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New Player Leveling - Chaos

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#1 TwinEvil


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Posted 16 January 2025 - 10:34 AM

Hi everyone

Been playing the games for years but I finally made an account on the Chaos server to play the official version of the game. There are a ton of leveling guides that are high level overview but I haven't seen one that tailors to a brand new player starting with zero zeny having to grind everything from scratch. Right now I'm following the iRO wiki leveling guide but I keep hearing it's possible to go 1 to 99 in like 6 hours. I'm currently a level 26/25 Taekwon going Linker and I'm easily 4 hours in.

What cash shop gears can I buy that will assist in the 1 to 99 boost? I've seen some great guides on YouTube but the guy mentions "one blood" and I don't see that anywhere in the cash shop. I think it's a helm that gives a ton of hp/sp?

I don't mind spending some money on the cash shop to speed up the journey. Really I just want to rush to 120ish Soul Reaper then I can take it slow and enjoy the game.

Looking for what I can buy besides VIP that will be very beneficial to a fresh player and maybe a more efficient leveling path than just Eden job boards killing 10-30 enemies at a time before turning in. Mainly concerned with 1-110. 110 I'll be doing Illusion of Moonlight and then episode questing.

Greatly appreciate any feedback.
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#2 VModIceCreamCake


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Posted 21 January 2025 - 06:59 PM

Welcome to the real game!

The Cash Shop mainly has useful consumables for sale or equipment like a Steam Ring which greatly helps getting to level 99.

Beyond what you can directly purchase you likely will want to get gacha items like a Catherina Von Blood (which likely was what the YouTuber mentioned) or Bat Von Blood either of which will help quite a lot with leveling. Either can be purchased from other players or can try to get a new CVB from a few different OCP boxes in the Cash Shop. The BVB is currently a reward available from spend events when you use over a set amount of Kafra Points to reach the appropriate tier on any Cash Shop items (January Spend Promotion).

If I were starting fresh I would purchase a few 10 Day VIP from the Cash Shop to sell to other players then buy a CVB to get a big head start on my new characters.

Hope this helps!

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#3 CaptainSunbear


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Posted 22 January 2025 - 01:19 PM

Kinda late to this thread but @TwinEvil can you tell me where you are currently at? I can try to help you and walk you through the whole leveling process for soul linke here in renewal.

The thing is that even though some classes can get to 99 in 6~8~12 hours, it really depends on WHICH class is doing so. 

Unfortunately Soul Linker has the slowest leveling speed out of all the classes due to a few factors such as: requiring more job levels to get their damage skill as soul linker, leveling up on int/dex as a taekwon and their skills use up alot of SP but reduce in consumption as you get some skills and base levels.

let me know where you are at and I can walk you through, otherwise you can join the Sunbear discord and you can DM me from there: click here to join the sunbear discord and contact me Ill take time and walk you through the whole thing. I leveled up a soul linker to 99 in the past and it IS difficult. So, let me be of assistance if you'd like. Thanks

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