'Elites' Guild Recruiting - Superion Guardians - WarpPortal Community Forums

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'Elites' Guild Recruiting

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#1 Devareaux


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Posted 14 August 2012 - 06:43 PM

Hello Comrads,

'Elites' is a LvL 3 Superion Guardian Guild. We are currently seeking active players, at or above level 40. We are currently raiding Deadmans Hall Expert and are hoping to get the remaining of our members to level 59 by the next couple weeks. We are trying to build up our RvR playerbases and have a goal we are working towards for organized pvp. Our managers and Guild Leader have extensive MMO experience and are most qualified to bring us into the top ranks amongst Guilds. If you would like to participate and help us achieve our goals of becoming a top tier Guild. Please apply at the guild listings (ALT+G), or contact one of our Managers or Guild Leader.

NoFatChx - Leader
SurpriseS3x - Manager
CamelTow - Manager
Kwam - Manager

Joining our Guild is not without it's perks. We are currently working on Maestia Tips N' Tricks on our Guild Launch Website. Right after today's maintenance, we will be working on some videos showing some Tips N' Tricks for leveling characters and also for Raiding Dungeons without having to look for a pesky group. We are also going to be working on basic introduction guides for our fellow Maestia newbies, to better assist them and familiarize them with the game. We also have some goodies for more intermediate players, regarding tanking tips N' tricks, leveling tips N' tricks, and some time saver tricks for auto looting without an auto loot scroll. Thank you for investing the time in reading this and I hope to see you around in-game.

Thank You,
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