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Maintenance 2/21

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#226 Wizard


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Posted 22 February 2012 - 07:20 PM

omg... people being mean already xD... ran out of arguments hahahah

Anyway, more soccer coming on TV ;)
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#227 Xellie



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Posted 22 February 2012 - 07:20 PM

right xelli-chan xD... good for ya =)

and crap about u w/o evidence? dunno, I saw ur pic so there's enough evidence to back up what they said lol... u can check our forums for... oh wait... nvm lol

good thing I'm ambiguous lol... u will never know what I'm saying cuz that's my way of enjoy these forums xD

Oooooooooh did you just bring up appearences on a video game forum? Then did you just admit I read your forums so I know what was going on?!

You're argentinian right? I guess your hatred and paranoia of me goes with me being English.
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#228 Hrothmund


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Posted 23 February 2012 - 01:00 AM

putting on a GTB is mostly a deathwish vs all non-lock classes. Its much like wearing a DR without knowing when to use it.
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#229 Cubical


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Posted 23 February 2012 - 05:58 AM

one of the reasons i like sacing a sorcerer in my guild, is probably due to the fact he gets followed alot by GTB users that dont know how to switch shields.

Course thats where i come in and 2 shot them with VP :D
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#230 Chris


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Posted 23 February 2012 - 08:58 PM

The war merchants in Ymir are claiming that the Devil side lost and will not let me continue the quest.
As for the little boy npc it wont allow the devil side to continue killing/questing until we have "upgraded our devil's symbol" which does not properly work at the Custard Cream npc.

At this rate it will be impossible for the Devil side to win this week since we cant quest and we can't seem to benefit for the effort put into winning last week either.
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#231 Oda



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Posted 25 February 2012 - 10:23 AM

The war merchants in Ymir are claiming that the Devil side lost and will not let me continue the quest.
As for the little boy npc it wont allow the devil side to continue killing/questing until we have "upgraded our devil's symbol" which does not properly work at the Custard Cream npc.

At this rate it will be impossible for the Devil side to win this week since we cant quest and we can't seem to benefit for the effort put into winning last week either.

Next week we're toggling it so that for a week both sides will have access to the NPCs.
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#232 ChrisWintermoon


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Posted 25 February 2012 - 12:18 PM

Someone told me that I can enchant my Angel Glasses?
Is that true? If yes, what can I enchant it with and where? Do I need any items in order to do so???
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#233 MajorScik


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 01:31 AM

I thought they were going to give the tickets and make the Homu's almost loyal at the down time ? I submitted a support ticket well before the server down and it still isnt fixed ?
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#234 Chris


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Posted 26 February 2012 - 03:47 PM

MvP items that we will not be able to turn into the 'merry badger' next week will exclude equipment items, correct?
The wording on the npc in-game suggests that both Etc items and Equipment items that come from MvPs will be leaving, whereas the note on the first post of this thread specifies only etc items.

Just looking for some verification here.
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#235 guraboy


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 04:06 AM

Why we don't do high valued Lucky Box again: We will someday, but I need to populate it with a certain ratio of awesome and new. I have awesome and I have new but I don't have a collection of items that are both. At least not ones that are ready.
About more costume stuff: Yes I very much want more costume stuff entering the game. We do have a new set that will come out in March. There is also ideas we are working out about getting old in-game stuff taking on a costume look. Things like making boy's cap a costume (would require a new Boy's Cap hat) so players could "build" a costume item. The cake hat is an example of that idea, there are 2 cake hats, 1 normal headgear you can make, and then the costume one that is made from the Normal version. It takes awhile to get the duplicate headgear which is why it isn't hear yet.

Sorry for the late reply to this. But that sounds -_- amazing... I love my old school Boys Cap and would love to wear it and my Spiky Band again. There are so many headgears available to customize our chars, it is sad that we end up being limited by our end-game lvling/pvping aspirations. I hope you guys get this idea up and running!
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#236 Wanderer


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 07:56 AM

Sorry for the late reply to this. But that sounds -_- amazing... I love my old school Boys Cap and would love to wear it and my Spiky Band again. There are so many headgears available to customize our chars, it is sad that we end up being limited by our end-game lvling/pvping aspirations. I hope you guys get this idea up and running!

This should have been the way costume hats worked since the beginning, allowing any hat to be made costume with some kafra shop exclusives.
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#237 ChrisWintermoon


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 07:59 AM

This should have been the way costume hats worked since the beginning, allowing any hat to be made costume with some kafra shop exclusives.

The funny thing is, it takes kRO months(!) to do a single Costum Equipment. I could make all the excisting Headgears that there are in the world of Ragnarok Costum available in less than business day. I would even do it for free just to please you guys and offer you the best fun you can have -_-

PS: If you vote me for President of the United States of America 2012 I will promise you to make Costume Headgears WITHOUT any effects and you dont need to throw all your incoming CASH at me to make a +8 Headgear before you can obtain the costume one!
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#238 meli


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 11:59 AM

Would love to know what else will be implemented for emb exhanger to make up for this upcoming change.
I only get emb from mvp misc/gear drops to get kvm medals, I don't have characters in all ranges for turn ins nor time or vip (thanks for making it harder to get emb for non vip, good move!) on all of them to get a decent amount, and I don't do seal spamming. Screwed yes/yes?
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#239 Dawei


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Posted 27 February 2012 - 09:05 PM

I'm sure there are go reasons for changing the summon though I think it's kindof extreme to make it so it can only be completed with a party. I enjoy how it is right now, I don't use it for trying to get cards or emb or KVM I just enjoy the fact that I can log in and know its something I can do for fun and not have to wait for others or waste time in a bad party. I think it's annoying that everything is getting changed to force you to be in a party. I don't enjoy this game when im dependent on others to do certain end game material. It doesn't make sense to me that a 135 3rd class can't solo a lvl 60~80 MVP? Being able to murder an MVP is actually enjoyable it makes me feel like there is some meaning to class advance besides getting more skills that are still useless. Also I don't think making it "more engaging" is what MVP summoner nessasarily needs. It is not something I wanna spend 20-30 mins doing. Honestly it's just something VIP will have access to which limits partying and if the rewards are reduced then why will anyone end up doing it? Really it isn't even super popular right now except by the few who run it to try to get KVM badges or MVP cards. But honestly the only time I have a problem getting into the summoning room is right after maintance or right before. So if people aren't even using it right now if you nerf the reward and make it harder how does that prompt people to want to use this service? I have a feeling this will flop like the nightmare mode in PvP...

I agree soloing high end mvps like valk are kindof reducilous but still that takes tokens which aren't changing which means that won't change no matter how many god item/ MVP cards a player has. Also having to many of these items on the servers is really just due to the fact that iRO is an old game. Some veterans have had 61,320 chances to MVP 1hr spawn monsters over the last 7 yrs (this is not including maintance and other server down times it's just for example) I am not sure what etcs they are trying to reduce origins just items on the server in general but I don't believe that is a product of summer only...

So in summary:

I agree summoner could use some help in design and layout, but I think it's name states itself "MVP summoner" in my mind I think of it as you summon an MVP~

I think all the discussion of the market, MVP competition and item availablilty is a much bigger picture then just the MVP summoner. And is for its own discussion topic.
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