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#1 Ogawa


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Posted 27 September 2010 - 07:51 AM

CARD 1: Black Stalker attacks a Kafra
Slot: Shield
Effect: 5% Autocast "Drivest Weapon" when receiving Physical Damage. If the shield +7 upgrade adds 10% additional (15% Sum). If the shield +9 or +10 upgrade adds 5% Autocast Full Divestment when receiving Physical Damage.
Description or little story related to the Kafra Gals:
There are rumors that a Black Stalker, prowler big cities of Midgard, is causing havoc .... Many weapons, armor and hats have disappeared. Bringing chaos in the community. Many great fighters have tried to capture without any success.

CARD2: Researchers Kafra
Slot: Armor
Effect: 30% Resistent Divest (Helm, Shield, Armor and Weapon)(and Maybe 8% Resistent Demi-Human). If the armor +7 upgrade adds 20% additional (50% Resistent). If the armor +10 (Not sure if immunity or more resistance increase)

Description or little story related to the Kafra Gals:
Kafra Gals want to give protection to people of the kingdom. Many years of research in Al De Baran have achieved a great solution.

Edited by Ogawa, 27 September 2010 - 08:11 AM.

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#2 Taper


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Posted 09 October 2010 - 08:36 PM

Better story idea: Kafra ladies have had been accosted by one too many Stalker trying to divest them of their clothing, so they devised a special skill to ward off the divest skill. XD
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#3 Scuba


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Posted 12 October 2010 - 07:49 PM

Why does the stalker have to be black? Racist.
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#4 Callie


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Posted 24 October 2010 - 07:39 PM

Why does the stalker have to be black? Racist.

Could be me reading into the name too much, but if Ogawa is Japanese like the name implies, they're not referring to the color of the stalker's skin.

Japan tends to list 'dark' or 'evil' things as 'black'. IE: Sailormoon's villain 'Wicked Lady' was originally called 'Black Lady'. Black Lady was far from it. Unless Africans suddenly developed white skin and pink hair.
Sexual or rude jokes can referred to as 'black jokes', even if they don't hold any actual racial content.

It's just a term in the Japanese language that translates badly.

Edited by Callie, 24 October 2010 - 07:41 PM.

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