I did not see any recent topics on the Warp Portal Forums talking about the Super Novice Expansion update. I decided to start a thread to briefly chat specifically about the new skills that Super Novices will have access to when the new update from kRO is implemented into iRO.
Allow me to formally introduce myself. My name is Ki, better known as Cat on iRO. I play as a Novice/Super Novice/High Novice as my main character and have played iRO since 2004 when the Juno Patch was implemented.
As some of you may know, Super Novices will be able to do a quest, if they are Base Level 99 and Job Level 99, that allows them to go to Base Level 150 and Job Level 50 and get access to new skills. They will have an additional 49 skill points to spend on these new skills. Here is the list of the 29 different skills Super Novices will be able to learn in the future patch from kRO.
After seeing the list, I'm a bit disappointed, but still excited about the update. I feel that we got jipped on quite a few skills and didn't expect so many skills to be inaccessible to Super Novices. I assumed we wouldn't get skills that involved instruments, katars, or two-handed swords, but most of the top tier skills like Guillotine Fist, Snow Gust, or just Intimidate would have been great. Even Ankle Snare would have been nice for the magic-user Super Novice who don't have instant casting anymore.
I think Super Novices will have to be more creative and resourceful in the combination of skills they get.
On the brighside, it looks like my Meteor Storm (Twin Edge of Naght Sieger[3]) and Turn Undead (Grand Cross[1]) skill will be more unique than I orginally thought...
Q: Which skill are you looking most foward to being able to use as a Super Novice?
Q: Which skill did you wish Super Novices could get?