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#1 MVPAresX


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Posted 21 April 2011 - 11:42 AM

Hey dudes and dudettes!
MVPAresX here! (You can call me Ares or AresX)

I'm returning to RO after a few month hiatus, I was having some computer issues and what not, but I've got it all worked out.
When I was playing, I decided I wanted to make a Rogue! But it turns out Rogues seem to be REALLY popular bots, so.. I'm just gonna delete him (He's only at level like.. 44 anyways)

Was wondering what a good class would be for someone that's just returning to the game. I'm a huge fan of Support Classes and classes that act as tanks, but it doesn't seem like those are really NEEDED in this game (Except for maybe Support Priests and what not, but they're a real pain to level :Emo_15:)

So I was wondering if someone could suggest a fun class to level! Keep in mind that if I play a melee class I like being a tank, other than that I normally play Ranged/Support classes
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#2 soudou


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Posted 21 April 2011 - 03:43 PM

Aw don't delete the rogue. They're good for item hunting which is also good for getting your new characters zeny. Sure a lot of bots use them but doesn't mean real players can't use them too. Or you could just move to Ymir xD A Merchant is also good for zeny-making/saving.

If you feel raising a Support/Tank would be too slow for you then I'd reccomend going for your other preference, a Ranged character. If you like ranged then the Archer class would be good. Though you'll need zeny for arrows etc. But I found them pretty fun and fast to level when I was new to the game. Aside from Acolyte class they're one of my faves in the game. Especially on things that are fixed to the ground so you don't get hit like Mandragoras, Flora, Greatest General, Geographer, Muscipular, Drosera, Nepenthes etc. Saves on potions which you can then use to buy more arrows instead!

Other useful links:

Edited by soudou, 21 April 2011 - 03:44 PM.

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#3 MVPAresX


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Posted 21 April 2011 - 03:57 PM

Well thank you for the useful information :Emo_15:
I was thinking of going with an Archer OR a Acolyte, although the Aco might be slower leveling, I suppose I could find parties ;P
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#4 soudou


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Posted 21 April 2011 - 04:16 PM

You could try checking out the Guild/Party sections of this forum and also iROWiki forum. Some guilds accept low-level players. There's also the Party Search system ingame:

Maybe you could hook up with one of these people (I'm assuming you're on Valkyrie?):


By the way there is always Melee Aco -> Battle Priest ;D But I am totally biased *mains a lvl 114 Battle Archbishop* :) Or a Monk :Emo_15: *also has a Monk... collecting dust* :Emo_15:

Edited by soudou, 21 April 2011 - 04:17 PM.

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#5 MVPAresX


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Posted 21 April 2011 - 04:18 PM

I have actually already put something in the Guild Hall ^^
And yes, once the servers come back up, I'll be sure to look for a party lol :Emo_15:

And I played a Melee Aco/Battle Priest, it was fun, but just not my style lol :/
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#6 soudou


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Posted 21 April 2011 - 04:21 PM

Hehe I see, thats cool, we all have our own style :Emo_15: Best of luck with the search!
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