why so many people in this game ask for more damage more power more exp, they want to one shot everything ,they want to get lvl 150 in one day, if you are bored and your life sucks well guess what? this game won't fix it, in this game you supposed to have fun while leveling and take breaks just by sitting and chatting with other people you supposed to play after taking coming from work or school to relax and enjoy yourself , I also notice that many people want to just get a god like build ... I recommend to try one of those cheap server where you ca be level 1000 with 300 asp you will provably enjoy that game more. Personally I think that what they really want is finish this game as soon as possible, because deep inside they want to move on and be free from the "Spell that games put into gamers " making them slaves and changing their bored and monotonous life into a more "Social environment".The problem with the "Spell" happens when something goes wrong in this "safe environment" or when they just feel the need of more exiting stuff,when that occurs change on their personality and behavior and common to happen, not only in game or forums but in real life. in conclusion I could like to ask yourself... I am angry to this game because X reason or I am really angry that I am bored with my life and I don't know how to change it.

A random thought
Started by
, Dec 22 2011 03:14 PM
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