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Joining RO after 5 years break

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#1 Splinta


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Posted 08 April 2011 - 03:26 AM

Hi Everyone!

I've been creeping the forums for the past week or so waiting for the game to turn F2P, and it has. So I am quite excited to re join and hear the BGM of pront while actually in the game rather than have the mp3 on repeat B).

Anyway, back in 2003 or 04 I had an archer and I could not level him to save my life (if I remember Dex is good on archers? yeah i didn't know that back then, Str allll the way :D ) but now I do. So I'm going to try once again at getting a hunter! What is the communities opinion on Hunters or this new fang-dangled Sinper -_-. I remember reading somewhere on this forum that Locks are $*@#, same thing true for hunters/snipers/ranger/omgsomanyteirs?
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#2 Shinjin6


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Posted 12 April 2011 - 10:23 PM

Hey! Yeah, no, Snipers are legit, and Rangers are completely viable in the game nowadays. I just returned not long ago too actually, but you can find a lot of info here and at or the forums there, it'll explain the stats and there's actually an Archer/Hunter/Sniper/Ranger forum there where you can ask for stat build help and more specific tips.

Hope you're enjoying the game!
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