop than solo grinding if there's no party). 


Yeah... I mean it sounds better than the Niff2 grind (10% is like 30-60min of grinding without 300% lol) but I'm fully aware it will still be rough. Just hoping it will be a little less rough for my last 5 levels :ok:



But how was anyone suppose to realize that when all the posts were one sided....Zoltor mentioned that they couldn't get to 200 in a day and called BS but in actuality not everyone can so technically it's not BS for some.  I'm not saying Vanishingpoint is wrong and I'm not saying Zoltor is wrong they both expressed two different point of views that are valid but defending one point of view without acknowledging the other is wrong. 


Well Zoltor said "I call BS, no one is getting to 200 in a day" and that was just false. Apologies if I did not acknowledge not everyone can do this, but I assumed that was obvious? I wouldn't assume a fresh-faced Novice to understand the game enough/have the gear to do such a thing, but saying something is not doable when it very much is was the piece I was challenging.

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#17 miliardo


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Posted 20 November 2024 - 01:42 AM

How do you even miss know what I'm gonna get into it. The fact that you made a thread already screams something I don't know what it is but it's screaming. 


It's either 


A. You want people to feel bad for you.


B. You want people to tell you it's worth it and come back.


C. You're absolutely bored and "missed click"


D. All of the above.


I actually downloaded game, and logged in. I cant find my password file yet but I will soon, than I can see what I still have to work with.


This was a thread to see if old friends around, and to hear about current state of game. 


I did miss click on my bookmarks and brought me here. It was out of curiosity I looked into the threads. Nothing more than that.


I feel bad for myself for a moment, but hopeful it will come back one day its still in game on that account. 

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#18 VanishingPoint


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Posted 20 November 2024 - 06:08 AM

I actually downloaded game, and logged in. I cant find my password file yet but I will soon, than I can see what I still have to work with.


This was a thread to see if old friends around, and to hear about current state of game. 


I did miss click on my bookmarks and brought me here. It was out of curiosity I looked into the threads. Nothing more than that.


I feel bad for myself for a moment, but hopeful it will come back one day its still in game on that account. 


I missed you. PVP was a blast when you and the gang were around.


Anyway since this thread is picking up traction, I highly recommend all new players and returning players to at least do the 20th Anniversary quest to get the costume headgear + garment for a whopping +60% exp boost (free of charge). Don't forget to do the Halloween event to get the 93 Butterfly mid costume and Haunted Talisman for some extra exp boost for free.


The rest of the EXP gears I've mentioned can be bought from market. Do your searches to see which gears is most affordable to you or if it's worth your efforts.


Remember time is money and the more time you save....

Edited by VanishingPoint, 20 November 2024 - 06:28 AM.

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#19 fuyukikun


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Posted 20 November 2024 - 06:24 AM

I actually downloaded game, and logged in. I cant find my password file yet but I will soon, than I can see what I still have to work with.


This was a thread to see if old friends around, and to hear about current state of game. 


I did miss click on my bookmarks and brought me here. It was out of curiosity I looked into the threads. Nothing more than that.


I feel bad for myself for a moment, but hopeful it will come back one day its still in game on that account. 

Same, lol...

I accidentally saw a twitter post of WP regarding 4th class expanded jobs. I quit at 2018, then come back for a month in 2021, then quit again. and today i read many articles about today's situation in the game, guess i will try some of the updates whether it is interesting enough to lure me back in the game.

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#20 miliardo


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Posted 20 November 2024 - 09:00 AM

I missed you. PVP was a blast when you and the gang were around.


Anyway since this thread is picking up traction, I highly recommend all new players and returning players to at least do the 20th Anniversary quest to get the costume headgear + garment for a whopping +60% exp boost (free of charge). Don't forget to do the Halloween event to get the 93 Butterfly mid costume and Haunted Talisman for some extra exp boost for free.


The rest of the EXP gears I've mentioned can be bought from market. Do your searches to see which gears is most affordable to you or if it's worth your efforts.


Remember time is money and the more time you save....


PVP was always the best part of the game for me. 


I know about a year ago I was messaged to come back for a WOE run. They were starting a new guild to have some fun but dont have much time to play games anymore.


Im trying to find interest to come back. If I do I will pick up the exp gears.


Its funny I can still remember when you first started playing. You still playing RG as main?

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#21 miliardo


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Posted 24 November 2024 - 04:36 PM

Well in shocking turn of events I am going to have all my accounts back including my gear.


Looks like I will be showing back up in game again. 


Immaculate lives again

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#22 Zoltor


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Posted 25 November 2024 - 07:59 AM

Well in shocking turn of events I am going to have all my accounts back including my gear.


Looks like I will be showing back up in game again. 


Immaculate lives again

Cool, glad everything worked out for you.

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#23 miliardo


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Posted 02 December 2024 - 12:10 AM

I am back first video made in so long. I have been levling already at level 187 almost getting to next job change.


Edited by miliardo, 02 December 2024 - 12:11 AM.

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#24 fuyukikun


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Posted 02 December 2024 - 12:59 AM

I am back first video made in so long. I have been levling already at level 187 almost getting to next job change. it was you. leveling in nogg3 is very painful today, skill spammer mobs, + nightmare terror and kaho spamming trade places with you lol.

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#25 miliardo


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Posted 02 December 2024 - 01:18 AM it was you. leveling in nogg3 is very painful today, skill spammer mobs, + nightmare terror and kaho spamming trade places with you lol.



I got to remember what it feels like to have your mobs taken from you. Overall leveling has been pretty easy going and very fast compared to anything I remember. I am excited to be getting to inquisitor soon and seeing some new zeny farming I can do.


I will say the markets are extremely difficult to learn again and has been challenging for me to figure best prices for things

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