Which is better for PVM magic or throwing ninja?
Posted 16 May 2011 - 01:40 PM
Which is more fun?
Posted 18 May 2011 - 02:42 AM
Posted 18 May 2011 - 12:08 PM
Magic is pretty useless. Throw kunai is great for levelling.
I'm leveling a ninja right now and I'll say I agree. For PvM, you really only need enough skill points to get 5 in Throw Kunai. Seriously after that, you need nothing else though Cicada Skin Shed is pretty nice. I'm 86ish/70 right now, I maxed CSS and TK and literally spent nothing else past that and had no issues.
The upside to TK is pretty much you'll one shot any mob (as long as you use the right elemental kunai) up till around...80ish. Then some will take two to kill (probably could go back to one with the right gear). The delay after TK is small but noticeable so I find large groups of aggressive mobs can be troublesome since they eat up CSS pretty quickly.
From what I understand, magic is good for AOE with Blaze Shield and Exploding Dragon. I can't comment on it, haven't tried it but a lot of people say it's pretty bad. Plus the two spots I've seen to level in the high 90s are Magmarings and Magma Dungeon, both areas are with fire immune/resistant mobs. Not that there aren't others, just that I think you'd do better with Ice Kunais in that case.
I imagine MVPing would require a Killing Stroke build. TK does a lot of damage but I think it would still take a ton of casts to kill any MVP with it. In the meantime you'd have to rely on CSS or Mirror Image to not die I'd think. Just don't think your mana pool would last. However, this is all 100% pure speculation and I'm 99.9% positive someone will post after me saying how little I know about ninjas (which I will readily admit to

Fun is subjective. I like TK because I like pwning the mobs. However, it's almost literally using one ability for 99 levels. Take that as you will.
Posted 18 May 2011 - 05:49 PM
Posted 23 May 2011 - 09:29 AM
Magic is pretty useless. Throw kunai is great for levelling.
Not so. I have a ninja I've made less than a day ago, and got up to 87 with it in the same day using magic build. People say it sucks because the damage output when compared to throw kunai is not as good, but there's ways around it with a combination of skills and in my opinion funner to play. Magmarings may be immune to fire, but Forget that we have Freezing Spear? The only thing that magic builds have trouble with is killing things that are weak to earth, since we don't have any earth offensive magic skills. But no, magic isn't as horrid as people say it is, and I prefer it over Throw Kunai.
Posted 24 May 2011 - 06:24 PM
Posted 25 May 2011 - 09:03 AM
Not so. I have a ninja I've made less than a day ago, and got up to 87 with it in the same day using magic build. People say it sucks because the damage output when compared to throw kunai is not as good, but there's ways around it with a combination of skills and in my opinion funner to play. Magmarings may be immune to fire, but Forget that we have Freezing Spear? The only thing that magic builds have trouble with is killing things that are weak to earth, since we don't have any earth offensive magic skills. But no, magic isn't as horrid as people say it is, and I prefer it over Throw Kunai.
Freezing spear 10 used to have a horrendous cast time. Just wondered what the cast time is like now, as mage bolts used to have long cast time but you could instacast them feasibly, now their base cast time is faster but instacast is a bit harder to achieve. I wondered if the same thing might have happened to freezing spear if you know.
Also how much dmg does ice spear 10 do to magmaring if you've tried it.
Posted 14 June 2011 - 07:18 PM
I will update more once i try some other mvps. I don't imagine i have the patience for mvps with over a million hp but i might try with strings and see.
Posted 14 June 2011 - 07:55 PM
Making kunai requires some Zennies and if you can back it up Good for ya!
I prefer TK build since leveling is much faster

You can one shot monsters in your level range with the right element.
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