Please take away level/drop rate
Posted 27 March 2011 - 03:38 PM
I was in the alpha beta test about 10 years ago and have played 3 years of IRO including many mmo's since that time. There were a few things I loved about RO which made me come back to the game. When I returned I noticed these things were no longer here:
#1 The defense formula. From what I hear an extra decimal was added in the % to make it so people cannot have 99% defense + static defense from vit. I hear now the highest anyone can get it is about 40%. So a monster does 30k damage to my toon, minus 40% damage and 500 static (I know it will never be this high but I'm using it just for the sake of arguement), it will do 17.5k which is still enough to 1shot my toon. Instead I propose making a % cap on defense that will make it so not everything does one damage, but is also within a reasonable range to reach. I would say 80% sounds fair.
#2 The exp/drop rate to you're level needs to go completely. I have never agreed with this system. If I put in the time to level my character, then I should be able to reap the rewards from this. If I want to kill stalatic golems to get some Elu's to OE my armor, because imo it has the best hunting droprate, then I should not have to recreate a level 6x toon to farm these items. If I want to farm a rocker card for my crafter, I shouldn't have to constantly recreate level 15 toons for the 0.01% chance that I find it. I ask to please reconsider this change.
#3 The stat change overall, atk speed, what is given from stats increased per level, so forth is now been nerfed I see. I liked it the way it was and I think it should go back.
Please let me know what you think upon this subject, otherwise, I'm hoping for Tera for my next mmorpg.
Posted 27 March 2011 - 06:05 PM
2)My guess is they were thinking, if you want an item you can't hunt you would just buy it on the market.
3) From what I understand, the devs were thinking with the current system everything was going too extreme. You had skills that could do 999,999 dmg under certain conditions. In the end, there was no way to further expand the current system.
Posted 27 March 2011 - 06:13 PM
Posted 27 March 2011 - 06:16 PM
Posted 27 March 2011 - 06:36 PM
#2 -
My guess is they were thinking' date=' if you want an item you can't hunt you would just buy it [b']from bots[/b] on the market.
#3 - Since you have more stat point some things just needed to be nerfed or else things would go way to OP (And even like this there are some things OP)
Posted 27 March 2011 - 06:49 PM
If Def would go the way they were.. then WoE would be a joke... full of immortals.
Posted 27 March 2011 - 09:15 PM
So a monster does 30k damage to my toon, minus 40% damage and 500 static (I know it will never be this high but I'm using it just for the sake of arguement), it will do 17.5k which is still enough to 1shot my toon. Instead I propose making a % cap on defense that will make it so not everything does one damage, but is also within a reasonable range to reach. I would say 80% sounds fair.
I wish there were monsters which did 30k damage. Other than a few selected monsters, right now, we are living in a RO where our charas are just too strong for whatever monster they face. Even if you are 40+ levels lower than the monster.
#2 The exp/drop rate to you're level needs to go completely. I have never agreed with this system. If I put in the time to level my character, then I should be able to reap the rewards from this. If I want to kill stalatic golems to get some Elu's to OE my armor, because imo it has the best hunting droprate, then I should not have to recreate a level 6x toon to farm these items. If I want to farm a rocker card for my crafter, I shouldn't have to constantly recreate level 15 toons for the 0.01% chance that I find it. I ask to please reconsider this change.
^Agreed @@
Please let me know what you think upon this subject, otherwise, I'm hoping for Tera for my next mmorpg.
Tera will be an awesome mmoprg! Appart from graphics, mechanics and interesting ideas, they promised that most of the leveling will be done by completing quests and target missions harder than "Kill 200 dragons, come back and repeat". I wish RO could copycat this at least, and make questing an option of leveling. We would need to add two zeroes to the current quest rewards at least, thought!
Posted 27 March 2011 - 09:17 PM
Posted 27 March 2011 - 11:09 PM
Posted 27 March 2011 - 11:16 PM
MMORPG communism = everyone's level 1 forever and can't get anythingHow would we even get items or experience if they took away levels and drop rates?
Edited by ZeroTigress, 27 March 2011 - 11:19 PM.
Posted 28 March 2011 - 07:47 PM
yesHow would we even get items or experience if they took away levels and drop rates?

but good fact NO MORE GRINDS / FARMING!
Posted 01 April 2011 - 01:53 PM
Stalatic golem level 66:
level 66 - 68: Found 4 full Eluminums
level 68 - 70: Found 1 full eluminum
I'm sure you can guess what it is going to be from this point on.
As a toon that is starting from near beginning, I do not want to have to make 5 level 60 wizards, just to get the mats/items needed to gear myself up to fight level 80-100 mobs on just 1 toon. This is why I left lineage 2 because I reached top level but don't have any gear for my toon. So to be competitive in pvp I would have to spend 3 months making a level 76 toons to go farm for another 3 months on what sells in the market, just so I can gear up my main. This is not how I want to play an mmorpg.
I don't mind giving a bonus for players who fight higher level monsters, but they shouldn't be penalized if they put in the time leveling their toon either. If it doesn't change then I wont reactivate next month. GL with the game.
Posted 01 April 2011 - 04:59 PM
Posted 01 April 2011 - 07:23 PM
exactly.they would rather have people leave the game, than to admit they were wrong in implementing the current drop rate.
Posted 01 April 2011 - 10:37 PM
The only reason drop penalties work in other MMO's is because you have absolutely no need for the items lower level monsters drop, because they're for lower level chars. In RO it can only work if the low level drops also drop from higher level monsters, or quests.
Posted 02 April 2011 - 01:46 PM
Posted 02 April 2011 - 11:36 PM
Posted 03 April 2011 - 07:06 AM
If everything is working and the game is fun, does it really matter that we can't add gear with more deffense in numbers?
Does it matter that people can get instant cast if they find it fun? Does it matter if there are extreme monsters who do thousands of damage to ungeared characters as long as there is a way to resist them stacking the correct gear? Is it qorth it to break what is not broken?
I would have rathered a much simple fix to RO. If skills do 999999 damage, then scale damage so everything does 10 times less damage and there, you can have 'stronger' skills now. If instant cast is too easy, then just raise the cap to 300 dex or so, and be done with it.
For third classes, just add a copypaste of 1-99 exp curves multiplied by 10 and level in monsters with exp rewards multiplied by 10 with HPs and harder skills that hurt a lot.
The only good mechanics I liked from renewal are making luk more useful (well done), the idea of fixed/non fixed cast time for some skills (for example, strong skills like GFist, howling, and such having a fixed cast time, and weak skills like magnus having, wind walker, etc no fixed cast time), which was implemented backwards; some skill changes too... but for me, renewal was a fix a tiny bit, break a superlot of things xP.
Posted 03 April 2011 - 07:57 AM
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