With renewal so close on the horizon Ive noticed alot of people quitting, dropping all of their stuff, it becoming increasingly hard to sell things on the market etc., as such I have a proposal.
People dont like how renewal mechanics, classes, skill changes etc are going to affect how they play and what they know, so what I propose is like the Valk>Ymir transfers, leave the current RO mechanics, classes etc on Ymir, dont change it at all when renewal hits, leave it exactly how it is, dont even bother updating it if thats what it takes, and keep Yggdrasil as the only Renewal Server (Ok, maybe add a F2P Renewal server). This way people can keep playing the RO they know, people arent quitting left right and center and balance is restored.
As for the Renewal servers, give everyone 1 week to fill out char transfer forms, from Ymir>Yggdrasil, Valk>Yggdrasil with a fee or Valk>F2P Renewal (Maybe even Ymir>Valk?), after that you need to pay the usual server transfer fee. Once you have transfered to a Renewal server, due to the mechanics and 3rd job classes make it an irreversible transfer (much like Valk>Ymir is at present, without quite so strict limitations on items/zeny etc., at least for the first few months). This would solve the issue of people quitting etc because they dont like renewal, allow for a stable market to base the renewal servers off (obviously only somewhat) and allow a sort of Nostalgia server for people to play on, that way people can still play oldskool RO. It could be viewed sort of as a RO1 vs RO2 sort of setup.
The only issue that I can forsee is people wanting a fresh start on the renewal servers, but I would assume that Ymir>Ygg transfers etc are still going to be available and I dont see how it will really be all that much of a fresh start with people transferring over to Ygg when some people are starting from scratch.
So what do you think?
Edited by Tomberry, 07 October 2010 - 08:24 PM.