When I downloaded the Ragnarok game client,was it normal for Ragnarok,Ragnarok Revival,and Valkyrie to all be downloaded?
When I tried to play Ragnarok Revival,there was a server connection problem. Is the game client mozilla firefox compatitable?

about Ragnarok
Started by
, Apr 16 2011 07:39 PM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 16 April 2011 - 07:39 PM
Posted 16 April 2011 - 07:45 PM
Use just the "Ragnarok" exe and not Rag Renewal/Revival or Rag Free. It used to be that you had to boot up RagFree for Valkyrie and RagRenewal for Ymir/Ygg but since a week or 2 ago they combined it all into one. But the client download has not yet been updated to remove the extra exe files.
Posted 16 April 2011 - 07:51 PM
Download the iRO Client from the main page. Then use the Manual Patch we received with a recent VIP/F2P game update. If all else fails, send in a Ticket. Or submit a thread to the Technical Support forum.
Yes it is Firefox compatible, but if you want to be absolutely certain, just use IE so that there is no question of a discrepancy.
Yes it is Firefox compatible, but if you want to be absolutely certain, just use IE so that there is no question of a discrepancy.
Posted 17 April 2011 - 10:58 AM
I guess the same is happening to me, so i'll try your suggestions, but to be honest i've dowloaded lot of stuff so i'm afraid by the end i wont have the answer to what did worked and what did not but i'll try it anyways. I use Google chrome, does it make any difference?
Posted 17 April 2011 - 11:51 AM
okay, first of all this is not a browser game, brand of browser is irrelevant. you can use any browser to download the client. the client is a D3D 32-bit PE binary. newer versions of windows may require administrator privileges in order to install. be sure you are downloading from the official download for the latest version, older versions will not connect to the servers. for best results with newer operating systems, do not install to the "program files" directory. instead, create a new folder in the root directory with an appropriate name to install to, "c:\RO\" works well enough. following this example you would then run c:\RO\Ragnarok.exe to start the patcher. you may need to run c:\RO\setup.exe first to configure the game's graphics and audio settings, the non-T&L HAL is more stable than the T&L HAL on most hardware configurations. after that, run the patcher. the patcher will update the client to current and and you can then click start. if you have appropriate hardware the game will run. assuming you've already registered for an account you can then log in and create a new character, after that you're on your own.
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