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[Xita Refuge] Quests

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#1 Lybis


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Posted 03 April 2011 - 07:57 AM

Synopsis of Eldeon


Xita Refuge Quests

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Once you go to eldeon Obtain your first quest from Chacha:

[Interplanetary Guide]Chacha: Hi there "name", welcome to Eldeon.

1. Thanks Chacha! The air smells fresh and the grass feels soft! Time to explore.

Chacha: "name" I understand you want to explore but right now we need your help. This may look like a beautiful planet but its never been so dangerous for all the years i have lived here. Please visit [Akram Ambassador]Jacklyn Cooper, he will help you on your way.

1. Awhhh... I was hoping for a nice holiday too!

New Quest Objective
No time to relax
Eldeon is in danger and needs your help, find [Akram Ambassador]Jacklyn Cooper.

Jacklyn Cooper: Hey there "name", we have been awaiting your arrival.

1. Chacha told me the planet was in danger so I have come to offer my services.

Jacklyn Cooper: Thats the spirit! Ok there is no time to waste, lets get started! Please talk to [Raknu Warrior] Guanu and [Raknu Warrior] Toanu. Both of them have important tasks that they can not complete alone. [Raknu Chief] Darka Khan also needs your help. He is feeling a little overwhelmed with the stress of the Sikuku Tribe that have turned against him, but don't rush, he is a tough old chief.

1. *Sigh* I've just got here I need to relax for awhile. (Stops Quest)
2. Right! I'm all over it!

New Quest Objective
The Tasks Ahead
Jacklyn has asked you too talk to [Raknu Warrior] Guanu and [Raknu Warrior] Toanu, Complete both tasks and obtain a signed letter from each of them once complete.

Task 1.

[Raknu Warrior] Guanu: "name" we have been waiting for you.

1. Well better late then never..
2. Me? No can't be, you must be thinking of someone else. (Stops quest)

[Raknu Warrior] Guanu: Indeed. I bet your wondering why we have called you here.

1. Well of course, I could of been Sunbathing on Sunshine coast right about now.

[Raknu Warrior] Guanu: We appricate your help and you will be rewarded for your time. Speaking of time we do not have a lot to go with so here goes. For the past couple of years more and more things on this planet have started to become corrupt. As I'm sure you are already aware Devil's Pest is the main cause.

1. Well what else is new?

[Raknu Warrior] Guanu: The problem is its got that bad here on eldeon that we the Raknu tribe of Eldeon are stuggling to keep it under controll especially when the Sikuku Tribe have turned against us. Many have already been left homeless and had there villages overtaken by the monstrosities out there.

1. Well good luck with that(Stops Quest)
2. Thats awful! What can I do?

[Raknu Warrior] Guanu: goddess Arua came to us and told us that visitors were coming to help and that you was one of the best to help in our dire situation.

1. Well i'll help in anyway I can, lets get started!

[Raknu Warrior] Guanu: I admire your strength and courage "name". The First task is quite a strange task I ask of your and most likely isn't something you see everyday.

1. Sounds like my kind of job!

[Raknu Warrior] Guanu: Great! Then here we go. There are many plants outside the refuge but some of our tribe members have reported a certain one letting of a toxic poison. We need to find a way to nutralize them before they harm anyone else.

1. How will I know what i am looking for?

[Raknu Warrior] Guanu: They are not hard to miss. To you it will look like a big flower. If you look beyond where we are stood you can see one. I need 6 samples for 6 different ones. There are far more then 6 outside the refuge so it shouldn't be too hard.

1. Leave it too me.

New Quest Objective
Harmless Plants? Yeah right.
Guanu has asked you to collect 6 samples of the Big Toxic Flowers. Be careful not to breath in the fumes.

*Side Note*
I ran round Xita and these are the big flowers i found:
5809,5296 ~ 5826,5117 ~ 5444,4744 ~ 4352,4858 ~ 5143,4887 ~ 5060,4636 ~ 5041,4816 ~ 5203,5242 ~ 5207,5335 ~ 5648,5337 ~ 5578,5081.
Just walking into one of them will give you 1 sample.

Once completed return back to Guanu.

[Raknu Warrior] Guanu: That was mighty fast "name", Godess Arua was right out you.

1. Well its importent right?

[Raknu Warrior] Guanu: I'm glad you understand. Ok pass me the samples.

1. ....

[Raknu Warrior] Guanu: I see, ok we need to make a potion to Calm the toxin from these flowers.

1.Don't get me wrong but you don't look like the kind of guy who knows where to start..

[Raknu Warrior] Guanu: Your right! But my wife Netty is an expert with potions. Take her these samples, she'll know what to do.

1. *sniggers* Wow your married?

New Quest Objective
Potion Master
Guanu has asked you to visit his wife in the refuge. Give her the samples to create a potion.

Netty: How can I help you sir?

1. Your husband sent me, we need your help, we need you to create a potion to stop these flowers from releasing there toxic fumes.

Netty: I should of known he would of sent you to me! Do this he says, do that he says. I need to rest!

1. Please we really need your help. I'm sure he wouldn't ask if it wasn't really important.

Netty: He sent you to do this because he knows i will say no if he asks me!

1. .....

Netty: Very well dear. I am low on stock so i will need you to go too Dustin Leta to pick up some supplies. Here is a list of what I need.

1. Thank you Netty we really appricate your support.

500,000k EXP, 200,000z
New Quest Objective
Low on Supplies!
Go to Dustin Leta to pick up the supplies needed to make this potion.

Dustin Leta: What do you need?

1. Netty Sent me, she is low on supplies and needs these items..

Dustin Leta: *Reads the list* Very well, Please take care as i do not do refunds! Payment of 100,000z will be required.

1.Very well here you go. (Obtains supplies)
2.Thats a joke, you can forget it. (Stops quest)

- 100,000z
New Quest objective
Low Supplies(2)
Return to Netty with supplies!

Netty: I'm supprise you got them so quickly Dustin isn't the brightest of them all.

1. What can I say I'm a pro.

Netty: I wouldn't say that just yet *giggles*. Come back to me in a few minutes so I can finish these potions.

1. ok.

Netty: Just in time. I have finished the potions. The quicket way to get it spread around the other plants is to go back to the flowers you obtained the samples from and smash the potions on them. Do this on 6 different ones. Once you have done it speak to my husband again and tell him Dinner is ready at 5.

1. *Laughs* ok no problem.

New Quest objective
Fragrance the air!
Netty needs you to go back to the flowers and use the potions on 6 different ones. Once complete return to Guanu.

Return to Guanu once you got all the proofs.

[Raknu Warrior] Guanu: Well done "name" I couldn't of done a better job myself.

1. Its no trouble at all. Oh by the way, you wife told me to tell you Dinner is at 5.

[Raknu Warrior] Guanu: *Blushes* oh erm.... anyway my brother next to me has another task at hand for you.

1. The funny looking one?

Obtained first signed letter towards the quest The Tasks Ahead.
800,000 EXP
New Quest Objective
Keep going!
Talk to [Raknu Warrior]Toanu.

Task 2.

[Raknu Warrior]Toanu: A last my brother has done with you. Its time to get down to some more serious action.

1. Sounds good. I've been waiting for some more action!
2. Action... Oh no thats not my kind of thing. (Stops Quest)

[Raknu Warrior]Toanu: There have been a number of attacks here now and we are stuggling to keep them away. We need to hit them where it hurts and fast before another attack happens.

1. Ok what needs to be done?

[Raknu Warrior]Toanu: Straight to the point, I like it. First I need you to kill some Pincers and there queen. They have strong defense but aren't as strong as they look. Take advantage of this and hurry back.

1. I'll be as quick as i can.

New Quest Objective
Kill the Queen!
Toanu has asked you to kill 30 Pincers and 5 Pincer Queens. Once done return back to [Raknu Warrior]Toanu.

[Raknu Warrior]Toanu: Excelant "name". That should keep them back for awhile!

1. I hope so, I'm covered in Pincer Juice.

[Raknu Warrior]Toanu: *Laughs*. Ok again similar to the pincers another group that keeps attacking are Hooks and there king. I need you to pay them a little visit and change there mind about attacking us in the future.

1. Lets just hope there not as messy as the last!

500,000 EXP
Pincer Doll
New Quest Objective
Kill the King!
Toanu has asked you to kill 30 Hooks and 5 King Hooks. Once done return back to [Raknu Warrior]Toanu.

[Raknu Warrior]Toanu: That was a record time! Even my tribe can not kill as fast as that! I think thats enough for one day. You haven't had a rest since you got here. Take alook around and when you have time take our signed letters back to [Akram Ambassador]Jacklyn Cooper.

1. Yeah I'm, starving! *I wonder if Netty will cook me up something nice...*

Second signed letter for the quest The Tasks Ahead.
750,000 EXP
Hook Doll
Complete Quest
The Tasks Ahead

[Akram Ambassador]Jacklyn Cooper: Welcome back "name", I hope you have the letters from our guards...

1. I do! Although the first one is alittle smudged!

[Akram Ambassador]Jacklyn Cooper: No worries. Thats fantastic! We should be safe... for now.

1. Well I'm going to go for a nap.

[Akram Ambassador]Jacklyn Cooper: Before you go "name", Please come back to me when you awake. We have much more to discuss.

1. Will do.



Going Beyond the Refuge!

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[Akram Ambassador]Jacklyn Cooper: I'm glad you returned! I have just recieved word from [Raknu Chief] Darka Khan that one of our little group tribes outside the refuge have been attacked and there little village has been over taken. We must give them a helping hand to fight back.

1. Right, where are they?

[Akram Ambassador]Jacklyn Cooper: Good question. I'm afraid I don't have a lot of information to go on. All i know is that its deep outside the refuge and the leader of the group is call Hopi. Try to find him and hurry.

1. I'd like to see you hurry without much information!

New Quest Objective
Under Attack
Jacklyn has asked you to visit [Tribe Veteran] Hopi. Hopi is within this region but outside the refuge! Hurry as you don't have long.
(Time limit of 15 minutes to find him)

*Side note*
[Tribe Veteran] Hopi is a new NPC that should be placed at 5256,5003. Just here there is a little village that is covered in monsters which would be good for the story.

[Tribe Veteran] Hopi: Who are you!?

1. I'm "name", Jacklyn sent me to help you.

[Tribe Veteran] Hopi: "name"... Great... Trust Jacklyn to send a whimp. I asked [Raknu Chief] Darka Khan to send me a warrior!

1. Excuse me? I just battled my way to find you!

[Tribe Veteran] Hopi: Nether the less we need all the help we can get. The Sikuku Elite has sent his followers into to our village to take over!

1. Thats awful...

[Tribe Veteran] Hopi: Indeed it is and we could use your help. Kill 50 Sikuku fighters and 20 Sikuku Leaders come back to me with your reports. I need to find out what there plan is and why the sudden attack.

1. eh?! Your the one thats crazy.(Stops quest)
2. I'm all over it! Be back soon.

500,000 EXP
New Quest Update
Under Attack(2)
Hopi has asked you to kill 50 Sikuku Fighters and 20 Sikuku Leaders. Once complete return back to Hopi.

[Tribe Veteran] Hopi: Well your not dead, thats a good sign...

1. Look at me! Their spears aren't exactly blunt!

[Tribe Veteran] Hopi: What did you find out?

1. Other then they like to jab you, nothing much. They seem pretty dim.

[Tribe Veteran] Hopi: I was afraid of that. I need you to hunt down the Sikuku elites informer, Sikuku Veteran. If you look hard enough you should be able to find him if not kill some more fighter and he will come.

1. *Sigh* more jab wounds...

2,000,000 EXP
New Quest Update
Under Attack(3)
Hopi has asked you to hunt down Sikuku Veteran. When you find him Kill him and search the body for any information.

[Tribe Veteran] Hopi: Well what did find out?

1. I found this letter...

[Tribe Veteran] Hopi: *Veteran, Round up as many as you can by nightfall. We are going to launch a full scale attack. We need to take over the little village first so we have more room to round up our follows.* oh no... this is not good... Not good at all... we need to act fast.

1. We?...

[Tribe Veteran] Hopi: Yes we! or at least you, I'm too old to go fighting against the elite.

1. Excuse me!? You want me to what!

[Tribe Veteran] Hopi: You need to find the Sikuku Elite and kill him quickly before the attack. If you kill him the rest will fall! Our Village and the refuge lies in your hands! Show us all that you are a brave soldier and not a whimp that cowards away.

1. I am a coward, find someone else.(Stops quest)
2. Ok i'll do it.

[Tribe Veteran] Hopi: Good! You must first report to [Akram Ambassador]Jacklyn Cooper and warn him of the attack incase you fail.

1. You have so much faith...

New Quest Update
Under Attack(4)
You need to warn [Akram Ambassador]Jacklyn Cooper of the attack the may occur.

[Akram Ambassador]Jacklyn Cooper: "name", what a supprise, did you help Hopi?

1. Of course but the situation has grown worse.

[Akram Ambassador]Jacklyn Cooper: What do you mean?

1. *Explains* .....

[Akram Ambassador]Jacklyn Cooper: Right "name", you need to go! Hurry and kill Sikuku Elite before its too late. I will make all the arrangements here with [Raknu Chief] Darka Khan and if it gets to the worse case scenario we will be ready. Good luck!

1. I'm going to need all the luck i can get.

500,000 EXP
New Quest Objective
Luck is on your side!
Find the Sikuku Elite bring his remains back to Jacklyn!

[Akram Ambassador]Jacklyn Cooper: You did it "name"! We can at last rest for awhile until they choose a new Elite. We can't thank you enough "name".

1. Its nothing at all, I'm happy to help.

[Akram Ambassador]Jacklyn Cooper: I won't ask much more of you "name". Check around the village see if you can lend a helping hand.

1. Thank you..

1,000,000 EXP


Repeatable EXP Side Quests

By doing the storyline for the refuge [Akram Ambassador]Jacklyn Cooper Has unlocked a few repeatable Side Quests you can complete, these quest should only be available till level 158.

New Quest starts at Peppie:

New Quest Starts at Netty

New Quest from [Smith] Nel Eldora


Gathering quests from Guanu

These are basically quests along the way to help gain maybe extra materials while fighting mobs just so you don't feel like your killing mobs for nothing.

These are only unlockable once you have completed the story for xita same as the EXP quests.


Gathering quests from Toanu



Journey forward to the Shady Jungle!

Posted Image

You can obtain this quest from Netty at level 150

[Raknu Residant] Netty: "name", I Sense a lot of bad activity in Shady Jungle.. Panic.. Fear is everywhere and its blocking me from making any contact with my magic to anyone inside the jungle! You must find out what's going on before jumping in with all guns blazing! Visit Jerrita and see what she can find out and then return back to me.

1. More trouble!? On my way!
2. Don't have time, sorry.

New Quest Objective
Trouble in paradise
Netty has asked you to visit Jerrita as she believe the people of Shady Jungle are in trouble!

[Raknu Resident] Jerrita: Since there are plenty of things on Eldeon that you haven't experienced before, you can probably have all sorts of new adventures here.
1. Really? Oh, how exciting!
2. Well I think its time for a new adventure now! *Explains*

[Raknu Resident] Jerrita: This doesn't sound good. I need a few minutes to concentrate, to find out what's happening and to see if i can foresee what is about to happen. Come back to me soon.

1. .....

Quest Objective Update
Trouble in Paradise(2)
Jerrita has asked you to give her a few minutes to find out what is going on in shady jungle, speak to her again when she is ready.

[Raknu Resident] Jerrita: I have had a vision that a great evil is planning an attack that will destory many of us tipping the scales of good and evil in evils favour. This can not come true, we must act now before evil takes full controll over Shady jungle and takes the rest of eldeon with it.

1. You can see the future?

Jerrita: I can see what I am suppose to see! To be able to change the future to a better and brighter place, all I can tell you about this is evil is that his name is Chief Turak. He has caused war on our planet and is now planning a full scale take over.

1. This is terrible...
2. I'm out!

Jerrita: I have had this for a reason and i believe the reason was for you to stop it! Go "name", you must travel beyond these lands and venture into shady jungle. See what you can find out and be careful as the Sikuku tribe lurks in the forest.

1. I better get my running shoes on, thanks!

Update Quest Objective
Trouble in Paradise(3)
Report back to Netty and tell her what you have been told. She will be really eager to here this.

[Raknu Residant] Netty: "name", what did she say?

1. Its not good news *explains*

[Raknu Residant] Netty: Oh no.... the Sikuku refuge...

1. The sikuku what now!?

[Raknu Residant] Netty: Please "name", I beg of you not to speak of this to anyone else..

1. You secret is safe with me now what wrong?
2. Your a spy! HELP!

[Raknu Residant] Netty: Thank you "name". I will tell you everything, The Sikuku tribe was our allie once many years ago. Then a great evil came to this planet. We did not know of this at the time but Turak blended in and slowly corrupted the Sikuku Tribe. We then became at war with them and Chief Turak was crowned the Chief of Eldeon as we could not over throw him! We the Raknu tribe were able to hold him off in our battle while we escaped to this refuge which we have now built our home...

1. and what about the Sikuku Tribe

[Raknu Residant] Netty: The sikuku tribe was basically left for dead. We tried to help but many of there tribe was corrupted by the dark magic of the Turak. The Years past and now very few Sikuku Tribe members are left because of [Raknu Chief] Darka Khan. The corrupted Sikuku have killed many of our people so Darka does not trust any of them anymore. He has banished them from our lands and is hunting them as we speak.

1. hmm.. I don't know what to believe myself, they have caused nothing but trouble.

[Raknu Residant] Netty: Your right "name" but that is the corrupted Sikuku and the Sikuku Tribe that are left standing are trying there best to recover from this. I have been helping them, trying to help rebuild there tribe and bring them food. No one else knows about this "name" so you must keep it a secret.

1. Of course I will but i don't understand how I can help

[Raknu Residant] Netty: Well I think Darka is getting suspicious of me and has kept me busy for the past couple of days so I haven't been able to take any food to there refuge. Here, take this create and this letter to [Sikuku Warrior] Yak. Once you get there, look around and talk to some of the people and you may understand why I help them.

1. Well I guess its time to start my new adventure.

300,000 EXP
New Quest Objective
Helping The enemy?
Netty has asked you too Visit Yak in the refuge of Shady Jungle! Learn what you can and help out.

Edited by Lybis, 19 May 2011 - 03:57 AM.

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#2 Zurn


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Posted 19 April 2011 - 09:02 AM

great job Lybis! this guide is really good :blink:
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#3 yeoldknight


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Posted 19 April 2011 - 03:41 PM

Is there a time estimate in how long this takes?
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#4 LostFire


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Posted 19 April 2011 - 05:13 PM

How can i start this quest?
i didn't know there was a quest like this in eldeon.
i already talked to chacha, but no quest triggered.

currently im a lvl.201 Visitor,
and i would like to do that quest..
nice rewards. :blink: :angry:
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#5 Zurn


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Posted 20 April 2011 - 03:10 AM

How can i start this quest?
i didn't know there was a quest like this in eldeon.
i already talked to chacha, but no quest triggered.

currently im a lvl.201 Visitor,
and i would like to do that quest..
nice rewards. :blink: :angry:

lol nice visitor dude xD but maybe it requires a job, or another quest to be done first.
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#6 PickUp


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Posted 20 April 2011 - 05:00 AM

great job Lybis! this guide is really good :blink:

How can i start this quest?

but maybe it requires a job, or another quest to be done first.

This is the Quest Submission section dedicated for quests/questlines created by players. If the developers like an idea, they might eventually be added to the game like it has happened in the past several times.
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#7 Zurn


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Posted 20 April 2011 - 12:16 PM

This is the Quest Submission section dedicated for quests/questlines created by players. If the developers like an idea, they might eventually be added to the game like it has happened in the past several times.

you sir have ruined my fun by pointing out things that i didnt read.
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#8 Lybis


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Posted 22 April 2011 - 05:04 AM

LOL like Pickup said its just quest idea's, None of the quests are actually in the game, sorry guys :Emo_15:
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#9 Zurn


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Posted 22 April 2011 - 11:00 AM

LOL like Pickup said its just quest idea's, None of the quests are actually in the game, sorry guys :Emo_15:

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#10 Naughty


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Posted 22 April 2011 - 11:55 AM

Great Quest Lybis. Would love a Hook Doll.
I got a good giggle out of the word Netty. Its used by Geordies, means a toilet. Some believe that it may come from slang used by Roman soldiers on Hadrians Wall.
I miss Geordie lingo :Emo_15: since moving here, this is more what its like for me now!

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#11 Lybis


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Posted 22 April 2011 - 11:45 PM

Great Quest Lybis. Would love a Hook Doll.
I got a good giggle out of the word Netty. Its used by Geordies, means a toilet. Some believe that it may come from slang used by Roman soldiers on Hadrians Wall.
I miss Geordie lingo :) since moving here, this is more what its like for me now!

LOL great video! made me chuckle :D

Yeah my grandparents have the Geordie accent, I find the lingo very comforting for some reason lol
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