Quarter 3: WTF?
Started by
, Oct 02 2010 09:56 PM
9 replies to this topic
Posted 02 October 2010 - 09:56 PM
It appears now that WPS has ended you've removed the two 'unconfirmed' alliances. That's fine, except for the fact that
Emails were sent, tickets were submitted, but somehow our alliance got overlooked?
Gurren Brigade
New World Order
"Axis of Doom" Alliance.
As was originally instructed, all guild leaders sent in confirmation via the email address that was given.
When we then showed up as unconfirmed, we talked to Heim who told us to submit tickets as confirmation, which was done, once again, by all guild leaders.
How did we not get confirmed during that entire time? Heim repeatedly assured us that it would be taken care of, to be patient, etc. etc. etc, but now we've been removed entirely from the list.
Words cannot describe how utterly disappointed I am in this. We were punished for following directions, but then, to make things worse, we were NEVER acknowledged at all.
What do you want us to do to get your attention and get confirmed? I'm at a loss at what it's going to take.
Emails were sent, tickets were submitted, but somehow our alliance got overlooked?
Gurren Brigade
New World Order
"Axis of Doom" Alliance.
As was originally instructed, all guild leaders sent in confirmation via the email address that was given.
When we then showed up as unconfirmed, we talked to Heim who told us to submit tickets as confirmation, which was done, once again, by all guild leaders.
How did we not get confirmed during that entire time? Heim repeatedly assured us that it would be taken care of, to be patient, etc. etc. etc, but now we've been removed entirely from the list.
Words cannot describe how utterly disappointed I am in this. We were punished for following directions, but then, to make things worse, we were NEVER acknowledged at all.
What do you want us to do to get your attention and get confirmed? I'm at a loss at what it's going to take.
Posted 03 October 2010 - 07:09 PM
My allies, and myself, have done everything that has been requested. I was even told once that the update wasn't made because the person who does it wasn't around or was working on another project. I was also told to reconfirm the alliance. Because the email which was shown on the old iro forums which we emailed because the directions stated to do so.. Was inaccurate. And that we would have to send in another ticket to confirm the alliance through the ticket/support system. Our alliance did this as well. Which also caused us not to be in some sort of queue I'd never heard of. Then when nothing was still done, we were reassured that it would be taken care of..

Posted 03 October 2010 - 08:35 PM
Yea that is some of the worse customer service i have ever seen (maybe worse then my schools financial aid office). Anyway, when an alliance does all this the least you can do is treat them with some kind of respect. You cant just ignore us and then remove us completely. Thats just unresonable.
Posted 06 October 2010 - 09:51 AM
so im going to assume here we are just friggen screwed, cause we are getting ignored more then "that" drunk girl at a frat party. Its a good thing i dont buy any kafra items and pay gravity any money, cause i dont like giving money to stupid people.
Posted 06 October 2010 - 11:45 AM
Everyone say it together: We want Chenz! Cause you know... Any correspondence we made with Heim, hasn't seemed to have helped the situation. http://forums.warppo...tyle_emoticons/default/happy.gif
Posted 07 October 2010 - 11:40 AM
WE WANT CHENZ WE WANT CHENZ!!! like that? lets see if he actually helps us...i mean even if one guild is lieing and didnt conferm themselves cant we jsut remove them from the list and get the point for the rest of the alliance?
Posted 07 October 2010 - 02:42 PM
Even if it was someone in the alliance who didn't confirm and told us they did, I'd like to know that so we can kick their asses.
Posted 09 October 2010 - 06:40 PM
I don't want to play alternate universe here. I just want them to confirm/fix something that was sent in over 2 months ago.
Posted 09 October 2010 - 09:21 PM
I just want a damn answer.

Posted 10 October 2010 - 05:24 AM
We all do Ralis, we all do...sigh
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