IntroductionWarriors obviously are front line offense and defence. They are capable of taking hits for team mates or help catch and lock enemy targets. In early game, they are fun and easy to play with. Most of the skills they have help control mobs or kill them off quickly. However, warriors lack high damage against bosses and can seem like a long torture.
GameplayHere I will try to go over what a Warrior will be doing during his/her PvE grind days and if he/she decides to participate in PvP.
Playing as a Warrior is very simple in PvE. It may take some time to get used to attacking mobs that are knocked down on the ground, standing on the ground or in the air. In the tutorial you learned to do attack monsters standing on the ground and if you used the skill Blow already, you know that monsters are knocked down on the ground. To attack the mobs on the ground, simply walk up close to them and while pressing down on your control-movement keys, press/hold your attack button (x-key). On the same token, monsters can be launched into the air. With Air Combo Launch, you can lift mobs up into the air and you can follow up with "jump+attack" or Stormblade. As I mentioned it before, warriors are great at mob control or killing them off quickly so it is always best to round up the mobs or clump them together and then begin your combos. And please remember that once you have finished off one round of mobs, quickly move onto another so you can continue your combos to maintain your bonus exp effect - who doesn't want more exp and level faster?
As for fighting bosses the best thing to do is to be in a party with an archer or magician. In early games, they can kill bosses relatively faster than warriors can. But if you are not given that option and left with soloing then try using your hammer skills as they deal high damage.
Remember to buy potions! The fastest way to kill monsters and bosses is to kill them off with your skills as they do more damage than your normal attacks.
I'm not too sure PvPing with a warrior can be fun or not but it's a great starting place to build up your foundation. Practice catching with Sword Dance (and get used to what happens after your enemy gets hit by Sword Dance aka. lag walk/disappearance). Practice predicting your enemy target's movement and get used to their lag dashes/dashing.
I might post some videos in the futureSkillsI will try to give my opinion on each skill and give a screenshot or video of myself using those skills. However, for some skills, I will not be able to show what the difference is between a Lv. 1 skill vs. a Lv. 3 or 5 skill.
Warrior Skill Tree
click on the picture to enlarge

DescriptionMy opinion of the skill if you are going for Dragoon end game: Useless. Keep it at Lv. 1. It does not knock down bosses. In PvP, after knocking down an opponent, they can quickly roll-recovery and escape your lock. Can not knock down Bosses or F7 mobs.
DescriptionMy opinion of the skill if you are going for Dragoon end game: Quite useful from levels 1 - 40. After level 40 you will have better skills to launch enemies or not launch them at all using other skills on ground instead. Can not launch Bosses or F7 mobs.
DescriptionMy opinion of the skill if you are going for Dragoon end game: Your best friend! You will be using this skill to basically kill off all mobs you launch into the air. Max it! However, at level 68 dragoon, this skill can be kept at Lv 1-3 instead. No damage to bosses because they can't be launched anyways.
Air Combo Launch
DescriptionMy opinion of the skill if you are going for Dragoon end game: Pretty useful skill at low levels. This is your best launcher skill until Cutdown is at Lv 3. I would recommend keeping this at Lv. 1 throughout the game until level 40 if you're not going for Sword Dance. As for Lv. 3 and over, I have not found any use for it in PvE or PvP. Can not launch Bosses or F7 mobs.
DescriptionMy opinion of the skill if you are going for Dragoon end game: Useless. Keep it at Lv. 1 if you are going for Sword Dance and at Lv. 0 if you are not. It does not launch bosses.
Sword Dance
DescriptionMy opinion of the skill if you are going for Dragoon end game: It's one of the most loved skills for warriors and hated skills by your enemies. What the description does not say (secret?) is that at each higher Lv. of the skill, the range increases reaching the max range at Lv. 5. In terms of PvE this skill is great at making mobs flinch and in PvP this skill is great for catching your enemies. If you are planning to go for PvE build however, this skill is not as useful. I have this skill at Lv. 5 as I still use it in both PvE and PvP. Can not knock down bosses or F7 mobs.
Hammer Crush
DescriptionMy opinion of the skill if you are going for Dragoon end game: After Lv. 5 the number of enemy targets increases by one and the Lv Stun is still only Lv. 5. This skill is semi-useful in PvE as this skill does do a lot of damage so I use it on bosses just for the damage. Also I use this skill when doing F6s at low levels. This skill is most helpful for warriors in F7s where you stun the in-coming traffic of mobs. In PvP this skill can help you stun an enemy for about 2 seconds which is great when your hammer is at Lv. 10 and you have Time Reverse on (paladin skill). I kept my skill Lv. at 9 however because I am too poor to invest for a Lv. 10 card. It does not stun bosses but it DOES stun F7 mobs.
Blazing Youth
DescriptionMy opinion of the skill if you are going for Dragoon end game: The description also did not say that this skill slightly launches the enemy. After Lv. 5 the number of enemy targets increases by one and the Lvl Burn increases by one also. However, Burn is such a stupid de-buff as it decreases x-amount of HP rather than a %-amount. I would keep this skill at Lv 1 if you want to hammer spam and use it to hit bosses or stall in F6s at low levels 1 - 40. Otherwise, this skill is useless. It does not burn bosses but it DOES burn F7 mobs.
Icecold Heart
DescriptionMy opinion of the skill if you are going for Dragoon end game: Similar to Blazing Youth. However, after Lv. 5 I'm not sure what the Lv ice freezing effect is. This hammer skill also slightly launches enemy targets which, was not stated in the description. If you like to hammer spam then keep this at Lv. 1 and use it on bosses or stall in F6s at low levels 1 - 40. Otherwise this skill is useless. It does not ice-freezing effect bosses but it DOES ice-freezing effect F7 mobs.
Sword Mastery
DescriptionMy opinion of the skill if you are going for Dragoon end game: Helpful at the lower levels but very useless at end game.
Warrior's Bonds
DescriptionMy opinion of the skill if you are going for Dragoon end game: Useless. If you cast this skill in PvP, your enemies can also receive the buff. Also, if you look at the stat attribute section, the % defense only applies to your base defense which is very, VERY minute compared to your equipment defense.Here is what I usually do when I make a new warrior.
By level 6 - I would have gotten Cutdown Lv. 1, Air Combo Launch Lv. 1, Storm Blade Lv. 2 and Hammer Crush Lv. 1.
By level 9 - I would have gotten Cutdown Lv. 3, Air Combo Launch Lv.1, Storm Blade Lv. 3 and Hammer Crush Lv. 2.
By level 12 - I would have gotten Cutdown Lv. 3, Air Combo Launch Lv. 1, Storm Blade Lv. 4, Hammer Crush Lv. 3 and Blazing Youth Lv. 1.
By level 15 - I would have gotten Cutdown Lv. 3, Air Combo Launch Lv.1, Storm Blade Lv. 5, Hammer Crush Lv. 4, Blazing Youth Lv. 1, Re-launch Lv. 1 and Sword Dance Lv. 4.
By level 19 with 99.9% onto level 20 - I would have gotten Cutdown Lv. 3, Air Combo Launch Lv.1, Storm Blade Lv. 5, Hammer Crush Lv. 5, Blazing Youth Lv. 1, Re-launch Lv. 1, Sword Dance Lv. 5 and Sword Mastery Lv. 5.
Here is what it will look like:
Skill SimulatorBefore you get that last 0.1% for level 20, I would re-skill, rewarded by the tutorial quest, to the following:
Cutdown Lv. 3, Air Combo Launch Lv.1, Storm Blade Lv. 5, Hammer Crush Lv. 5, Re-launch Lv. 1, Icecold Heart Lv. 1 and Sword Dance Lv. 5.
Here is what it will look like:
Skill SimulatorI chose Icecold Heart Lv. 1 because it's just a back up skill to fall back on when doing F6s and I need to stall them from attacking my stone (but I have never used it because I know when to use my skills to flinch/knock down enemy targets).
Quests and LevelingBefore creating your warrior, after logging in, you will be given the selection of which channel to enter.

Since you are starting a new character, you should enter into channel 1 to get your 5% exp bonus!

After creating a Warrior you will be prompted if you want to complete the tutorial. Within the tutorial you will obtain and complete your first quest. This is the most rewarding quest as it gives you a gift box which contains more gifts box inside at different levels. The most important thing you can get is the 20 level1-19 re-skills. It's a good time for all new players to get used to each skill and validate my opinions I have given up top.
After the tutorial quest, you will be teleported to Odelia and from here on out, I can not stress this enough - DO ALL YOUR HERO/MAIN QUESTS!
Why? Because they're VERY HELPFUL! They also give out decent to excellent rewards such as stronger-than-normal weapons and massive exp. These quests are also linked with JOB ADVANCEMENT quests.
For more information on all quests or main hero quests, you should go into your Journal Log (J-key) and go to the Quest tab to look at all the quests or click on Main Quest for just the Hero/Main quests.
Map of Odelia
After entering this map, the first thing I normally do is talk to an npc
(Boatman <Zaza>) spamming my space bar key and shift key. Once I have talked to that npc for 100 times, I will have received my first medal, Chatterbox giving me 8 extra INT.

To equip the medal, simply open your journal (J-button), go into the medals tab, look for the Quest section and then locate the Chatterbox medal and double click it to equip.

After that I look at my map (N-button) and locate all available quests, the "!", it could be yellow or red. I obtain those quests and enter into Windia Plains. I do what is needed to complete the quest and then I locate the npc with the red "?" on his head and complete the quest to obtain the new one it gives.

A grey "!" means you do not meet the requirements to obtain the quest.

Before entering Odelia again, I complete the unfinished quests at hand and kill mobs until I hit level 3. Entering Odelia, I talk to all npc's that have a yellow or red "?" and "!" on their heads to complete and obtain more quests. After all quests are completed that can be done within Odelia, it is now time for you to go finish the unfinished quests in Windia Plains and then enter Windia Plains Mission Map.
If you look at the top, you will see a symbol that sort've looks like a lock, that is where you enter the mission maps. Windia Plains has 2 but they are exactly the same.
Map of Windia Plains
From here on out until levels 20, you will be doing the same thing; obtain quest, complete quest, get hero quest, do Mission Maps F1-4 and then F5.
I WARN YOU NOW, get used to the controls and prevent yourself from dying (better yet, getting hit at all to obtain "Fly like Butterfly!" medal)! The better you are at not dying, the happier you will be after job advancement obtaining a really good medal "God-Like Control!"
From another author, Kenzai, he had some general tips on which maps to level in and I applaud him for his work. However, this is "outdated" since there are new maps implemented that can aid in leveling faster.
Original Link: (Kenzai, 2009)The new maps that have been implemented at these levels are: Howling Wind's Hill Wolves' Den (found in Howling Wind's Hill via Traitor's Ridge) and Wailing Hill Wolves' Den (found in Wailing Hill via Canyon of Oblivion). These two maps can only be entered via hero quests so if you took my word to heart you should have obtained the quests to enter.
Everything else is pretty self-explanatory so I will skip right to the next section now to make things a little easier when leveling to 20.
TIP: At around level 17-18 and you have finished most of your quests in Canyon of Oblivion and stuck with the F1-5 Hero quests, you can enter Port of Winds and obtain more quests! Also, when you are at level 19, you can start your Job Advancement quests to help you level to 20 even faster!
Medal and EquipmentsChatterbox is a good starting medal because of the extra +8 INT which translates to mp. The beginning monsters and bosses do not do as much damage as the later ones so I do not recommend getting STR for def but HLT is good when fighting monsters that are 5+ levels higher or if you are not confident with your controls in avoiding hits. Medals such as
Lumberjack, Vegabond, Kunkah, etc... give great amount of HLT at these low levels. As for equipments, anything will do. The most important equipment would be weapon if you want to level faster. The harder you can hit, the faster you will be able to kill off mobs and clear Mission Maps or Quests. However, even though I suggested any equipment is good at these low levels, it is always good to keep in mind that if you want to hit higher level monsters, have some AIM RATE items! This is all I will talk about for now, I will expand more later on!
Job Advance QuestsHere are the two main quests you should keep in mind when going for first job promotion.

^ If you're wondering why my quests are "incomplete", it's because I was apart of THQ (old server) and job advanced before the new updates came out.
If you followed what I suggested earlier in doing all the main quests ever since Odelia, then you should have most of these completed by level 19. When you are level 19, you can go into Port of Winds and obtain the "Fellowship entry test beings!" quest. Just follow what the quests tell you and you should be fine. Generally this is what's going to happen:
- Talk to Colin (guard captain)
- Talk to Edeline (magician)
- Kill monsters in Canyon of Oblivion
- Hand in Quests
- Talk to Davi (blacksmith)
- Hand in Quests
- Go into City Hall Culverts to destroy some vials
- Hand in quests
- Go into Wailing Hill Wolves' Den and kill boss
- Hand in all Quests

click on the pictures to enlarge themNow if you're wanting to be a Knight, please read on below, if you chose Gladiator then I'm sorry the rest of my guide may not be suitable for you. Hopefully in the future if I make a Gladiator Guide I can help you out!
Edited by hungfido, 27 May 2011 - 02:06 PM.