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Skill Damage Requests

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#51 Yanzan


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Posted 14 January 2012 - 01:35 AM

Being a performer, i haven't used all Maestro's skills yet but I'd have to say if anything, please fix the damage on Severe Rainstorm or if not, at least Arrow Vulcan. I was a 99 Minstrel with 99+26 Dex, with bard card set and nimble expert ring and arrow of wind. To a poring i could only do a maximum of 12k maybr 12.5k but nevertheless, that's way too hindered. Sad right? I've seen Rangers do over 20k damage to a poring while only using Warg Strike. Now, I'm not asking it to be super OP but in all fairness at least up it a little bit? Also for Severe Rainstorm which costs about 120sp for now meteokre damage while rangers can use arrow storm with less sp and less damage. Those are just my thoughts. Really hope they'd be taken into consideration. Thank you.

Welcome to the wonderful world on performers the exit is on the left. To be honest I would just give up on the class intil they stop beating it dead.

Its the jack of all trades but the masters of nothing.
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#52 Lucentos


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Posted 14 January 2012 - 09:16 AM

Severe Rainstorm damage should be buffed by 1.5-2x times but allowed only with instruments/whips. This will retain damage as it now, but with accompany of the shield it will be quite useful for effectient mobbing.
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#53 asayuu


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Posted 16 January 2012 - 08:14 AM

The formula they use for SR is kinda ridiculous. You will never deal decent damage unless:

- You blow zeny on stat foods or yggs [because you need to sacrifice badly INT/VIT to be able to deal damage with dex and agi in the highest value possible]
- You are VERY high level... but on this level you won't need SR anymore.

And come on, 5 secs cooldown was okay. There was no reason to increase cast time, increase cooldown AND DECREASE DAMAGE. Pure Casters can't solo unless they have RWH/Nyd/Kaahi.

I wish they removed the hitlock then. So you could run away like wizzies do with Storm Gust.

For now... lower the SP cost of the max level to like... 80. The skill costs too much for very few power.

Or return to old formula and increase SP cost to 150 OR EVEN 180 D:

performers now are the jack of nothing and masters of being useless :3

Edited by asayuu, 16 January 2012 - 08:15 AM.

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#54 Kadelia


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Posted 16 January 2012 - 10:12 AM

if they had left SR alone, arrow storm would still be superior. Come on, my best damage with SR was near 50k damage on a 140+ wanderer. I can do 150k+ lexed with arrow storm on a 140 ranger. They didn't need to nerf SR to make rangers the better bow class. SR was fine the way it was.
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#55 IronFist


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Posted 22 January 2012 - 03:50 AM

Skill name Power Swing
Pre-patch times Skill wasn't changed (13k on poring)
Post-patch times (im thinking 40k on poring)

Why you would like to see this changed/changed back: id like to see this skills changed, 3rd class 1cell ranged atk, single target, usable with the strongest ingame weapon, aftercast delay, misses, it should do more then armcannon. it should do more the hscr, you can do 3-4 cart rams to 1 powerswing.

Skill name Axe Tornado
Pre-patch times Skill wasn't changed (10k on poring)
Post-patch times (im thinking, 30k)

Why you would like to see this changed/changed back, using the strongest two handed weapon in the game with every single buff possable and does 20k MAX!?.... overbrand is a 5000% atk (1h spear?)... axe tornado is what 800%? NERF NERF! (should be 800% per hit or something...)[/quote]

Edited by IronFist, 22 January 2012 - 03:58 AM.

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#56 Scott


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Posted 28 January 2012 - 02:53 AM

Skill name: Axe Tornado
Pre patch: Low damage
Post patch: The wind elemental bonus should apply all the time, regardless of weapon element.
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#57 Helios0


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Posted 28 January 2012 - 07:27 PM

Skill name: Axe Tornado
Pre patch: Low damage
Post patch: The wind elemental bonus should apply all the time, regardless of weapon element.

i agree you do little to no damage to wind creatures and reduced damage to earth, shadow, and angel creatures... making it only maximized against water, neutral, and fire creatures..

Edited by Helios0, 28 January 2012 - 07:28 PM.

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#58 Azrulean


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Posted 28 January 2012 - 08:36 PM

to be honest i'm not completely sure on dmg formulas or cast time or what not ... i play the game because i enjoy the game. and i use to play way back in the day with my monk/champ , i remember being able to solo some maps atleast!... for ok exp.. or atleast for what was considered decent exp at that time. i.e. : Sleepers , goats, stat golems...
but it seems after i came back and did the 3 rd class thing. my sura has no where he can solo...
i mean i hear ppl say sky blow and go desert wolves or roweens.. but i dont' see that being to viable.. to many and i'm out of sp healing and spamming SB after like a few mobs...

i then tried LR and the cast time was horrendous. 2 sec cast time then i gotta re-zen for another 1-2 seconds . so it takes me 3-5 seconds to do 1 lr for only 5k dmg at lvl 5 LR with no rising dragon... no way to solo.

IMO its tough to be a sura.. :P gotta sit around n wait for TI parties. please fix atleast 1 skill so i can solo.
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#59 iiNote


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Posted 29 January 2012 - 11:54 AM

Skill name: Arm Cannon
Pre-patch times: Ignored Racial equips.
Post-patch times: Doesn't ignore racial equips.

It would really help if this skill could ignore race like it used to. I think I heard someone say that they ignore race in kRO. That way Mado Mechanics aren't just SDers (Suicidal Destruction) and can help with pre-casts better. Also, please remove the Pet Breeder cooldown in the kafra's at the WoE Maps the 5min cooldown is not necessary anymore due to the fact that the SD skill already has a 5min cooldown.

Edited by iiNote, 29 January 2012 - 11:56 AM.

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#60 Viri


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Posted 29 January 2012 - 04:10 PM

Nothing should ignore racial. They can amp the damage but having it ignore all % reductions like a handful of skills still do is retarded.
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#61 iiNote


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Posted 29 January 2012 - 05:35 PM

Nothing should ignore racial. They can amp the damage but having it ignore all % reductions like a handful of skills still do is retarded.

Well... Sure amplifiy dmg is fine with me too. but still.. the skill doesn't deal more than 15k at lvl 2. That can get reduced to crap with a horn card, defending aura, Noxious. Can be blocked by pneuma and NB. And well kRo has It ignoring race so... chances are we will too.
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#62 asayuu


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 02:52 PM

Skills coming from non-"demi-human" sources should be reduced by their own race.

Examples: Dragon Breath being reduced by dragon reducs, Mado skills [and Cart Cannon] being reduced by formless reducs, Hell's Plant and Thorn Trap/Wall being reduced by plant reducs.

Not ignore, just adjust.
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#63 Moyton


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 06:18 PM

ah... using a weapon should be reduced by formless tooo ueehhh heueuh and throwing a shield too formeless yes? shield and sword are formless you know

Edited by Moyton, 03 February 2012 - 06:19 PM.

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#64 asayuu


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Posted 04 February 2012 - 04:17 AM

ah... using a weapon should be reduced by formless tooo ueehhh heueuh and throwing a shield too formeless yes? shield and sword are formless you know

Hell yeah!

But seriously, damages casted by robots, dragons, wolves... The character does nothing except say "go" or press a button to make the skill go.
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#65 Viri


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Posted 04 February 2012 - 06:51 AM

Skills coming from non-"demi-human" sources should be reduced by their own race.

Examples: Dragon Breath being reduced by dragon reducs, Mado skills [and Cart Cannon] being reduced by formless reducs, Hell's Plant and Thorn Trap/Wall being reduced by plant reducs.

Not ignore, just adjust.

The all ignore their respective elemental reductions too, so that'd work cuz I'd hope if they fixed the racial reduction they'd also fix the fire breath ignoring fire reduction. etc
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#66 iiNote


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Posted 04 February 2012 - 11:30 AM

The all ignore their respective elemental reductions too, so that'd work cuz I'd hope if they fixed the racial reduction they'd also fix the fire breath ignoring fire reduction. etc

Really? DB now ignores fire armor o_O?
or fire reduc as in jakk muffler?
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#67 Viri


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Posted 04 February 2012 - 12:13 PM

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#68 Handersen


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Posted 07 February 2012 - 10:10 AM

anyone know what is the formula of acid bomb?
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#69 eastCrew212


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Posted 07 February 2012 - 03:54 PM

arrow storm for SC ROCKS!!! one hit kills most monster. my only problem is shadow form being cancelled out by detection skill :omg: but overall this balance made SC awesome. should make mora set for them :P
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#70 Joshoko


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Posted 07 February 2012 - 09:48 PM



FAW Silver Sniper

Pre-patch: attack bonus +400, duration: 30 seconds, consumes: 2 steel and 1 iron

Post-patch: attack bonus +1000, duration: 60 seconds, consumes: 2 steel and 1 iron

the attack and duration of this skill seems perfect, althought the cost of this skill is too high for what it does.
to use the skill often enough to make it worth while learning, you need to have 1000's of iron and steel. hunting this many items is impracticle for a skill like this and the cost of buying these items from other players far exceeds the usefulness of the skill.

changes i would like to see made to the skill:

the skill could be made far more useful and become a viable option in skill builds by changing the items required to items buyable from an npc. i feel that making the skill consume somthing like 1 fuel and 1 emvereticon would be far more in balance with the skill's damage output and duration.

--- i know this may not be the best thread to post this request but i couldnt find one for skill's item consumption


Edited by Joshoko, 07 February 2012 - 10:16 PM.

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#71 Harumatsu


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Posted 05 March 2012 - 03:08 PM

No love for Ninja or Gunslingers. This really makes me sad. Yeah, okay. They MIGHT be FINALLY getting a second class within the next two years...

I just find it disappointing to spend all the time coding and working on these fun-to-play classes but leave them on the back shelf in the dust when it comes to competing with any of the standard classes in current competitive play. A balance, really, is all about competitive play, is it not?
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#72 kil01989


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Posted 19 March 2012 - 03:18 PM

Well The AoE of Meteor Assault is bugged...
with mobs that i have 100% hit... some time miss and only hit mobs in front of me...
never in my back...

Skill Description:

An attack that causes mass damage to all enemies within a 5x5 cells Area around the caster. Any enemies hit by this skill will receive Stun, Darkness, or Bleeding status ailment randomly with a 5%+5*SkillLV% chance. Attack Power is 40%+40*LV%. There is a 33% Defense Reduction During Cast.

Test it and Fix it pliz :D

Edited by kil01989, 19 March 2012 - 03:19 PM.

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#73 harlokjai


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Posted 08 May 2012 - 06:24 AM

Give warlock something useful please.I don't know much about those formulas but wl is very useless in pvm. Mora sets are bad, the way Mora set is randomly given makes it as if it's a great set? But not really when you're in a place with different elemental monsters.

The mighty comet recognized amplified does 1/6 dmg to mvps compare to AS (found out today doing my first et run with rangers ) Totally not cool.

Edited by harlokjai, 08 May 2012 - 06:26 AM.

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#74 JBREEZY369


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Posted 05 June 2012 - 11:40 PM

Rune Knight

Pertz Rune - Stormblast

Pre-patch times: 100%*(rune mastery level)+100%*(floor(int/4))?
Post-patch times: ATK [{Rune Mastery Skill Level + (Caster's INT / 8)} x 100] %

I suggest to change it to this: ATK [{Rune Mastery Skill Level + (Caster's INT / 6)} x 100] % .This rune costs actual zeny, materials and the drops for these materials are pretty low.

Why: Its pretty well accepted this skill was Overpowered pre patch, however it is now almost completely useless (accept for hitting sura while in CC). Renewal woe has turned into the battle of the ranged attacks, suras, rune knights, even GX to a certain point, all once great melee chars now strictly rely on ranged attacks to kill. (few exceptions) It would just be nice to see a strong AoE melee attack return, just to add a new element to the ever dying woe scene. If adjusted as suggested it will make storm blast a deadly weapon again. It won't make it the spammable OHKO skill it was before, however it will make it strong enough where if someone doesn't stop the RK it can do some damage. Just like to see the return of the melee class, I don't think it is too much to ask, since I didn't even mention the gear required to even make the old formula of storm blast good... +13 kvm or higher, 2x belts, sleps.... along with the hundreds if not thousands of runes used each woe.

P.S. Just wondering if this thread was actually made so gms could get feedback and actually make changes. Or just a place for us all to vent our dis pleasures with the balance patch while creating the illusion of a change actually happening. Because its been a really long time since this patch was released, and as far as i can see almost none of the above suggestions were actually implemented/considered.
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#75 Kadelia


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Posted 06 June 2012 - 11:14 AM

Suggestion: Leave storm blast as it is as it is balanced.
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