�Dragon Saga: ShortFilm Contest�
Dragon Saga would like to announce a new contest for all you Dragon Saga moviemakers out there!
Now is your chance to express yourselves in a creative short-film involving Dragon Saga.
The contest will begin deadline for submissions will be April 4th,2011 with winners to be announced April 8th,2011.
Contest Guidelines:· Video must be between 2-3 minutes in length
· Video can be in any of the following formats: Anime/Machinima/Real Film/Animation
· Video must be Dragon Saga related in some way and PG-13. (no nudity or foul language)
· Video must contain ingame Dragon Saga gameplay. Video does not need to be solely ingame footage, so be creative.
· Video must be Valentine�s Day and/or love related. (It can be falling in love or out, be creative)
· To submit a video, please create a thread in this forum with your character�s name in the title and embed you video with a short explanation of the video. (one to two sentences)
· Each video is only good for 1 Entry into the contest.
· 1 Entry per person.
The top five videos will be awarded the following.
· Grand Prize � 5 w coins + two(2) EXP Boost Potion � 80% Up + your choice of one(1) Gato Balloon or one(1) Dragon Balloon
<img src="http://blog.gravityu...1/02/Gato1.png" alt="Gato2" title="Gato2" width="150" height="150" class="aligncenter size-thumbnail wp-image-946" /><img src="http://blog.gravityu...1/02/Gato2.png" alt="Gato1" title="Gato1" width="150" height="150" class="aligncenter size-thumbnail wp-image-947" />
<img src="http://blog.gravityu...02/Dragon1.png" alt="Dragon1" title="Dragon1" width="150" height="150" class="aligncenter size-thumbnail wp-image-949" /><img src="http://blog.gravityu...02/Dragon2.png" alt="Dragon2" title="Dragon2" width="150" height="150" class="aligncenter size-thumbnail wp-image-948" />
All entries which meet the requirements will receive Two (2) W-Coin just for entering.