I have just been looking over some of the info on Magic Cast times for the Ninja Class skills. Here are some of my oppinions on them, their element, usefullness and perhaps some suggestions to make them better.
Flaming Petals - is ok but not worth getting past the pre req lvl 5. At max level this does the damage of a lvl 9 Fire Bolt from mages.
Blaze Shield - SUPER, It's a FWall with a 1.5 sec cast at max that surrounds you. I only wish each of the little fires could deal 9 hits at max but it's easy to keep casting it.
Exploding Dragon - SUPER only a 3 second cast time/delay 900% damage at lvl 5 with a 5x5 AoE
Freezing Spear - VERY nice attack reminds me of Jupitel Thunder. 2+Skill lvl hits and damage.
Watery Evasion - CRAP needs to have a max lvl of perhaps 5 and no catalyst. Needs as well Quagmires Agi/Dex reduction on enemies.
Snowflake Drift - Reminds me of a bad cross between Frost Nova & Storm Gust. It needs one of 2 things to improve it. Non Self Targeting or Lower Cast Time. AoE is nice but also needs perhaps either more hits as well or more levels.
Wind Blade - PURE CRAP There is NO REASON for lvls 3,5,7 & 9 of this skill. They don't give more damage or hits, less cast time OR less sp. They just cost MORE SP for some stupid reason. There is NO reason this skill should not get 10 hits and 10 * MAtk damage per hit at level 10. Although I must say this skill LOOKS very cool.
Lightning Jolt - Not good. Easiest to compare to Thunder Storm from Mage. GOOD AoE but very poor damage.
First Wind - Seems to be a version of Focused Arrow Strike of Sniper. Has good damage and Range but slightly bad cast time of 4 seconds. Also needs 10 wasted points in pre requisites.
This all makes the most useful skills Freezing Spear, Exploding Dragon & Blaze Shield. The wind skills just suck up skill points as they are pretty crappy and useless. Compared to Freezing spear the other 2 cold skills suck.

Magic Ninja Skills
Started by
, Jun 23 2011 03:06 AM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 23 June 2011 - 03:06 AM
Posted 27 June 2011 - 05:02 AM
Wow surprised no comments on this.
Posted 27 June 2011 - 10:15 AM
I think that's partially because most everyone is playing melee ninjas. Makes me sad because I've loved my magic ninja for the short time I had her. I remember reading something similar about the skills somewhere pre-renewal. Most of the love went to the fire skill tree and freezing spear. Many said first wind was great in areas with tight corridors since its hard to escape from the attacks. I didn't really get a chance to mess with the skills much myself since my magic ninja was in her 70s when renewal hit and I haven't leveled her since then.
I agree with Blaze Shield, that skill is loads of fun when killing things. Freezing spear was great pre-renewal, haven't had experience with it now tho. When I get back to leveling my magic ninja I've considered maxing it but I don't know how horrendous the cast time on lvl 10 would be.
The description of Snowflake Drift has always made me want to get it, but I keep hearing its bad. So I might just max Freezing spear anyway.
I agree with Blaze Shield, that skill is loads of fun when killing things. Freezing spear was great pre-renewal, haven't had experience with it now tho. When I get back to leveling my magic ninja I've considered maxing it but I don't know how horrendous the cast time on lvl 10 would be.
The description of Snowflake Drift has always made me want to get it, but I keep hearing its bad. So I might just max Freezing spear anyway.
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