Blackpeppir My Shot at a Christmas Event
1) Toy Factory killcount
2) Christmas and lvl1Biolabs monsters near towns
3) Reindeer Santa Hat event item
4) Santa Bags turned into accessories
ExDark Here's My Christmas Event Suggestion
1) Item collection
2) Christmas enemies spawn in Lutii houses
3) Mini-instance similar to poring war with Santa/Antonio sides
4) Christmas NPC Story Quest: Christmas coins redeemable for great items
HazyDawn HazyDawn's Ideas
1) Santa shows appreciation for the Brando family
2) Forging/cooking/item collection quest for Brando family
3) Repeatable kills/item collection and unique Christmas headgear
Symm Crystal Kill Count
1) Kill Count Quest for Crystals
Ultimate iRO Summative Christmas Event
1) Christmas NPC Story Quest which opens killcount quests and in game rewards
2) Killcount quests in ID3, Magma 2, Thors 2
Pepperoncini Pepperoncini's Event
1) Expanded Christmas themed monsters
2) Christmas NPC Story Quest: item collection
3) Unique Toy Cop Badge Christmas accessory
Susan Headgearz in New Named Gift Boxes
1) XMas Giftboxes from monsters: drop common headgears
HansLowell Loky's Time
1) Christmas NPC Story Quest: random town invasions centered around protecting the Yggdrasil tree
Trixdee Christmas Pets
1) Christmas Pet: Crystals or Hatii Bebe
Chisami Christmas Event Idea
1) Toy Factory kill count quest with improved lvl 1 enemies
2) Gift boxes with new items, obtainable from enemies when wearing a Christmas themed heargear
3) Secret Santa Kafra point cards to give to friend (in game gift certificates)
Babbles Kafra Shop Xmas Items
1) Three unique Christmas headgears (some made by collecting items in game)
Shanden Santa Morroc
1) Christmas NPC Story Quest: Santa Morroc
2) Santa Morroc summons mobs of enemies which the players kill
3) Magical Cane unique lower headgear
Ceer Christmas Event Proposal
1) ID3 and Abyss 3 killcount quests
2) Killcount quests in Juperos, turtle island, and baylan
3) Santa coins obtained for in game kill counts specific to this event, which can be turned in for medium-low level cards/OCAs
DIEGVS Event for the Union and the Christmas Spirit
1) Clarification needed
Prodigy Kafra Corporation Operation Save Christmas
1) Christmas NPC Story Quest: Kafra Corporation Operation Save Christmas
2) Mini-event related to quizzes
3) Unique in game items and gear
Maka Decorate the Christmas Tree
1) Expanded Christmas monsters with special loot
2) Unique headgear reward: Jingle Bells midgear
ZeroTigress Give Snowysnow a Christmas to Remember
1) Christmas NPC Story Quest: Give Snowysnow a Christmas to Remember, item collection
2) Unique headgear reward: Snowysnow's Beanie
3) Christmas themed town invasions
N1nj4Sk1llz420 Spare Card Removal
1) The removal of Spare Card as a headgear
Ultimate Ragnarok Online Housing and Apartment System
1) New Housing and Apartment System for Ragnarok Online
Sera Christmas Rage Event
1) It's a kill count event with the misc item traded in for the bonus in place of a headgear like the turtle hat
2) Christmas event with witty dialogue : )
Kiehl The Wish of the Lovers
1) Christmas NPC Story Quest: The Wish of the Lovers, kill monsters pairs in a special summoning room under time limits
2) Valkyrie's Feather Band unique headgear
RegalPrime My Christmas Event Idea
1) Kill count quests in towns
2) Quiz event based on killing specific monsters
3) Hunting specific monster event
1) Santa Has Been Naughty Quest where you have to save Christmas... In Morroc! (give that town a bit of life)
2) Quest Reward based on Job and is a mid level item (Healing, Equip, or Misc.) of the users choice + Christmas hat or scarf.
3) Special Card/Voucher drop from event monsters (ex: Mint Drooping drops Small Card and so on.)
4) NPC trades cards/vouchers for either cash or items.
Edited by Ultimate, 05 September 2010 - 02:29 PM.