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Maximized End-Game Gear Guide

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#1 Midoof


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Posted 06 April 2011 - 11:02 PM


With the release of the new Van Cliff and earlier Ice Continent equipment, all classes were given vast improvements to their end-game gears. Since I'm a stalker busybody, I enjoy checking other people's gears and seeing how they can be further optimized. I was discussing optimal agi/evade for rogues with a friend when I thought, why not make a a compilation thread? So here we are.

General notes:
  • I took the liberty to include and use the level 70 CP sets. I know our version doesn't have them yet (don't remind me) but the time is coming!
  • Most stats and gears are abbreviated to save space, but are easy enough to figure out. (S) usually refers to superior, assume premium if others.
  • This is by no means an end-all guide, as there's plenty of room for customization and preferences which I might detail in each section.
  • Feel free to share suggestions on how to improve the guide.
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Soulcraft Option notes:
  • Soulcraft options are assumed to be at optimal numbers for "maximization", I do not recommend going for broke and maximizing every single stat on every piece as it will cost you heaps of cash and bring you only frustration and mockery.
  • The soulcraft bonuses are mostly agi, hlt, and evade focused. When looking at the Total section, keep the grade required (artifact) in mind. Only added in movement speed SC option to classes that already have innate movement speed from their set.
  • The total options for the soul craft bonus includes the 6 main pieces of equipment + the shield. I did not include the bonuses included with backpiece as they generally are not part of the set, and whenever you see an asterisk next to a piece of equipment, know that I did not include it within the SC bonus.

Archer Branches


The fastest running class has always been very adept at stacking Agi. Their new bone set enhanced this further and gave vast improvements to their choices in gear and enable them to break the land speed record. The first build would be my personal choice as it has plenty of Agi, Mvspd, AND Critical Damage. You can also soul craft on some health, what more could you want!? For the Agi hungry, you can opt to use Kyros shoes if the extra Mvspd and CD is unnecessary. Bubo Shoulders can also replace the lame bone shoulders, which would be a smaller increase in agi to keep the Mvspd.


At first I didn't know what to do with the gears outside Rokoko, but Grens still can stack an impressive amount of Agi like the other classes with the 2 Ice, 2 Set, BD Helm + Bubo formula. Their new BD equips are somewhat of a mixed bag as they forgo Agi for Hlt, but this allows a nice double bone build that stacks a substantial amount of hp. Their CP set is also very powerful, being the only one I'd recommend one to use fully with 6 pieces.

Thief Branches


Surprisingly, despite being given great skills, Ninjas did not receive very impressive end-game gears compared to the other Agi classes. If only the Str bonus from the new bone set had been Agi, and the 5 piece bonus switched with the 6 (evade for crit rate), I'd be singing a different tune about how stupendous it is. However, they still have fantastic ways to stack agi as well as CD. But overall, not much variety. For the Max Agi build, Glorious is preferred as although you lose 2 agi from the set bonus, you'll get them back with SC options, as well as 4% more evade and 2 extra hlt.


Blessed with the best and most noticeable boost in equipment from VC, rogues are sitting happy with the upgrade. Only thing that could have made it better was evade on the arms piece, but you can't have everything I suppose. The movement speed option being set at 3 pieces (like PFs) allow them to come pretty close to matching them. Their CP set is also useful, if a bit lacking in terms of CD.

Magician Branches


As my personal class of choice, I've always had a soft spot for the support-based class. Invokers have some interesting choices, but new bone wasn't as much of a boon for us as it was for others, basically just the shield and chest piece. We are able to stack a fair amount of aim/agi thanks to Ice gears and Secmathian, but nothing over the top. Old Bone still the best way to go for defensive support types if you can afford or have it already.


New bone is also very mediocre for Warmages, usually only useful piece by piece rather than for set bonus options. They are able to stack a nice amount of CD, Int, or Hlt; but not all at the same time. The poorest when it comes to stacking agi and aim, they should probably focus on other routes, such as tank builds. Not to say they should ignore agi though.

Warrior Branches


The class everyone raves about. This section took the longest as there is simply so many options a pally can choose when it comes to gear, and it was as such before the VC equipment patch. Offensive pallies still crave the aim, mvspd, and raw defense from heirloom bone, but there are decent alternatives. Once the 70 CP sets are released, this monstrous class can obtain 400-450% CD with relative ease. As usual, "pally gets what pally wants".


The unfortunate black sheep of Barunson. As usual, myrmidons received no love from their cruel masters in the equipment department this time around to compliment their inferior sword-wielding skills. Aside from the unusual MDD arm (and the ability to use shields in general), there is not much to go on here besides full Dianos, unless you are able to get your hands on the impressive heirloom set. Sadly the CP 70 set isn't something to look forward to for this class either, as it follows the aspd and crit rate focus of the latter CP sets instead of CR and CD.


There didn't seem to be much to do or say here, but I wanted to include it for completion. (P) can stand for Perseverance or Purity, (I) for Intelligence. Alex F6 ring for the higher SC options, as well as bonus def, atk, or hp/mp. They could be replaced by VC rings since they also are in the same SC bonus bracket.


Last but not least, the IM equipment. This stuff is pretty bog standard for everyone. The full fire and water sets were listed for easy viewing, they are not recommended to be used as they are, though full fire does help when you're lower on funds and give a nice amount of hp. Basically get the critical 4 piece water, 2-3 fire pieces. Unlike the other sections, the soulcraft options in these sets INCLUDE the backpiece.
Credits and Sources:
Chapter 3 New Items (IAH)
Soulcraft Options (IAH)
Set Item Bonuses (IAH)
New VC Equipment

Legal Disclaimer: You may not copy, reproduce, modify, or distribute this document in any way
without permission from me. Don't steal guys, bad karma.

Thanks for reading!

Edited by Midoof, 19 July 2011 - 01:27 AM.

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#2 Midoof


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Posted 06 April 2011 - 11:03 PM

Reserved for future.
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#3 Moolay


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Posted 06 April 2011 - 11:20 PM

Is there a movespeed cap, if it even exists?
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#4 Akihiro


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Posted 06 April 2011 - 11:24 PM

Is there a movespeed cap, if it even exists?

Pretty sure there isn't. If there is, it's WAY up there, as we can get 100% movespeed inside f7, and I've seen some ordinarily REALLY fast people move even faster inside f7.
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#5 Yurai


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Posted 06 April 2011 - 11:26 PM

One major thing you're lacking is the sorcerer damage drop set. It is possible for a sorcerer to stack up to 92% physical damage drop. I'm not sure how I'd fit it in with your format though.

- 40% level 10 mana shield
- 6% antares neck
- 5% (1% on each accessory)
- 4% on shield soulcraft
- 10% on hero bd shield
- 10% from pythanous earrings
- 3% from water guardian shoes
- 3% from water guardian bottoms
- 3% from fire guardian helmet
- 3% from fire guardian top
- 5% from angel/devil back

This would mean they receive only 8 damage for every 100 physical damage that they receive. Against players who have over 10k defense, this would mean that a +20 weapon would generally deal under 20-40 damage per hit.

Edited by Yurai, 06 April 2011 - 11:27 PM.

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#6 sXcDennis


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Posted 07 April 2011 - 12:09 AM

One thing i noticed, backs, weapons and IM stuff were not included? They should play a major roll in this as well.
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#7 Midoof


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Posted 07 April 2011 - 12:22 AM

Is there a movespeed cap, if it even exists?

Not sure if there is one, I've never heard of it personally. However, a pathfinder with untouchable and the f7 buff can break 500% Mvspd, without god of velocity.

One major thing you're lacking is the sorcerer damage drop set. It is possible for a sorcerer to stack up to 92% physical damage drop. I'm not sure how I'd fit it in with your format though.

Yeah, it's pretty much a format problem. I did it for Invokers though, so I'll put it in for Warmages.

One thing i noticed, backs, weapons and IM stuff were not included? They should play a major roll in this as well.

There is a section for cash, look under Miscellaneous. For backs, I decided against simply putting in all premium blizzard capes, as that would technically be "maximized" but it would not be helpful to most players who can't get that kind of back (99% of the population). BD cape is similar. It's simple enough to calculate the stats for the one piece on top of my already listed stats.

As for weapon:
Zauharant- Max Triple Special Options
Double Aim, CD, Agi. It's really that simple for most classes.

Edited by Midoof, 07 April 2011 - 12:23 AM.

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#8 reallycalmer


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Posted 07 April 2011 - 02:55 AM

awesome work compiling this data

it'd be useful to guide up-and-coming players in what gear they can aim for
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#9 SharpEye


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Posted 07 April 2011 - 05:57 AM

PF can get one more AGI (from set bonus) by switching from Glorious Hollswin (which isn't even out yet) to Chaotic Hollswin.

Also, if you're going an AGI/AIM/Evade build, the extra 1% from a 65+ ring is favored over the 5 agi from Mimir for the AGI classes (and maybe others too).
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#10 Midoof


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Posted 07 April 2011 - 08:43 AM

PF can get one more AGI (from set bonus) by switching from Glorious Hollswin (which isn't even out yet) to Chaotic Hollswin.

Also, if you're going an AGI/AIM/Evade build, the extra 1% from a 65+ ring is favored over the 5 agi from Mimir for the AGI classes (and maybe others too).

Originally I had Chaotic Hollswin in this slot, but I changed it as although it has the 1 extra agi from the set bonus, it has 2 less agi from SC bonus, as well as 4% Evade.
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#11 to0n


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Posted 07 April 2011 - 01:11 PM

Shouldn't this be in guides?!
Also, may I link this in my guide for the Destroyer combinations?
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#12 Midoof


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Posted 07 April 2011 - 02:23 PM

Go for it Sheol.
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#13 Chrysanthemum


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Posted 07 April 2011 - 02:32 PM

Brbs, farmin' Kryos f7. ;p
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#14 Miname


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Posted 07 April 2011 - 06:15 PM

Wow, awesome work!
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#15 BigCU


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Posted 08 April 2011 - 02:45 PM

Very helpful guide. This should be pinned/stickied.
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#16 mojji


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Posted 08 April 2011 - 02:47 PM

Good job making this guide~!
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#17 Valsu


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Posted 08 April 2011 - 03:12 PM

Nice guide! +1 -_-
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#18 Kazu731


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Posted 11 April 2011 - 01:15 PM

"Brilliant" - The Times

"Unrelentingly intellectual!" - The Post

"Magnificent!" -The Daily

"Powerful... Extraordinary in its endeavors" - The Prinz


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#19 Devikn


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Posted 18 April 2011 - 11:54 AM

Pretty Nice Guide Mido, but allow me to say:

On the Savage Agi Build. Wouldn't it give more Agi if you just use: Hero Undead Bone Shoulders, , Top, Bottom, Helm and Shield/Bracelet?

That would add +60 Agi from the 5 Hero Undead Bone set parts bonus. So I guess that +60 Agi from the set, would be more than you could get using Bubo's Shoulder, Skeleton Bandage and the 2 Glorious Turancra parts.

Edited by Devikn, 18 April 2011 - 12:00 PM.

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#20 BigCU


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Posted 18 April 2011 - 12:09 PM

the two glorious parts already give 46 agi and bubo at max level will give around 20 agi thus making it better than the 60agi that the 5 piece hero bone can provide. Thats before skel bandage. Not to mention the glorious pieces are higher level thus providing higher agi when soulcrafted.
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#21 Valsu


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Posted 18 April 2011 - 10:00 PM

Bumped. For great justice, add to every sig.
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#22 Midoof


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Posted 18 April 2011 - 10:29 PM

Good idea, thanks.

Protip: Background = light colors, Text = dark colors. Easier on the eyes.
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#23 Valsu


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Posted 18 April 2011 - 11:06 PM

Good idea, thanks.

Protip: Background = light colors, Text = dark colors. Easier on the eyes.

Awwww, but I wanted to melt people's retinaaaaaaaaas!!! Besides! It's Easter Time!
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#24 Chrysanthemum


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Posted 18 April 2011 - 11:29 PM

Awwww, but I wanted to melt people's retinaaaaaaaaas!!! Besides! It's Easter Time!

And so the world discovers why Sagasama hates Easter.
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#25 KiroAmi


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Posted 18 April 2011 - 11:30 PM

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