Hello ROers,
I can't believe that after all the lvling up I did I'm going to have to either make a massive investment in potions or find someone to buy from, for I think the average 25 job lvl thief will have a real task of survival, acquiring those 5 fine grit to learn the Sand Attack. Research tells me I'll have to defeat Scorpions...yes, Scorpions which can easily scratch off 100 or so HP for every hit (mine's 606 as of this text) they deliver to me.
This gives me the assumption the game makers wanted us to be REAL wealthy by the time we got to that job lvl; unfortunately, in my case I spent my zeny to acquire stronger armor and weapons. I didn't want to leave for Prontera until I at least had this quest started (been a "Morrocian" since the beginning believe it or not).
Should I leave for Prontera anyway in hopes of finding fine grit outside of Morroc? Please respond.

Unfeasible Quest for Job lvl 25?
Started by
, Aug 18 2010 12:10 PM
5 replies to this topic
Posted 18 August 2010 - 12:10 PM
Posted 18 August 2010 - 12:19 PM
A few tips here:
1. Sand Attack, while nice to have, is a rarely used skill. You're better off waiting until you're higher, and can basically swat the scorpions. It's the second hardest 1st job quest skill in the game to acquire - only Arrow Repel is harder.
2. If you're on Ymir, you can easily make 1-2 mil zeny/hr by farming stems from mandragoras. A single hour of this should give you enough zeny to reach 2nd job and then some, and of course by then, there's far better methods of racking up the zeny. It's still an option on Valk, but the rampant botting makes stems worth about 1/3 of what they would be otherwise. Still, you should be able to get at least 500k/hour, and that too should get you to 2nd job.
3. Since all the real zeny comes from selling stuff to players, you *need* a low level merchant to sell stuff for you. Job level 10 will get you the ability to vend, job level 20 will also get you a 24% discount on those pots. For now, just get the vend - you can usually find another player to offer you a 20% discount.
If you're on Ymir, I can help you get started in the game.
1. Sand Attack, while nice to have, is a rarely used skill. You're better off waiting until you're higher, and can basically swat the scorpions. It's the second hardest 1st job quest skill in the game to acquire - only Arrow Repel is harder.
2. If you're on Ymir, you can easily make 1-2 mil zeny/hr by farming stems from mandragoras. A single hour of this should give you enough zeny to reach 2nd job and then some, and of course by then, there's far better methods of racking up the zeny. It's still an option on Valk, but the rampant botting makes stems worth about 1/3 of what they would be otherwise. Still, you should be able to get at least 500k/hour, and that too should get you to 2nd job.
3. Since all the real zeny comes from selling stuff to players, you *need* a low level merchant to sell stuff for you. Job level 10 will get you the ability to vend, job level 20 will also get you a 24% discount on those pots. For now, just get the vend - you can usually find another player to offer you a 20% discount.
If you're on Ymir, I can help you get started in the game.
Edited by Mwrip, 18 August 2010 - 12:19 PM.
Posted 18 August 2010 - 12:20 PM
I myself am a level 98 assassin, and I still do not have Sand Attack. Over my career I have only managed to collect 3 fine grit in total. And believe me, I have killed thousands of scorpions while leveling my assassin and my alts at Hodes. So I suggest you just forget about collecting those fine grits. Sand Attack is a pretty useless skill anyway.
Posted 18 August 2010 - 12:21 PM
Also of note, when you trans and make it to High Thief, you automatically learn the skill if you don't already have it, so if you don't feel like killing 500 scorpions at *any* level, you can always just auto-acquire the skill much later.
Posted 18 August 2010 - 12:39 PM
Thank you all for your input. As dreadful and disappointing as this quest is in its requirements, I'm leaving the desert now, ready to see more of the outside world.
Posted 18 August 2010 - 05:51 PM
I really think the requirement for this quest should have been Fine Sand that the sandmen give or the normal gritts but make the amount more.
Recently I have been Hunting Scorpion tails with my Sin who is now lvl 74/42 or so. Lol since I steal and kill them I was raking it in and found a bunch of Fine Grits as well. Really annoyed me since when ur still a thief it's almost impossible.
Also considering the fact that they sell easily for 100k each I made a nice cool 2mil from the 20 or so I found.
Recently I have been Hunting Scorpion tails with my Sin who is now lvl 74/42 or so. Lol since I steal and kill them I was raking it in and found a bunch of Fine Grits as well. Really annoyed me since when ur still a thief it's almost impossible.
Also considering the fact that they sell easily for 100k each I made a nice cool 2mil from the 20 or so I found.
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