There seems to be some kind of an issue with Fire Condor spawns in moro_vol. There's so few on the map and I think the NPCs are teleporting them to the void and not allowing them to respawn properly if they approach. It's harder to find one of them than a miniboss. And their card is only good for less than level 100 characters anyways, so it's not necessary to keep it as a mega rare drop. So the spawn amounts should match the other mobs on the map, or at least have a chance of getting it from an OCA.

Fire Condors spawn bugged
Started by
, Dec 06 2024 07:35 PM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 06 December 2024 - 07:35 PM
Posted 06 December 2024 - 07:46 PM
yep, that place been broken forever, spawns only normalize for a bit after maintenance reset the map servers :/
Posted 06 December 2024 - 10:35 PM
not bugged. but with time, just like the ones in illusion luanda, i just notice it there is a time when they are active outside and inctive time by time maybe its a feature on that map respawn timing base in server time night and day
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