General Idea: The theme of this idea is centered around 'GIFTS'.
Sub Idea: Kill-count hunting at Toy Factory
Sub Idea: Morphed Myst-Cases, Cruisers, Etc. spawning at random locations. These would be harder versions of the original
General Idea Explanation:
The GIFTS theme can be utilized in a few ways. One of these ways would require that the current Gift Boxes would need to be greatly revamped and re-stocked with new and useful items. Thier current itemization sucks pretty much. I will explain a couple of the 'GIFT' ideas below.
Gift Idea #1 Using the new revamped gift boxes, users would complete a quest in Xmas Land that would reward them with a Christmas Event Headgear. This headgear would give the wearer increased EXP during the event and give the chance of one of the new and improved gift boxes dropping when hunting.
Gift Idea #2 Kafra Gift Cards - Players can purchase reduced rate 'gift cards' from the Kafra girls that then could be given to freinds. This would be a great way for people to give and receive Kafra points at a reduced Christmas rate.
Sub Idea Explanation: Kill count events are still popular and would add more fun to the Christmas Event. One such kill count could take place at Toy Factory for mid-level characters. Because this is a small environment, other kill count areas would need to be implemented to insure that the Factory did not overcrowd. (I liked one posters idea of involving Magma in thier storyline. The demons at Magma could be attempting to ruin Christmas or some such thing and that would be a great addition to the Kill Count for mid-to-higher level players.)
Sub Idea Explanaton: In order to involve everyone in the fun, spawns of morphed, much harder to kill Myst Cases, Cruisers and other Toy Factory related mob could spawn in outdoor areas with new drops for Christmas!
I will add more ideas and add more info to these later. However, I want to add (and this is just my opinion) long storyline quests involving nothing but travel and dialogue with NPCs is boring. When you get down to it, we all know what the playerbase likes, so for Christmas, I propose we just do more of it! Add a little spice and we're set!
Edited by Chisami, 11 August 2010 - 09:55 AM.