*before reading, this is just a basic build, and do not have to follow it exactly, skills are done to your own preference what best fits you in your game play style*
Archers are Deadly at long range fighting, Archers are masters of the bow and arrow. Specializing in one of the most difficult weapons to wield, Archers utilize bows to deal heavy damage from long distances and can unleash quivers of arrows on unsuspecting targets. Their proficiency in run-and-hit tactics allows them to use guerrilla ambushes and lightning-quick take downs. With sharp reflexes and intuitive combat senses, Archers can be depended on to defend allies from any position on the battlefield.
Table of Contents
1. Pro & Cons
2.Archer Guide/Build
3. Hunter Guide/Build
4. Pathfinder/ Build
5. 4th Class Coming Soon
6. Skill Analysis
Pros & Cons
1. Damange Dealers (DD): Archers are damage dealers when it comes to PVE
2. Easy to Level: they may not be easy to lvl as mages but my personal opinion if you play your cards right leveling with an archer can go by smoothly
3. Ranged: Being ranged doesn't mean much in pvp but when it comes to mission map bosses ranged makes a huge difference
1. Low Defense you wont really notice this when you reach higher lvls bu from lvl 1-20 your going to see your going to see yourself taking a lot of damage.
Archer Skill Build- (Recommended Build)
Rising Arrow â?? 1/5 or 3/5 some people max this skill, depends on your preference, its preferred to leave at one, you wonâ??t use this skill as much when you become a pathfinder but itâ??s very useful to have.
Shoot Down- 1/1 this skill may not be as useful as others but it comes in handy when a lot of mobs are around you.
Anti Air Shot (AAS)- 5/5 this will be your main skill from archer to pathfinder, this skill equals instant death if you have a decent graphics card so youâ??ll get full potential
Multishot 5/5 or 0/5 this depends on your preference this will be the only high damage skill you have against bosses until lvl 27
Other Skills
*note these are not recommended skills to have but they are very useful to have when it comes to pvp
Relaunch- Make sure the enemy falls predictably; either by slowly dropping him to the floor, or by immediately interrupting his aerial-recover. Then as he touches the ground, right before he starts to roll away, use any launch skill that hits fallen
Edited by ixhikaru, 24 August 2010 - 12:35 PM.