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Some noobish sin questions

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#1 Paulg08


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Posted 27 October 2011 - 03:23 PM

Hi, I recently transcended my first character (a sin) and am relatively new to RO in general. I looked around a bit but there are a few questions I couldn't find answers to:

1. It looks like the two viable GX builds are DD + dex and crit katars. Are there any other good builds out there? And why isn't katars + dex a good idea? I like the idea of using katars but still being able to hit with the non poison skills.

2. What are some good equips for someone who has just started RO in general and is completely unfunded (I have like 1.5 mil)? I see a lot of good suggestions on what to buy in guides but all of that, even the "cheap" stuff seems outside my price range :/ I have been mostly using the eden equips; when should I ditch these for something better?

3. Finally, I am interested in trying PvP and WoE. How long should I wait before doing this? Do I need to be a GX before I stand a chance?

Any other general tips would be cool :(
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#2 Bladefox


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Posted 27 October 2011 - 04:37 PM

Reading everything you just said my best advice for you would be to play a class that isn't an assassin.

It's very expensive to gear up compared to other class's. It's very weak in PvP and WoE when compared to other classes (looking at sura's/RG/RK) you might be able to kill some people but if you're looking to own you're going to need the very best gear available. Leveling any of the knight classes or a wiz->sorc would probably be more cost effective, even a monk -> asura although they kinda need a rideword hat to keep mana efficient (who doesn't these days though?).

Before you continue reading I don't consider myself an expert as I havn't played in 4 years and just came back so take my answers at your own risk:

1) Double Dagger is fun but you'll need an ice pick and a lot of carded MG's for effective leveling. Grimtooth is a cheap alternative if you don't care and an assassin's dagger for the small ASPD boost it's pretty cheap (bad vs. shadow). People usually go katar because it's cheaper and easier to gear around it.

You can go dex katar but you'll need to wear a double attack hat, chick hat or snake hat - not worth carding sidewinder but if you have to you can. Dex is also great for mobbing with EDP + Rolling cutter at higher levels. A lot of people go crit because they are using KVM weapons and probably don't want to be forced to wear that hat.

Crit-lock is also a big thing with lots of agi as you can lock down a person with high enough ASPD (until they get some support to get you off)

2) An infiltrator is an all-around cheap and effective weapon if you're starting out. Accessory wise Kobold Cards are cheapish these days if you're going crit build. Slot them in whatever accessory you can afford. Save for an immune muffler or any immune garment you can afford. The eden garment is not bad if you can't afford it though.

If I was starting out I'd aim to get enough money to buy the Morrigane's set, it may not be cheap to you but if you can work on making like 8.5 more mil you can afford the entire set. The morrigane's belt/pendant are cheap as hell, the helm is cheap (all go for on average 200k on ymir) the only hard part is the mantaeu it costs 8mil on average.

Still a very good set even until level 100-110 I'd say, if you're deciding to go critical katar. Paired with the infiltrator you'll have about 25-30 perfect dodge and a suitable amount of crit even with low luk.

Another easily attained weapon is the Carnage Katar from the PvP vendor, you can trade 10 Eden Merit Badges to get 100 Badges - then turn those 100 badges into a Brave Carnage Katar or a Valor Carnage Katar. It does +70% vs Demi-Human +20% crit damage to all enemies and gives str/dex/luk + 1 also ASPD +5%. At no cost to you, only have to do your gramps turn-in in eden 5 days to get it and it's a worthy weapon and at no zenny cost to you.

3) Don't even bother with WoE or PvP until you're level 130+ Guillotine cross, unless you plan on using EDP and killing some weaker opponents, most players are so far ahead they'll laugh at you honestly even with EDP up.

Edited by Bladefox, 27 October 2011 - 04:45 PM.

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#3 Paulg08


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Posted 27 October 2011 - 07:39 PM

Hey thanks for the advice :( Ill have to look into getting some of that gear.
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#4 Bladefox


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Posted 27 October 2011 - 11:11 PM

What level are you anyway? Your best bet is to farm a certain mob that drops an expensive card and sell it. There's lots of easily farmed ones that are worth 10-80 mil.

Peco Peco comes to mind, Pupa cards usually sell well. Hunter Fly cards sell extremely well. Swordfish and Phen Cards are pretty decent and not too hard to get ( I barely see anyone in Byalan dungeon these days) Thara Frog and Hydra's sell okay.

I'd just focus on getting some money for now, unfortunately this game revolves around having money for power.
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