Meet the boss herself
* Kelsieee
Meet the partners in crime (Cliche Deputy Managers)
* Oerba
* fadesurf
If you'd like to be apart of Cliche, take note of these
* Be Friendly
* Be Social (Having a good sense of humor helps)
* Be Helpful
* Be Active (we need to keep the clan lively!)
* Be Awesome (this doesn't mean being conceited)
[ How to join ]
It's simple really. Leave your IGN and why you'd like to join Cliche in this thread.
One of us will add you into Cliche.
If Cliche is full - we'll put you on the spot reservation list and add you in when a spot opens :] Levels do not really matter - we look for the quality and nature of the player. Feel free to raise any questions or concerns in this thread. We don't bite :3
[ Websites | Groups ]
Edited by Kelsieee, 20 March 2012 - 11:26 AM.