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Suggestion: Universal token - a ragnarok subcurrency converter

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#1 fuyukikun


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Posted 29 November 2024 - 01:05 AM

This game has A LOT of subcurrency, some are outdated, and some are relevant. My idea is to be able to convert those subcurrency into a universal subcurrency that can be converted to one another.


How many subcurrency we have? Lets see:
Mora Coin

Splendide Coin

Sapha certificates

Honor Token

Charleston component

Geffen Magic Coin

Geffen Arena Coin

Gray Shard




The idea is to be able to convert something like mora coin to geffen arena coin, or gray shard to honor token, and things like that, but we need UNIVERSAL TOKEN as a bridge to them. Of course the amount needed will vary depend on the subcurrency. Let's say


10 mora coin -> 1 universal token

25 geffen magic coin -> 1 universal token

5 geffen arena coin -> 1 universal token

then, universal token can be converted to any of subcurrencies, with lowered efficiency. 

1 universal token -> 5 mora coin

1 universal token -> 10 geffen arena coin

1 universal token -> 2 geffen arena coin


why converting universal token to another subcurrency has lowered efficiency? it is to prevent people to abuse the system, to farm low level tokens to be converted to high level tokens. The idea of this proposal is just to be able to use any leftover subcurrencies we will never use again into something more relevant subcurrencies today.

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#2 ranalek


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Posted 29 November 2024 - 09:41 AM

I like this idea. Also Im not sure if the new GMs/CMs know about brownie points but would be nice if we can use them again. I wasnt active when they decided to change grandma boxter
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#3 grandetbug


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Posted 29 November 2024 - 10:24 AM

i think you miss the paramarket, there is now the paramarket which sells coins and even BSB
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#4 vividort


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Posted 29 November 2024 - 10:56 AM

paramarket update has a similar feature, and lot of other great stuff as well Paradise Market [Hazy Forest]

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#5 fuyukikun


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Posted 29 November 2024 - 11:39 PM

i think you miss the paramarket, there is now the paramarket which sells coins and even BSB

you missed the idea. the idea is not to buy coins, but to recycle old coins into new 'coins'. like, i want to turn my useless manuk and splendide coin into geffen arena coin or charleston component or the new one amethyst fragment. as updates go, RO introduce more and more 'coins' and making the previous coins obsolete.

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#6 ThePlutonians


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Posted 30 November 2024 - 10:17 AM

Or maybe just let go the old coins?  :)  (or if lucky find some buyers who still want to use those old coins/gears).

It's like asking for swapping old to new gears (e.g. Noblesse Armor to Gray Wolf Armor). The coins/rewards are obtained by doing each respective instance from F2P contents. I mean if it's a change of currency for cash shop (e.g. from Kafra to Zonda Points), I think it's fair to ask for conversion of left-over balance since we didn't get it by doing a specific game content but just converting our cash into in-game currency. Or another example of fair trade maybe is for recycling those trash shadow gears, ygg and alch boxes from Kachua chest into something more useful like Kachua coupon (or even better removal of those items completely from Kachua in later cycles).


Anyway, the paramarket update is definitely a welcome change as long as they adjust the price to reflect our current economy. Nobody is going to buy BSB for 50m each or Zelunium Ore 800k each (except maybe for some people who are allergic to buying stuffs from other people and too lazy to farm it). Paramarket should give a healthy competition in the current market so that nobody should have that much control of availability and affordability of some items (I heard some people once bought all available stock of a certain MVP loots and control the market price; hope that's not going to happen again with this update). The WP team should do some preliminary research and set the appropriate price - not too high (to give us an economic reason to buy from it of course), but also not too low to give people a chance to still sell their stuffs at lower price - i.e. not to make their revenue-effort ratio unreasonably low that it's no longer beneficial to farm stuffs by doing game contents/instances. For example, I think the price of elemental ores at 10k (the listed price from that kRO link) is still reasonable in our current economy.

Edited by ThePlutonians, 30 November 2024 - 10:35 AM.

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#7 VanishingPoint


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Posted 30 November 2024 - 12:36 PM

Players have suggested many great ideas (see improve ragnarok thread), but none listened. The results are a dead woe scene, empty pvp rooms, servers shutdown, etc. Any suggestion that doesn’t benefit Gravity’s short term pocket is usually sweep under the rug.
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