I dare you to raise the drops for all SG's.
I dare you trade me the lv53 purple ranger shirt ( Did 35 dungeon runs in a row and it drops everything else but that ...mostly cleric /mage wtf's with that? favoritism for em?!)
I dare you to bake all the players a cookie and send it to em (Video proof!) so we'd be sure their made by you xD
I dare you to change the RvR map...better add a map where every player ( lv1-lv59( or w/e the max lv will be at that time) can join in ....something like the SvS map on Requiem.
I dare you to wear a chicken costume and lay an egg! <-- Video proof!
/waves at Rapsod and twotails12
Edited by CyberEffecT, 05 August 2012 - 07:34 AM.