Buff-fairy for low level characters! - Page 2 - Proposals & Suggestions - WarpPortal Community Forums

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Buff-fairy for low level characters!

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#26 PurpleYouko


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Posted 11 April 2011 - 05:34 AM

Oh sure. Pretty much all games allow players to buff each other. I thought we were talking about NPCs buffing players.....
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#27 littlekami


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Posted 11 April 2011 - 06:27 AM

lol :P
In my opinion, you should really achieve max lvl with at least one char, yust for the "fun" and sence of achievement. It personally gave me an awesome feeling when I got 220 with my buddies after endless and endlesssss fights :P. I do understand your personal prefferences though.

ONTOPIC: Buff fairies should not be implemented in any map of Rose. When you start the game as a (true) novice, without any knowledge of the game, you are absolutely unknown to the strengths obtained by buffs. Besides that you have to learn the basics of the game by getting to know the environment and differences between mobs. You achieve this by doing quests and sightseeying. Since Rose is a MMORPG you should gain experience by the social aspect of it, wich is: multiplayer(ing). Talking to players, and getting buffed by friends on the way is part of this experience, not by leveling extremely fast because of buffs automatically given by ferries.

I find that only advanced players truly benefit from buff feries. But since they are "advanced" players they should already have made friends to help them in difficult parts of the Rose gameplay.

So I vote no :P

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#28 gEddeh



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Posted 11 April 2011 - 06:57 AM

I think people are forgetting that this is optional :P It's not like you háve to accept these buffs, but if I would have to guess I think that 50% of people who play a new character, would appreciate these so called buff-fairies http://forums.warppo...tyle_emoticons/default/happy.gif

And we can always change the idea and make it so that a buff fairy buffs with a 200INT buff :P
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#29 Bookies


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Posted 11 April 2011 - 07:27 AM

I think part of the reason people don't want buff fairies is because the game is too easy as is. You can get to lvl 200+ in a matter of days currently, why make it easier by providing buff fairies for the first x levels?
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#30 nikst3r


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Posted 11 April 2011 - 09:10 AM

One option to get around this problem would be to either implement a quest to talk to a buff fairy in AP or make one of those notification things pop up and tell you to do it.

I think people are forgetting that this is optional :P It's not like you háve to accept these buffs, but if I would have to guess I think that 50% of people who play a new character, would appreciate these so called buff-fairies http://forums.warppo...tyle_emoticons/default/happy.gif

Your replies look similar to eachother so I quoted you both.

I find that you either implement a fully automated buffing system for all lower level maps or you don't. I find it very important that everyone has the ability to use features like these. In this stage of the game, again, only advanced players will have the knowledge about buff fairies. Advanced players can make a choice either to get buffed or not, because they know you can obtain them by talking to a NPC. A notification window for new players will be usefull to make them aware of the fairies but, will most likely confuse the player because of the amount of information given concerning different subjects. This will result in a non used feature by (many) new players.

I think we need to ask ourself one question: Who will be using this feature and why ?
Is it to support new players to improve their gaming experience? I doubt it.
Is it to support new players with their diffecult first steps? I doubt it even more.

In my evaluation of this subject I foresee that only experienced and more advanced players will use this feature to minimize the amount of time needed to train a new character to whatever level they desire. Which, in my opinion, is not a bad thing but does not prove the need of a buffing fairy. I'm guessing that the idea is the result of laziness :P

I still vote no :P
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#31 littlekami


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Posted 11 April 2011 - 09:37 AM

for me...it should be a "learning " session if u start this game in the first lvl.

u have to learn how to fight mobs,what to do if u close to die, how to handle hp/mp food and how the fighting ingame works.

to start any game as a new player... should not be like....go there..get way stronger as u should be..hit the mobs 2 times an baaammm...u got 3 lvl and baamm....10 mins later u get first job..and so on.

at this way u dont learn anything at new player.

we all started anytime in this game..without a buff fairy...and we alll learned our lesson how this game works at the end.
there is no need for anything like a buffing fairy.
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#32 ZookeeperAndy


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Posted 11 April 2011 - 01:32 PM

for me...it should be a "learning " session if u start this game in the first lvl.u have to learn how to fight mobs,what to do if u close to die, how to handle hp/mp food and how the fighting ingame works.to start any game as a new player... should not be like....go there..get way stronger as u should be..hit the mobs 2 times an baaammm...u got 3 lvl and baamm....10 mins later u get first job..and so on.at this way u dont learn anything at new player.we all started anytime in this game..without a buff fairy...and we alll learned our lesson how this game works at the end.there is no need for anything like a buffing fairy.

I agree with kami. Being buffed is really a privilege, not a right. Buffs provide a character with stats beyond what you normally have at any particular level. Just because we are so used to having buffs all the time doesn't mean a new character is obligated to have buffs right after creation. Levels 1-70 is easy enough, just let them find a party and promote more social interaction between players.
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#33 nikst3r


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Posted 12 April 2011 - 12:52 AM

PLUS one big part of the gameplay is to make new friends. To make friends the party feature needs to be used, wich gives the player advantages in the amount of experience earned. A good party always includes a muse for buffs and heals. Since the people in the party have the same lvl the buffs are perfect for their lvl.

This is what ROSE is about. Buffing yourself trough lvl 1 - 70 will decrease the amount of party's since you are able to do everything on your own. This will eventually effect our community. Like when in real life you don't know anyone living in the same street/block or at work.

We're living in the social-age, MMORPG is about being social not SOLO.
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#34 Bookies


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Posted 12 April 2011 - 07:32 AM

Okay I've jumped ship, I'm changing to the no buff fairy side.

+Some sense of real gameplay
+Social aspects
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#35 gEddeh



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Posted 12 April 2011 - 07:33 AM

Okay I've jumped ship, I'm changing to the no buff fairy side.

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#36 Bookies


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Posted 12 April 2011 - 09:53 AM


It's cute that you think you stand a chance against all that is Bookies.
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#37 gEddeh



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Posted 12 April 2011 - 10:09 AM

It's cute that you think you stand a chance against all that is Bookies.

You're still kos Posted Image
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#38 yeoldknight


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Posted 17 April 2011 - 04:20 PM

It's a great idea, but instead of Lv 70 and below, i say we make it lv 50. Because in ADV plains you won't see many lv 70's.. And if you do, it could really interrupt the lower level's playing and leveling, because, pardon my French, there are a lot of d-bags in this game that just like to KS people for the fun of it. And i think it could be a chronic problem in AP, which could cause noobs to not be able to level or just plain quit the game. Now we don't want that do we? And instead of 400 int, i think it should be around 200, so not to make the Noobs OP, and get bored when they start leveling past the max level required to get the buffs. That was a problem with me when i first started. :(
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#39 Aviv4


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Posted 21 April 2011 - 03:09 PM

It may be nice but most people will still use their Clerics for Flames and etc.
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#40 DoubleRose


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Posted 24 April 2011 - 06:40 AM

I have to disagree on this one.

I think Buff Fairy's are a terrible idea.

First of all, it's already far too easy to level up through the first 50 or so levels. I remember staying in birth isle for a couple of hours to reach level 6 or 7 before going to adventurers plains then a further couple of hours there before moving on to the next map.
Last time I started a new character I reached level 20 in 30 minutes without any buffs whatsoever.

Secondly, if you start putting buff fairy's into the game then who is ever going to bother making a cleric again?

Your situation is entirely inaccurate. Try making new character completely independent of your others. You play the character as if it's your first and refuse help from yourself and friends. Then you'll see why everyone's perception of leveling is skewed.
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#41 PurpleYouko


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Posted 25 April 2011 - 09:45 AM

Your situation is entirely inaccurate. Try making new character completely independent of your others. You play the character as if it's your first and refuse help from yourself and friends. Then you'll see why everyone's perception of leveling is skewed.

That's the way I play pretty much all my characters.
There have only been 2 characters that ever had help from friends or from my higher levels providing them with gear.

One was a bourg which i equipped with some decent jewelry and a rock launcher (as soon as she could hold it). She soloed to 100 in 2 days. It was ridiculously easy.
The other was a bow hawker who was given some gems, wings and a real nice bow by a friend. Got to about 80 in a few hours but haven't really played him much since. It's boring playing like that.

Most of my new characters get no help whatsoever. I prefer it that way.
They still level way too quickly IMO.

My first ever character (back in irose 2005) took about a month of hard grinding to reach level 30. It was a major event to be able to use Green Witch gear.
These days I don't usually even bother changing from noob gear till about level 50. What's the point when you only need it for about an hour?
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#42 DoubleRose


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Posted 26 April 2011 - 11:55 AM

That's the way I play pretty much all my characters.
There have only been 2 characters that ever had help from friends or from my higher levels providing them with gear.

One was a bourg which i equipped with some decent jewelry and a rock launcher (as soon as she could hold it). She soloed to 100 in 2 days. It was ridiculously easy.
The other was a bow hawker who was given some gems, wings and a real nice bow by a friend. Got to about 80 in a few hours but haven't really played him much since. It's boring playing like that.

Most of my new characters get no help whatsoever. I prefer it that way.
They still level way too quickly IMO.

My first ever character (back in irose 2005) took about a month of hard grinding to reach level 30. It was a major event to be able to use Green Witch gear.
These days I don't usually even bother changing from noob gear till about level 50. What's the point when you only need it for about an hour?

I know what you're saying, but a new player doesn't have the mechanics, quests, where to hunt and what to do. During the fastest pace of leveling I got a noob to 70 in an hour w/o medals, while my first character it took forever. I farmed hours at a time on grunters in big parties for little exp. A dark cutter edge and saint trunket armor seemed so special to me back then. I still have them :)
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#43 Logi


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Posted 27 April 2011 - 11:25 AM

If you dont like it remove it geddeh but im mentioning t i t a n rose xD I know they have a buff-fairy standing in Zant buffing characters every hour at the same time. Seems like this is kinda what those guys are using ( bla bla very illegal bla bla), now that game is one big steaming piece of..... you can finish that yourself he ? No low levels, mean people, EGO's the size of MARS, but the fairy ofcourse helps alot. Thing is I NEVER EVER saw a high lvl walk around there. Once you add a buffairy ic no reason to go zant anymore other then event/friends or maybe... the shops.

Let high lvl clerics help the noobs, let them learn that having buffs is nice but you need a cleric not some random bufffairy. You are bound to get question like: were is the buffairy for lvl50+ ? ( if 50 would be the cut-off points for the first) Also if I was lvl 50 I would never go from FoWisdom to Zant just to buff and having to run back ..... Anima Lake isnt alot better.

Leave the buffiing to the clerics, there are enough classes that have their own buffs to help out, doing this just makes clerics and everyone loose another way to socialize.

edit : very funny this auto edit GMs... I think they are overreacting about p servers, if they dont like em take action

Edited by Logi, 27 April 2011 - 11:26 AM.

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