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Account is currently blocked?

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#1 shikyi


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Posted 23 July 2010 - 01:12 PM

Anyone else sign out and try to sign back into WarpPortal and get a "account currently blocked" message? This happens to me whether or not it's my account or my wife's.
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#2 thesmall001


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Posted 23 July 2010 - 01:24 PM

I too, am now having this error. Not sure why. Can the mods please confirm if there's any unstated restrictions to do with IP addressesand making accounts so that you can't use one computer for multiple accounts or something stupid like that?

Edited by thesmall001, 23 July 2010 - 01:26 PM.

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#3 Corvus


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Posted 23 July 2010 - 02:34 PM

I am looking into the issue of why your account says it is blocked. I am wondering if you can take me, step by step, with what you did with the WarpPortal. Let me know, in the exact order, when you registered WP accounts, registered game accounts, and tied game accounts to WP accounts. So, I am hoping your response looks something like this:

"I registered my WP account, added my Ragnarok account, registered for a Requiem account, then my wife registered a WP account and then registered for a ROSE account."

Both of you, send me a PM with your step by step process. Please do not send me account names via the forums. If I start needing account names, we can do so via the ticket system.

Thank you,
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#4 thesmall001


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Posted 23 July 2010 - 03:42 PM

Corvus, we'll have to talk here because as far as I can tell the PM system is non-functional right now (or over functional depending on how you look at it) because I just got 600+ notification messages that you'd tried to contact me. Any ideas what's going on?
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#5 KiaMalificent


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Posted 23 July 2010 - 07:42 PM

Both my huisband and I are having the same problem. Registered warppartal accounts, tied RO acounts to our warpportal accounts worked fine yesterday and the today neither of us can access our warpportal accounts :mellow:
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#6 thesmall001


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Posted 24 July 2010 - 05:16 PM

According to my discussion with a CM there is currently a bug whereby people who have multiple WP accounts can't access them from one computer in a single session without being auto-flagged for a ban. An over-sight that is hopefully going to be disabled soon as it's being quite problematic for many people (my accounts still haven't been un-banned after 24 hours) so just hang tight till they fix it and hope you don't run out of game time.
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#7 Disenchanter


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Posted 26 July 2010 - 08:54 AM

Same problem:

"The account is currently blocked.
Please inquire the administrator."

This happened today, I try log in but i can't.
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#8 Calanor


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Posted 26 July 2010 - 10:48 AM


Contact our support team via the ticket system ( They can help you correct this and get you moving forward.
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#9 Disenchanter


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Posted 26 July 2010 - 04:34 PM

Ok Thanks, I've sent the ticket, waiting for answer

Edited by Disenchanter, 26 July 2010 - 04:37 PM.

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#10 SuperYoshi


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Posted 26 July 2010 - 11:25 PM

weird i had several accounts with Ragnarok online and tried to find which one was attached to my main account and after I put all the info i tried to log in to a previous account and it said i was banned O.o and i also have a ticket in for this >:
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#11 cmechanic


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Posted 27 July 2010 - 02:22 PM

blocked & tickets only auto answers
where can get a hold of someone to fix account ?

Edited by cmechanic, 27 July 2010 - 02:23 PM.

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#12 Rockyonfire


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Posted 27 July 2010 - 02:37 PM

I can use both mine and my girlfriends account which i signed up for her.
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#13 MinaDoll


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Posted 30 July 2010 - 07:46 PM

I too am currently having this issue.I made multiple warp portal accounts so I could keep the accounts tied to them in order and now I am banned and can not access my warp portal. I hope this issue gets fixed quickly as I am needing to add "warp enegry points" to my accounts.....
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