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Royal Guard balance consideration

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#26 veteran2003


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Posted 02 June 2011 - 03:24 AM

didn't you say i was going to get suspended on your last thread that get locks down? i like see you try again, and maybe this will get locked down too, if you keep your trash up xDD

Welcome back from your 24 hour forums suspension.
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#27 HayrohsLegacy


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Posted 02 June 2011 - 03:25 AM

You're going to be suspended from the forums if you keep it up. Gravity is going to balance this game and there's nothing you can do about it.

Envious of RGs?? LMFAO dont make me puke in your face. Your voice sounds like a dying Elk, and you should sing an emo song to yourself as you die to deathbound. When you sing you sound like a whining throat-kicked elk.

thanks for losing to me. Sleep on it.

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Haha coz youve been suspended with your BestPlayer forum name? I know you enjoyed GM penalites already and months of vacation with your botting... /meh Pretty still lucky youre not getting permanent ban for your ridiculous kiddy deeds... /swt

Pretty obvious who kissed the floor first... Deathbound? Gloomed CS and DB? Funny youre too noob to master ur RK skills, its ok I know you have Butterflywing Mastery Maxed already...
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Youre talkin about balance as if you really know how to play RO, thanks for dying 1 shot with Genesis Lv 1 /no1

Edited by HayrohsLegacy, 02 June 2011 - 03:27 AM.

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#28 Oda



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Posted 02 June 2011 - 03:26 AM

Man, I really love having to unapprove a dozen posts every few minutes because the same people keep posting and fighting with each other in every single thread. Take it to some other forum or PMs if you wanna argue so much.

If you're going to discuss, discuss but petty personal attacks are just lame:

Ad Hominem (from wiki): An ad hominem (Latin: "to the man"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to link the truth of a claim to a negative characteristic or belief of the person advocating it.

The minute you say "your point is invalid because you are a bad person" the discussion goes down the toilet.
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#29 veteran2003


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Posted 02 June 2011 - 03:27 AM

Pretty obvious who kissed the floor first... Deathbound? Gloomed CS and DB? Funny youre too noob to master ur RK skills, its ok I know you have Butterflywing Mastery Maxed already...

Youre talkin about balance as if you really know how to play RO, thanks for dying 1 shot with Genesis Lv 1 /no1

You said Im too noob to masters my rune knight skills, yet you died to me when I was level 127 and many other times. The time stamp on your screenshot shows our screenshots to be 1 second apart. You took that screenshot a tenth of a second before you dropped dead to me. Sleep on it.

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#30 Unifan


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Posted 02 June 2011 - 03:30 AM

Man, I really love having to unapprove a dozen posts every few minutes because the same people keep posting and fighting with each other in every single thread. Take it to some other forum or PMs if you wanna argue so much.

If you're going to discuss, discuss but petty personal attacks are just lame:

Ad Hominem (from wiki): An ad hominem (Latin: "to the man"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to link the truth of a claim to a negative characteristic or belief of the person advocating it.

The minute you say "your point is invalid because you are a bad person" the discussion goes down the toilet.

hey oda, did u suspend me on forum? unlike laz, who spams F5 on forum everytime he wakes up. i had work and other things to do in "life" @__@. i think the only reason why this thread goes down to the toilet is because laz posted it. if you look @ it, he flames @ everybody that does not agree with him, that is the reason why people doesn't even take him seriously

Edited by Unifan, 02 June 2011 - 03:33 AM.

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#31 veteran2003


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Posted 02 June 2011 - 03:35 AM

hey oda, did u suspend me on forum? unlike laz, who spams F5 on forum everytime he wakes up. i had work and other things to do in "life" @__@. i think the only reason why this thread goes down to the toilet is because laz posted it. if you look @ it, he flames @ everybody that does not agree with him, that is the reason why people doesn't even take him seriously

Funny how you two mad crybabies start it. You dont go to work. Keep talking about me and getting a response that hurts your feelings. He was talking about you being the reason it went down the toilet is because all you do is spew out diarhea and crying noises. Youre still mad about the other day when they nerfed kvm. end of story.

What scares you is, people DO take me seriously. Oda isnt going to listen to you when you came into the topic trolling just because youre mad about the kvm nerf and thread i started on balance about suras.

Edited by veteran2003, 02 June 2011 - 03:35 AM.

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#32 HayrohsLegacy


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Posted 02 June 2011 - 03:40 AM

You said Im too noob to masters my rune knight skills, yet you died to me when I was level 127 and many other times. The time stamp on your screenshot shows our screenshots to be 1 second apart. You took that screenshot a tenth of a second before you dropped dead to me. Sleep on it.

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Lemme tell you this, any monk with 99int/str/kvm mace with GFist would take down any 150... Pretty obvious like DB, "I" accept dying and its just youre so mentally ill and cant sleep with "death" everytime you kissed the floor.

Too bad, everyone knows what a F A G you are, and yea I am your worst nightmare -I guard & protect PVP for ppl like you, who dont belong in RO-

Whatever you say is just worthless and pointless, and this will be the last reply Imma make for you coz itll be better for me to ignore crybabies like you.

Make love to ur wife, make children, live a real happy life, shave your skinny goaty face til ur azz and good luck trolling... /no1

Edited by HayrohsLegacy, 02 June 2011 - 03:41 AM.

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#33 Unifan


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Posted 02 June 2011 - 03:42 AM

Funny how you two mad crybabies start it. You dont go to work. Keep talking about me and getting a response that hurts your feelings. He was talking about you being the reason it went down the toilet is because all you do is spew out diarhea and crying noises. Youre still mad about the other day when they nerfed kvm. end of story.

What scares you is, people DO take me seriously. Oda isnt going to listen to you when you came into the topic trolling just because youre mad about the kvm nerf and thread i started on balance about suras.

LOL, oh brb let me look page 1.

i think the only feelings that gets hurt on this thread are yours. its funny how u think every1 takes you seriously. when people found out you were laz, each and every1 of them says "oh nvm is laz" LOL. that shows how much people took you seriously, don't even deny it. btw they didn't nerf the kvm fist, the changed the effect and BUFFED IT LOL. whoever use a kvm fist got a permanent sacrament. thx GM u done a great job, i should agree on your thread there about the kvm fist. Oda isnt going to listen to anyone, i respect that oda doing his job, and do what he can to satisfy everybody, but you sir,i feel sorry for oda to have to listen to your sorry ass crying over the forum, pming GM to ban the troll from your thread xDD.
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#34 Oda



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Posted 02 June 2011 - 03:43 AM

Pretty tired of entire balance threads being undermined by obnoxious 'you died to me in pvp' nonsense. Personal attacks will be removed and constant offenders are gonna have to take a break from posting, you've had adequate warning Laz and others.
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