+9 ? Good luck with that. You're too late.
Unfortunately this is true. +9 KvM items are going to be heirlooms that linger around since HDores were first introduced unless they provide a complete change to the upgrading system. Its unfortunate they ever were introduced like this... but now that the cat's out of the bag (thanks iRO GM team!

) meeting the PvP standard just got that much more difficult (yay...

If they're real fights I'll join. Can't say I enjoy it for long with the cooldown in effect and only one KvM room available if the more people decide to come (causing there to be a line). Or if the room bugs often and we get kicked out. Yeah... iRO management needs to get their asses in gear. This would be bad for a retail game... for a monthly subscription game that has a support team at hand for just this type of thing... its horrendous.
Edited by Nombus, 07 February 2011 - 05:02 AM.