Wow. I am truly amazed. But not exactly in a good way. I will tell you later why.
But first of all, I think it's still a bit early there in the US, that's why theres not much excitement about this whole thing.
Also, I though over an hour what my statement (not like my opinion is something you have to care about) is for your idea, and what and
how to actually post it trying not to be too offensive to you Oda. Here it goes.
-The reason we want the community to add in the additional terms is that it will make it considerably more difficult for zeny sellers to figure out which terms are being blocked
I don't understand this at all. Ok I can see your point by NOT auto-implementing this patch. You don't want the spammers to know the words they shouldn't use! But how exactly should the spammers recognize what each individual player configures in their file anyway? If each player suppress the spam, the spammers can't know actually who is blocking them, and who is not. In this case your idea actually success, but I still don't say it's the holy grail. Spammers might change from static spam-messages to a larger pool of messages to bypass every ones config list.
I appreciate your effort in developing
that idea ideas. But it might be doomed to fail as soon you posted it, rivermans already stated why is that (it shouldn't be the user that handles the spam). For now your whole idea is only a tool/workaround to virtually block spam. I know you didn't yet, but don't think of advertising it as it helps to reduce the actual amount of goldspammers. It doesn't reduce anything, nor the spammers will even figure they are getting blocked. Even more, if your successfully applied this patch and the spammers are getting blocked (and blocked only to each single player), they will lose customers and will start to spam (=lag) even more.
At the moment, only the ones that read this thread might apply your patch. 99 % of that people run with /nm on through Prontera already which is fine actually, so why would we use it? To hear some nonsense chatting in the middle of venders? To re-implement "S> this and that" texting merchants rushing through Pront? The only effective way would be to patch it automatically, so new players won't even know goldspammers exist. But you can't do that for the mentioned reasons above (don't feed the bad-words-list to the spammers).
Ok I'm lose the thread already. Long story short, I can not understand why you put so much effort into a half-assed idea. Please don't take it personally, but you are either
A.) not the right person to resolve the problem (theres no need for a workaround currently) sorry fixed, really sounds offensive, what I mean is
your strenghts might be in other areas like designing quests, doing support etc., but not resolve such an issue, or
B.) you and/or gravity have weird reasons to NOT get rid of the spammers at all (reasons we as the "legit" customers don't have to know of course...).
Everyone that has been digging just a BIT further how everything is related, how the game works, how ragial/ropd works, that includes me, you of course, and probably the majority of the people that take this thread serious, everyone of that KNOW there are ways to solve the spammer problem (and even other problems we may not discuss here and now), heck you could basicly run your own "little brother" program to counter them. Everyone with a bit of "INT" in real life can figure that (don't even have to be a software developer for years like me). I could even tell now how to do it (save public chat to a text file, count the names of the players how often they appear in X seconds, instant mute/ban them), but I won't do that now (no wait, I did already!). Please don't come with some weird invalid arguments why this (or something similar) isn't done yet, better don't reply at all doing so. We both know you (or... again... the person that could actually solve the spammer problem) could do it. Even more, time wise, by using (or better ABusing) the "little brother" program this could be done in a fraction of the time you probably took for doing this config file thing.
I didn't bother to give a statment yet because it looks rather dilletante what has been done so far, dilletante enough to think you do not really bother at all. Maybe it's time to rethink over that, depends on how fast (and if...) you work out your idea.
I don't want to highjack your thread with my own stupid ideas or anything, but I thought, and wrote, about 2 hours now for this one posting, and since I don't know if your reading every single whining thread about problem X and problem Z on the forums, I'm sure your checking your own threads at least, so I took my chance.
Again, please don't take anything personal, we all know your here to help (at least I think thats what your getting paid for), but the ways how GMs do so is sometimes questionable. But that's what my customers think about my company too, actually so I know I know... We all have reasons.
With your effort showing here you gave me hope again that you basicly
do want, but don't know
Edited by robrod, 23 November 2011 - 02:15 PM.