Chicken Party!
The quest has no level requirement as it is doable for all levels.
The quest is available from both Lampa in Zant and Sicru in Junon Polis.
The chickens on Lampa's and Sicru's farm have gotten out of their cages and they are now rampaging in the court.
The brave visitors who are willing to help to take them back to their cages are given 10 Chicken Nets from Lampa or Sicru which they have to use on the chickens to capture them.
The Chicken Nets however have a chance to miss. Whenever a net catches a chicken it will be added to the quest window.
After using the 10 nets the visitor goes back to Lampa or Sicru and receive 0-10 Chicken Eggs for each chicken captured(1 egg/chikcen).
This quest is repeatable.
Chicken Egg (0-10)
The Chicken Eggs contain one of the following items:
-(1)Boiled Egg (60% Chance)
-(1)Chick Summon Capsule (30% Chance)
-(1)Golden Chicken Egg (10% Chance)
The Golden Chicken Eggs contain one of the following items:
-(1)Permanent Skill: Summon Adult Chicken (25% Chance) - This is a tradeable skill book.
-(1)Venurune (15% Chance)
-(1)Plutorune (10% Chance)
-(1)Nepturune (5% Chance)
-(2)Lisent of any kind (45% Chance)
However, the percentages could be modified, they are not written in stone and neither the list of items, they can add many exiting stuff into that egg, those are just the items that popped out of my head.
Edited by PickUp, 14 August 2010 - 09:24 AM.