New GA Dungeon: Goblin Cave - Proposals & Suggestions - WarpPortal Community Forums

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New GA Dungeon: Goblin Cave

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#1 Arckadia


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 01:36 AM

New GA Dungeon: Goblin Cave

Level 220 - 240
3 - 5 Players
Are you brave enough to reach the deepest cellar of the Goblin Cave? Where Goblins hide their more precious ores!

Dungeon Maps:

24658135.png  11848724.png

Game mechanic:

At the begining, in the first basement's big room: access to second basement would be closed and there would be only a Little Goblin in the middle.
Dungeon would really begin when players kill it.
From this point the group will have to face a succession of waves make up by different kinds of Goblins populating the cave.
When I say "wave", I mean "random spawn all around the room": individual spawn and big groups of mobs spawn (mobs should have a big aggro radius.)
Each new wave should be made up by stronger mobs, more and more numerous.
Next wave would not spawn if all the mobs of the previous one were not killed.
There would be few seconds between each waves to allow players regrouping.
After a certain number of waves, second basement access would be open.

Waves example:

  • Goblin Worker & Goblin Server
  • Goblin Guard & Goblin Warrior
  • Goblin Sword, Goblin Mace & Goblin Mage
  • Goblin Polearm, Goblin Knuckler & Goblin Wizard
  • Gem Goblin Guard & Gem Goblin Wizard
  • Gem Goblin Warrior & Gem Goblin Mage
At the beginning of the second basement, in the gallery, there would be a huge number of BloodBat.
Next, in the big room, like for currents dungeons, there would be a boss (Grand Goblin King) in the middle of a big group of all kind of Goblin mobs.
When players defeat this first boss another one would spawn in the second basement's small room.
It would be alone but really strong, like a Grand Goblin Wizard who can aoe, debuff and sleep.
Dungeon would be finished after the death of this boss.
  • Hermes (6) or (7) - Common
  • Lisent U (6) or (7) - Common
  • Jewel Chest V (2) or (3) - Common
  • Gold Bar (1) - Uncommon
  • Dirty Ore (10) or (12) - Common
  • Dirty Spiritual Stone (4) or (5) - Uncommon
  • Grand Goblin King Medallion (1) - Rare
  • Goblin Server Mount - Very rare
  • Unique Skill Book (including a new one: Advanced Accessory Craft) - Very rare
  • Shard of Cornelian* (1) - Rare
  • Shard of Serpentine* (1) - Rare
  • Shard of Malachite* (1) - Rare
  • Shard of Chalcedony* (1) - Rare

Shard of Cornelian: material used to craft Goblin Warrior and Goblin Server jewelries (require level 220)
Goblin Warrior Jewelry: 5% Skill Power per piece (bonus for complete set: +3% Skill Power)
Goblin Server Jewelry: 5% Heal Power per piece (bonus for complete set: +3% Heal Power)
Crafting recipe per piece: Simple [Ring|Necklace|Earring] + Ore of Fire (104) + Spiritual Stone of Fire (24) + Shard of Cornelian (12)
Required Craft Skill: Advanced Accessory Craft

Shard of Serpentine: material used to craft Goblin Throw and Goblin Wizard jewelries (require level 220)

Goblin Throw Jewelry: 1 Weapon Range per piece (bonus for complete set: +1 Weapon Range)
Goblin Wizard Jewelry: 1 Skill Range per piece (bonus for complete set: +1 Skill Range)
Crafting recipe per piece: Simple [Ring|Necklace|Earring] + Ore of Wind (104) + Spiritual Stone of Wind (24) + Shard of Serpentine (12)
Required Craft Skill: Advanced Accessory Craft

Shard of Malachite: material used to craft Goblin Knuckler and Goblin Mace jewelries (require level 220)
Goblin Knuckler Jewelry: 3% Critical Damage per piece (bonus for complete set: +2% Critical Damage)
Goblin Mace Jewelry: 3% Defense Pierce per piece (bonus for complete set: +2% Defense Pierce)
Crafting recipe per piece: Simple [Ring|Necklace|Earring] + Ore of Earth (104) + Spiritual Stone of Earth (24) + Shard of Malachite (12)
Required Craft Skill: Advanced Accessory Craft

Shard of Chalcedony: material used to craft Goblin Guard, Goblin Mage and Goblin Worker jewelries (require level 220)
Goblin Guard Jewelry: 2% Block Rate per piece (bonus for complete set: +1% Block Rate)
Goblin Mage Jewelry: 5 Summon Gauge per piece (no bonus for complete set)
Goblin Worker Jewelry: 5% Craft Talent per piece (bonus for complete set: +3% Craft Talent)
Crafting recipe per piece: Simple [Ring|Necklace|Earring] + Ore of Water (104) + Spiritual Stone of Water (24) + Shard of Chalcedony (10)
Required Craft Skill: Advanced Accessory Craft

Daily Quests Ideas:
  • Defeat Grand Goblin Wizard

Edited by Arckadia, 18 November 2013 - 03:03 AM.

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#2 Feuer


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Posted 29 November 2012 - 01:39 AM

I had this idea a looong time ago when GA was announced, but since you've put together this pot I will support it. good work.
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#3 Arckadia


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Posted 18 November 2013 - 01:27 AM

After almost one year, I up this suggestion !

I made an update according to the last patches and I added the rewards list (plus new items associated).


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#4 Castanho


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Posted 18 November 2013 - 02:43 AM

Its a awesome suggest. 

But i would like to suggest you, another suggest. LOL  :heh:


Dungeons for low levels too!

So the game stop becoming based on end levels only.


a Small, mini dungeon for level 50-65 so new players can have a taste of what it is, another lvl 115-130, 150-165, this one 200+

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#5 Arckadia


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Posted 18 November 2013 - 04:02 AM

Dungeons for lower level already exist, here the list of all the dungeons available:

  • Cave of Ulverick (120-150)
  • Halls of Oblivion (140-170)
  • Sea of Dawn (160-190)
  • Cave of Ulverick (200-235)
  • Halls of Oblivion (200-235)
  • Sea of Dawn (210-240)

I never tried, but I'm quite sure dungeons below level 200 never get started...

If it was harder to level and if it was not necessary to have Premium account to get xp from dungeon, I guess it would be a good choice to have lower instance version, but at the moment I think it's just a waste of time.

What the game needs for now it's end game content! (If you are a 230 PVM player you should understand why...)


And for that, until we see new Orlo maps, I think game arena is a great tool to develop content quickly (or it should be).

This dungeon, like the Sikuku Prison one (http://forums.warppo...rground-prison/) doesn't need to develop a lot of things from scratch, more or less everything already exists ingame (because the game has a big potential to recycle stuff in GA).

For what I heard, dev'team is small, so on my suggestions I try to save complicates/time cunsumming thingies (jewelry is a good example: it's a new usefull stuff for what you only need to create some icons and database entries, no 3D models).

I know it's easier to tell than to create, but what I mean is: if dev'team add new dungeons regularly with items more difficult to get players will have something to achieve while dev'team is developing substantial content.

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#6 DigitalKitten


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Posted 01 December 2013 - 06:00 AM

I absolutely love this idea. Would be fun to have a dark PvP arena as well, :) +1

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#7 Genesis


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Posted 01 December 2013 - 12:53 PM

Goblin Caves has been on our candidate list for Game Arena dungeons since its inception (http://forums.warppo...eyond/?p=624518), so there's a good chance that this thread will become a point of reference in future to draw in community ideas.


I'm especially interested in what the community expects when it comes to fight mechanics and rewards, so the more ideas you have in those areas the better.


Good work so far, keep it up!

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