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How to not die while casting?

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#1 JinLove


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Posted 13 December 2024 - 08:20 PM

Okay, simple dumb question. But I've only really ever played the thief/assassin classes. I started a mage a few days ago and I'm struggling in area's where the monsters just outright attack you. Especially while casting. I either get the cast canceled and then die or die right after. 


What are some good tips to prevent this? Can I do anything to help with casting being canceled when I get hit? What are some good items to use for getting my HP higher, or any other tips would be greatly appreciated. 

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#2 slayerherosk2222


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Posted 13 December 2024 - 08:51 PM

you are looking at items/gears preventing casting interruption. 


a buff from cash shop could be infinity drink. 


a cheap gear is love piece. 


other thing you can do, use lower level of the skill, cast it shorter and run, and do it multiple times to kill monsters.


higher budget could allow you to buy some gears to reduce casting time, you need to know whether you are looking at variable casting time or fixed casting time.  

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#3 EdwardEG


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Posted 13 December 2024 - 09:29 PM

What's your current level and which map you are hunting?

You can get cast without being interrupted using phen or Bloody Butterfly card which you can get it cheap (or just hunt down free phen card from completing overlook byalan dungeon)

At early levels, i suggest to get fast cast such as soul strike. If you are a wizard, try get frost nova and then once you freeze the mobs, you can JT or LOV on them.

For instant HP and SP gain after killing monster, get CVB (catherine von blood). It was insanely expensive but its cheap now

Edited by EdwardEG, 13 December 2024 - 09:31 PM.

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#4 jsquishy


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Posted 13 December 2024 - 10:24 PM

There are many strategies.


I used to play during the time that cards are rare and even normal gear is not so common back in 2005, xp was slow and dying was 3% - and we still leveled fine.


Firstly you need to choose your battles. Find monsters that are slow, low mdef. Then think of your strategy depending on your cast time / level / gear.



1. Firewall - Most efficient is a vertical firewall so monsters need to plow thru 3 pillars. If your damage is high enough, sometimes you dont need to cast another spell, just vertical firewall and they may die from it. Works great on alarms, stings, mi gao.

2. Safety wall - downside is you need blue gems, but nowadays its easy to make zeny. Use quagmire when you are a wizard to reduce monster aspd to prolong it. Can combine with some freezing strategy

3. Freeze - Many options here. 1. Sasquatch card. 2. Frost diver 3. Frost nova 4. Level 1 stormgust. Follow-up with a wind spell like JT or CL for efficiency. Downside is undead cant freeze.

4. Stone - Pest card. I wouldn't recommend stone curse or sienna execrate since its not very efficient (only was useful before for pvp, not so much anymore). Follow up with a fire spell. 

5. Some gears and uninterruptable cast. - If you have neutral reduction gears like devilring, and your cast is not super long and you dont take too many hits, you can tank it till you cast. use a phen or geffen magic robe or something so the cast doesn't get interrupted. Then drain life to get your hp back. 




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