please please, some gm go around that map, or else shut the double exp event off coz its almost imposible to kill 1 only hode myself, also i noticed thay only do ks on hodes its like crazy, well probably this topic wont be a solution, coz all of you nice gms allways say to send ticket, but im not gona waste 3 hours following bots to send in 50 tickets, so lets get this topic a good use, and tell me what other maps got crowded by bots now that 2x exp is on, so i at least can avoid those maps not getting completly mad and sad
well be nice and enjoy ro ;-)
P.D: sry for poor english, im too frustrated now to get my post trought a spell-gramar corrector

please some gm go to hodes map
Started by
, Apr 01 2011 11:19 AM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 01 April 2011 - 11:19 AM
Posted 01 April 2011 - 11:33 AM
valk player i guess good luck trying to lvl there =3
Posted 01 April 2011 - 03:17 PM
mmm valk and ymir player, but mostly valk yes, but im actually really concerned ymir wont be in a better shape from next maint on....
coz valk bots tend to spend mony on kp for some equips and hats... so they wont have any problem paying 1 month for ymir than stop paying, also i saw bots on ymir last time i was on there, also the 3 char limit per acount doesnt botter bots absolutly for nothing... well i hope heim was serious when he wrote that iro was having to expand the antibot brigade
coz valk bots tend to spend mony on kp for some equips and hats... so they wont have any problem paying 1 month for ymir than stop paying, also i saw bots on ymir last time i was on there, also the 3 char limit per acount doesnt botter bots absolutly for nothing... well i hope heim was serious when he wrote that iro was having to expand the antibot brigade
Posted 01 April 2011 - 04:14 PM
I don't see many bots on Ymir at all. Just a few levelling bots ocassionally (real players who also bot). I used to see more bots than there are now but Ymir is pretty quiet on bots now, Training Grounds for example is really peaceful.
It's not the $7 keeping the floods out. For 4~5 months now players have only had to pay $7 once and get free access to Ymir (same as what will be after maint). Its the payment authorisation thats the main dterrant. As most decent payment verification software has fraud checks. Gravity tidied up some fraud issues some time ago I think. Most the heavy duty botters that do 10 bot accounts do not want to use real ID. And for as long as there are totally free servers with no hassle of having to get around identity checks there'll naturally flood to the easy path.
But really I sympathise because paying $7 (or going the PlaySpan route and doing junk for a free $8 UGC) shouldn't be the main bot stopper. I hope they can clear the map for you soon. They have already expanded the antibot brigade before on Valk though, I think they meant they would have to up it for Ygg as they'll potentially be in the same situation soon. But they are still hiring recruits for bot reports I think in general. Still manual intervention I feel is limited compared to automated bots re-generating themself.
It's not the $7 keeping the floods out. For 4~5 months now players have only had to pay $7 once and get free access to Ymir (same as what will be after maint). Its the payment authorisation thats the main dterrant. As most decent payment verification software has fraud checks. Gravity tidied up some fraud issues some time ago I think. Most the heavy duty botters that do 10 bot accounts do not want to use real ID. And for as long as there are totally free servers with no hassle of having to get around identity checks there'll naturally flood to the easy path.
But really I sympathise because paying $7 (or going the PlaySpan route and doing junk for a free $8 UGC) shouldn't be the main bot stopper. I hope they can clear the map for you soon. They have already expanded the antibot brigade before on Valk though, I think they meant they would have to up it for Ygg as they'll potentially be in the same situation soon. But they are still hiring recruits for bot reports I think in general. Still manual intervention I feel is limited compared to automated bots re-generating themself.
Edited by soudou, 01 April 2011 - 04:16 PM.
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