I'm going to skip all the nonsense like "Introduction: Lol we like donuts!" and "Press start!" BadTouch is around and consists of many bad touchers who enjoy creating uncomfortable scenarios via molestation and subsequent threats to remain quiet about it.
If you like gravitating towards guilds that aren't full of sugar-coated morons who cannot express themselves in any meaningful way besides making bland attempts at being cute, then this guild should be on your list. If you like competition but see the current choices as anything but talented, this guild might be for you. If you find that you've driven away every single person who could ever hope to gain closeness to your heart by telling them to their face what a meaningless farce of a life they've had and that every single achievement they've made has been miniscule in comparison to the act of murdering an ant, this guild needs you.
As for requirements, we aren't as strict as most:
-Do not be a moron*
-Have at least some interest as far as at least showing up and attempting to be useful in Emporia War
-I'd like to try and set a minimum of at least level 40. If you prove you're not a total slacker and level up quickly it's not an issue but the higher the better
-Know what a Slapchop is
* If you taip liek dis, you need not apply. If you enjoy QQing about many things, don't bother. If I see a pony or a picture of your character in Ninja Frenzy status in your signature or avatar, don't count on an approval but it's not up to me.
Application format follows. Please note the stats are for reference and as of this moment there is not a bar you must reach.
Character Name:
Other stat (If you have a special build in which you stack Critical Damage or Movement Speed, list it here):
What is a Slapchop?:
All applications may be placed here in this thread. Applications will be handled by Endbringer, Nillachan, and Bhwee.
The guild is lead by Endbringer.
Edited by Kazu731, 16 August 2011 - 06:51 AM.