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getting a quick merchant

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#1 SpidyFreakshow


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Posted 03 May 2011 - 10:38 PM

ok, so i started playing again recently, and i will need a character to make some money with, a merchant.
but i dont know much them.

basically im try to get a merch with lvl 10 vending, discount, and overcharge(and any skills needed for those); as quickly and easily as possible.

i might want to try to make it a alchemist or blacksmith later, but i dont know if that would be viable.

so any advice, like how to build the stats, and what to lvl on?
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#2 kizzderose


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Posted 11 May 2011 - 05:06 AM

I'd suggest a Battle Build, if you want to lvl fast. My Battle Alchemist started with 9 Str/Agi/Dex.
Until about Lvl 20 put everything into Agi. Then i made Dex/Luk to 11. Now Agi again. Your Hitrate should be "ok". If you want more, put some more points into Luk (Luk gives Atk/Hit/Crit/PerfDodge).

For OC/DC/Vending 10 you need JobLvl 39 (you need Enlarge Weight Limit 5 and Pushcart 3 as Preskills). But, let's face it, Pushcart 3 is very slow.
I'd suggest EWL 5, Pushcart 10, Vending 10, Discount 3, Overcharge 10 and Item Appraisal 1, then Jobchange at Job 40 and spend 12 points as 2nd Class. As Battle Alchemist i don't need much Alche Skills, so it's no problem for me to spend those points for merch skills.
You can go for Job 50 too, of course.

My Lvl Route: After Novi Ground do the Eden Quest and get their stuff. Now do Peco+Muka Eden Quest (2 times south from Prontera) until Lvl 26. Again do the Eden Quest.
No go to Byalan Lvl 2 (Hydras, Kukre, Vadon etc) and kill everything until you are Lvl 32-34. Now you can warp from Prontera to the Orc Dungeon. Don't go inside, stay in the Fields.
You can lvl here up to Job 40 and more. Good Exp and Loot (Orcish Voucher are about 1000-1500z).

I hope this will help you a little bit. With this i got my Novi to Rogue in a couple hours. Merch will take a little longer because they don't have skill like Double Attack, but it's ok too.

Cya, kizzderose

P.S.: I hope my english isn't that bad :)
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#3 iCandy


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Posted 11 May 2011 - 04:11 PM

to ad with kizzderose's post, if you wann be an alchemist, i suggest that you go job lvl 50 merchant. it saves you trouble from the job change quest.
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#4 SpidyFreakshow


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Posted 11 May 2011 - 08:23 PM

thanks a lot

ive made friends with a priest who offered to help lvl me, but he only got me to about lvl 20
so hopefully this will help me get the rest of the way ^_^

also, any advice on some cheap equipment?
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