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Beginner Bard Build?

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#1 Komnia


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Posted 14 April 2011 - 11:25 AM

Hello all! ^^
I'm very new to Ragnarok and I was looking through the jobs/classes and I was hoping some one could give me a link or just a straight answer on what kind of stats I should be raising from the archer/hunter until I get up to Bard.
I'm still really clueless on quests and stuff but I'm slowly starting to figure it out.
It's a really nice game and I would love to keep playing and not lose interest and I will if i can't figure too much out or get help with it.. I'd rather ask here and get some thing fresh and new from some one else's input rather than an old link that could ruin my character and stuff.. So whatever that helps that you can throw my way I'm open! ^^
And thank you so much for taking the time to help me out!

P.S.: Bard looks fun and exciting but if there is a different class you suggest that is a long range or magic type I'm open to other suggestions.

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#2 soudou


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Posted 14 April 2011 - 12:04 PM

Try checking the stickied Performer/Bard threads in this forum:

If you post on the "help me with my build" thread someone there should be able to give up-to-date expert advice.
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#3 Katreyn


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Posted 14 April 2011 - 12:16 PM

On top of that the Wiki page will be extremely helpful to you. Giving you a full overview of the Bard class as well as some suggested stat builds, to get an idea. There are wiki pages for every class if you want to look them up as well. Good luck and I hope you enjoy RO!

And just to note, the job changing process goes like this. It can be confusing.

Novice > Archer > Bard
Novice > Archer > Hunter

You cannot be both a Hunter and Bard, all First classes have the option of two second classes to choose from.

And to potentially answer later questions.

Novice > Archer > Bard Level 99/50 > Transcend/Rebirth > High Novice > High Archer > Minstrel > Maestro

Also, a nice new quest system to help beginners such as yourself gear up and level up. As well as find some places to level is the Eden Group. If you haven't found them already, then definitely a place to check out. :blink:

Edited by Katreyn, 14 April 2011 - 12:27 PM.

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#4 Komnia


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Posted 14 April 2011 - 03:44 PM

Thank you very much~! ^-^
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