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What is RO?

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#26 TheSquishy


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 04:41 AM

My favorite quest? Hmmm...

Probably Kiel Hyre is my favorite but it requires a party and can be kinda buggy.

I also like the President's Quest. You have to start the story arc in Einbroch Factory
but you'll find out why you can't trust the cool corp guys.
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#27 FoxyWoxy


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 04:59 AM

I thought the 'fun-gineers' were supposed experts on the game? (apart from the obvious exceptions such as Xellie, Azzy etc, I'm often amazed at how little some of you know about the game and it's history)

Same thought here.

I have ZERO problem with someone not understanding something, even the phrase "no such thing as a stupid question" is surprisingly true. However stating a guess or a theory as fact (in this case it's a fact RO has no story whats so ever) is how some of these flame wars start.
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#28 morphine


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 05:37 AM

I will be serious for a short moment. For me, RO needs to allow (or force) players to do four basic things: Grow, explore, socialize, and compete.

You need to be able to build your character in a way that makes it as much 'yours' as possible, continuously have gear or levels or something else to work towards. You need to have a reason to be better at the game as well. You need to have a reason to be stronger, better, more knowledgeable.

There has to be a need to experiment with things. There is a pretty huge selection of characters, builds, cities, and dungeons. There should be no good reason for people to limit themselves to only the more efficient things in the game, especially when it's their first time with the game. For people more prone to exploration and learning about the world, questing is important. There should be plenty available for those who like it and ideally, it should be a viable option for spending time in the game (I'm looking at you, quest rewards).

I think the socialization is pretty self-explanatory. We need players to actually talk with each other, join guilds, and play in parties. While irowiki serves its purpose well, there isn't a substitute for telling a new player "Hey, there's a better way of doing that" (assuming they don't tell you to stick it up your own for trying to help lol). There is a huge difference with the game when people actually do things together and are generally open to communication.

The game needs challenge. Whether it comes from the game itself of other players, something needs to fight back. Having two extremes where everything is either too easy or near impossible doesn't work. Being max level used to be one of the large challenges for virtually all players... There has to be something difficult that a player can strive to do better with. There has to always be an obstacle to overcome besides massive lag.

When those four things start getting mucked up, for me, it's a large blow to the game. There will always be problems, always stuff will need to be fixed, but the basics are, as with any game, what should be focused on at all times. I know it's not the same particular subjects that are touchy for all players (or for Gravity), but there's my opinion. xP Yes, I'm answering the survey question indirectly, btw. Getting to 150 prematurely is part of the issue, but also there needs to be more than one or two "end game" dungeons to make it worth logging on as much as you did when you were levelling.
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#29 Rutana


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 06:17 AM

Originally, RO wasn't really meant as an MMORPG, but as an Dating Platform. This is why you can't choose the gender of a single char, only for an whole Account.
In Korea, you need your social number to make an Account, so your account always has your own gender. This became loose of course, RO became much more of an MMORPG with the time and even in Korea, people sometimes multi client with accounts made with the KSSN of family members ;3
But you can sense this original purpose still in the game somehow. RO is like a village - no matter where you are, you stumble about someone you met before somewhere ^^
For example, as I joined a Biolabs TI yesterday, I recognized someone in the party I met on another character month ago and just had a nice chat.
Also, it still works a bit as a dating platform. I met my boyfriend (who sits next to me playing Battlefield 3 atm XD) in RO - and I know I'm not the only one with such a story :Emo_18:

What is RO for me?
Well.. I have just fun playing it.
I don't care about all the competition stuff like WoE or PvP, MvP is fun but also not that important to me.
I just enjoy playing my characters. In the 6 years I played on euRO, I wasn't be able to play a single char till max-level (99/70), because I used to switch around characters and also doing alot stuff besides leveling. Like basic chatting or morphing XD
Today... well, my Arc Bishop is soon to be max level I guess (144/4x right now) - and I have still 17 more characters to play. If I really played all characters to 150/50... I may just start a new account. Making Quests, collecting headgears - or simple go out and hunt monsters for no particiular reason. It's the gameplay that attracs me most. I find RO is way more dynamic in it's fighting system than other MMO's.
In most of them, you lock on a Monster and press buttons (1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 5, ...) till it's dead, rince and repeat. This way, every character feels the same, you don't really have a difference...

In RO: You have to walk precies to mob. You have to know how to move around the monsters, so you won't get hit and come into hitlock.
Than you have different ways to fight. Alone with activating the skill you wanna use and selecting a target afterwards you have more "action" than the other games. If you play an Assassin, it's still different from a Hunter. If you play a Priest, it's way different from a Knight. And so on. Every character, AND EVERY BUILD, feels different. That's why I love the combat system of RO so much ^^

Also, RO is a big inspiration for me. I often spend more time on RO out of the game than actually in the game - drawing, sprite editing, writing, and so on.
RO is my biggest hobby since 2004 ^.^ and that speaks for itself I think :3
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#30 Beyond


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 09:24 AM

I gave up on goals, reason, and logic when I decided main my Gunslinger. Character wise all I do is find ways to further my Gunslinger more and more, wither it be better equips or work on my future stat/skill build.

Now I mainly just play for the community. Talking to people, Listening to how they feel about the game and getting their side of playing. lol I think Ultimate tried to see how long he could stand another players conversation with me and almost went crazy.

Wander around and exploring just getting lost in-game. Exploring every part of Ragnarok seeing the sights is a nice experience. I've always found something new.
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#31 TheQuietStorm


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 09:55 AM

What is your goal? To have fun :Emo_18: Currently i am levelling when i can be arsed chilling on my genetic or sura and helping others with kill counts on my chaser..

What will you do when you reach 150? Have fun, chill and Help others. I have been helping new guilds level up by having my chaser taxed. Or just random helps when someone doesnt know where to go, etc.

What will you do as you level to 150? Have fun and chillax..

Favourite Quest: I enjoyed the whole satan morroc storyline..

Quest I laughed the most at: Has to be the sign quest, and the dodgy storyline, which i had a discussion with GMs about when they were all grr-y with names that are 'unappropiate'.

Edited by TheQuietStorm, 06 November 2011 - 09:57 AM.

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#32 Luckywhiterabbit


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 10:36 AM

my current goal in RO is to make money. My whole time of playing I've never had more than 120m total. I tend to buy gimmick headgears which produce items, because I love 'farming' for things (Ales, Mastelas, Cookie bags). I can often spend hours at a time not leveling, but simply killing mobs of harpies and greeding the loot. I don't really like upgrading because gambling like that is stressful, but killing a mob and seeing a ton of items drop on the floor for me to pick up is one of this game's simple joys I'd say.

Obviously my favorite class is Mechanic and Genetic, since they can pick up lots of items and create items respectively. I still don't have a genetic.
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#33 Fureedo


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 12:19 PM

Story of RO:

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away...erm, I mean...

A long time ago, the ragnarok happened. The mythological Ragnarok from norse mythology...anyway

after it, the world had some time of peace. Monsters wouldn't bother humans and humans would do the same to monsters. This supposedly lasted about a thousand years. Fast forward a bit and we have humans, corrupted by dark powers, that try to changes things, the resurrection of santa (morroc, yes, I do call him santa...), the pieces of Ymir's heart in rachel sanc, and more things will slowly lead to the goddes Freya being released, and pissed. RO1 will end with the fight against Freya and peace returning to the land.

Thing is, all that is a very slow moving process. Remember there are thousands of adventurers trying to stop it, and that the story actually spans 5 kingdoms ( Scwarhtzwald, Rune-Midgard, Arunafeltz, Manuk and alfheim)

And some things might not seem connected when you do them in the wrong order, or months apart. For instance, the king's death, the monsters in nameless sanctuary, the pieces of Ymir in rachel, the GX job change, the resurection of morroc and how it manages to escape in the other world. All those events are very closely related to each others.

EDIT: Sources:
The description of RO2: LEgend of the second said it's story is happening 100 after the events of ro 1, where Freya, the goddess of destruction, was defeated.
Iro's main page. There's a storyline subsection

Edited by Fureedo, 06 November 2011 - 12:29 PM.

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#34 GuardianTK


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 01:22 PM

There is no spoon........Oh wait wrong thread.
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#35 shurareki


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 02:21 PM

Of course RO has a storyline. It's actually quite complex in places, if somewhat badly translated. I guess you never really bothered to 'read' the quest dialogue boxes and just kept clicking 'next'.

A good place to start to learn what the story line behind some of the aspects of the game is

also read the Ragnarok manhwa

I thought the 'fun-gineers' were supposed experts on the game? (apart from the obvious exceptions such as Xellie, Azzy etc, I'm often amazed at how little some of you know about the game and it's history)

when i posted on my thread about if you had to explain the story of RO to someone this is what i meant. I knew there was a story line but so few people actually know it that its kinda a hidden gem within the game witch shouldn't be hidden. its always good to know why your in a world or what your ultimate purpose is, like did you know most mvp's have stories behind them. Defeating them is supposed to feel like you completed an arc with your friends but now its just about farming gear.
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#36 Rutana


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 03:04 PM

Story of RO:

a long time ago in a galaxy far far away...erm, I mean...

A long time ago, the ragnarok happened. The mythological Ragnarok from norse mythology...anyway

after it, the world had some time of peace. Monsters wouldn't bother humans and humans would do the same to monsters. This supposedly lasted about a thousand years. Fast forward a bit and we have humans, corrupted by dark powers, that try to changes things, the resurrection of santa (morroc, yes, I do call him santa...), the pieces of Ymir's heart in rachel sanc, and more things will slowly lead to the goddes Freya being released, and pissed. RO1 will end with the fight against Freya and peace returning to the land.

Thing is, all that is a very slow moving process. Remember there are thousands of adventurers trying to stop it, and that the story actually spans 5 kingdoms ( Scwarhtzwald, Rune-Midgard, Arunafeltz, Manuk and alfheim)

And some things might not seem connected when you do them in the wrong order, or months apart. For instance, the king's death, the monsters in nameless sanctuary, the pieces of Ymir in rachel, the GX job change, the resurection of morroc and how it manages to escape in the other world. All those events are very closely related to each others.

EDIT: Sources:
The description of RO2: LEgend of the second said it's story is happening 100 after the events of ro 1, where Freya, the goddess of destruction, was defeated.
Iro's main page. There's a storyline subsection

This... is so wrong in so many things...
Not only that Freya isn't the god of destruction, but the god of fertility (allthough she wouldn't draw back from a fight as well, she isn't a wargoddess!), but considering Manuk and Alfheim as Kingdoms of Midgard? Not only that, giving Schwartzwalt and Arunafeltz the name "Kingdom" as well?
This Story of RO PSP definatly has to take place in another universe, a parallel dimension or such.
1. Arunafeltz and Schwartzwalt aren't Kingdoms, they're not a monarchy like Rune-Midgart. Schwartzwalt is a Republic and Arunafeltz is reffered as "State".
2. Manuk is in the New World, as well as Splendit. They're in another dimension!
3. Alfheim? If Grav doesn't plan to put them in the same dimension as Manuk, it's a different dimension - again! For the Manwha, Alfheim is what we now know as Geffenia - the ancient city of the elfs. For the mythology, it would be fitting to bring it to another world.

Don't get me wrong, I belive you that it's described that way in the PSP Game, but it doesn't fit the online game at all except the fact that the basic story is concerned about the world slowly heading towards Ragnarök.
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#37 Chigikogou


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 03:36 PM

Rutana is correct. Just to add Freya receives the warriors' spirit from Valkyrie and trains them.
Also, its funny how you construct Brisigamen as a God item, when in fact Freya received that necklace for sleeping with a group of dwarves.

Edited by Chigikogou, 06 November 2011 - 03:37 PM.

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#38 Periphery


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 03:54 PM

RO is about power , and about having alot of friends/ being known to alot of people on the server for me.
RO is like a whole new world except minature so more-so like a community. (No i don't lack IRL friends)
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#39 TheUraharaShop


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 04:02 PM

So... since the actual story of iRO doesn't follow the actual Nores Mythology... can't we redirect the game in a different direction... since most of content of every patch releases doesn't focus on the myth?

Since we can show that the anime, manga, game and actual myths share almost nothing in common beyond some key names and minor similarities why can't say this is the direction of the game should go?


Pretty good show explaining some of the old myths and giving a clear understanding of them. The actual story of the Ragnarok is like the end of days, how ever we fall in to an icy abyss frozen for ever... ironically that is theorized to be the actual fate of the universe.

Edited by TheUraharaShop, 06 November 2011 - 04:04 PM.

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#40 Okii


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 04:26 PM

@Rutana, I apologize for being a douche about RO's storyline. I wasn't aware then that not having a huge main quest was what made RO what it is.
I understand that now and I hope you can accept my apology.

As for everyone saying that I shouldn't be a fungineer because I am a new player,
and everyone saying that I haven't done the quests and am ill informed,
please keep in mind that I started playing RO on July 22nd of this year.
Quests are so out of the loop right now because of turn ins that I really never considered doing them/knew about them.
I will try to do more quests to get a better feel for the game and I hope you guys can cope with that.
If not, oh well.
At least I am trying.

Edited by Okii, 06 November 2011 - 04:27 PM.

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#41 Chigikogou


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 04:52 PM

^ Apologising is not necessary really. You do not need to know all about the game really. To be a fun-gineer is giving ideas right?
Then if that is so, knowing all of this is really unecessary. It is to have a "feel" and "opinion" in the game is the focus.
To all these people who bash you, mind them not. They just take the game seriously, to the extent that game is starting to be "life"
Being so orthodoxial everything that's why religions of these days are killing each other. We need not to heed for being so perfect. We just have to place ourselves rightly on our position.

You give ideas everytime, so you deserve the title. Now, there there.
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#42 CheddarJack


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 05:10 PM

In my many attempts to find out what RO is, ive come across many things. This is the best one i found in reguards to "why" and "where" we are in RO right now:

"A long and grueling holy war waged on for many years.

The war between God, the humans and the demons caused a great deal of damage to everyone involved. After the war, human beings entered into a truce with God and the demons.

This uneasy period of peace would last a thousand years. In the times of peace, in the world of Midgard, the humans would eventually forget about the miseries and hardships of war. They became conceited and selfish with little knowledge of their part in the war of the past.

Bizarre occurrences begin to break the balance of peace in several places of Midgard. A roaring sound that blocks God, humans and demons suddenly appears. Unprovoked attacks from wild animals along with earthquakes and tidal waves ravish the people of Midgard.

As the peace begins to break down, legends of the mysterious demons begin to be told by various adventurers. Stories of Ymir, which has been responsible for maintaining the peace for so long, begin to circulate as well.

Excited adventurers begin to search for these pieces. Some search for wealth, others to make a name for themselves and some for their own twisted goals. The search begins without anyone knowing the true essence of the pieces of Ymir...."

I found this to be pretty true, because in many of the quests around RO pieces of Ymir cause problems. Humans try and attempt to use it, but in the end cause more problems. The only time we see the piece help in a way is when you trancend. The rest of Ro seems to be very open ended to what the player wants to believe. The quests arent very linked together, but if the player can they can think of a way that they are. This leave much room to let the player Role play if they want as well. It also allowes them to WoE and pvp.

Edited by CheddarJack, 06 November 2011 - 05:11 PM.

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#43 Kitten


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 05:13 PM

There's no need to take it so personally.

I wasn't trying to pick on you. Before you edited this thread to the point it was now it mainly said "RO has nothing so let's get customization, customization customization customization! Weeee!" And I just didn't want my name attached onto that.

I'm not saying being around a long time makes me any sort of expert on anything. But there's one thing I have learned from being here. And it's that the biggest hurdle the game faces is lack of man power. There are things that need changing, yes. But I stand by the opinion that just tossing in heaps of extras is a waste of resources.

But, like I said, you edited this beyond recognition so that's sort of irrelevant now.
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#44 Okii


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 05:51 PM

There's no need to take it so personally.

I wasn't trying to pick on you. Before you edited this thread to the point it was now it mainly said "RO has nothing so let's get customization, customization customization customization! Weeee!" And I just didn't want my name attached onto that.

I'm not saying being around a long time makes me any sort of expert on anything. But there's one thing I have learned from being here. And it's that the biggest hurdle the game faces is lack of man power. There are things that need changing, yes. But I stand by the opinion that just tossing in heaps of extras is a waste of resources.

But, like I said, you edited this beyond recognition so that's sort of irrelevant now.

Editing a post to clarify things is not a bad thing. Especially when it's the OP.
And I didn't use your quotes to demean you in any way. You had a good point. RO isn't about much of anything (and doesn't need to be)... if it is, it's really hard to follow and still doesn't explain why RO is called Ragnarok Online. Cosmetic additions on a game like RO are vital though, because most female characters play to look cute and stuff. I mean, we had a similar discussion when talking about more simple kafra hats being added that are not in lucky boxes. People WOULD buy them---for looks.
For looks.
Clothing dye options are the same. Cosmetic options to help define yourself a little more in the community.
Wear your favorite colors or whatever you want, I mean dye sales would go through the roof.
People would buy them constantly--not just once or twice and then done.

Edited by Okii, 06 November 2011 - 05:51 PM.

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#45 Rutana


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 06:02 PM

So... since the actual story of iRO doesn't follow the actual Nores Mythology... can't we redirect the game in a different direction... since most of content of every patch releases doesn't focus on the myth?

Most of the game is somehow based on norse myth. They're just freely interpret though. And this makes a big part of the atmosphere, too.
Allthough there are places for other myths as well (seeing in monsters and mostly the localization areas), the norse myth always shine through and is the guidance of every major update and major quest line as well.
The Gods in Ragnarok are Freya and Odin for example, Ymir (his heart pieces at last) is the huge, major thing everyone dwells for. Manuk, Splendite, the whole new world is based on north myths. Nifflheim and Yggdrassil too. Bifrost for example is the rainbow bridge that connects the worlds.

Taking RO away from the norse myth is like pulling a tree out of the ground.

There can still be quests that have hints on other myths though, since we have all kinds of monsters and therefor demons, in RO nearly everything is somewhat possible, if done right ^^

To the thing of beeing a fungineer:
I think the main point is "wanting to help".
There are enough experienced players within the fungineers to cover this up. Newer players have different points of view and recognize things we don't, so they're important as well.
Besides, if someone tries to learn (also counting about what RO is and background stuff), this isn't something bad, this is something good and helps to improve as well.
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#46 TheUraharaShop


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 07:10 PM

Taking RO away from the norse myth is like pulling a tree out of the ground.

There can still be quests that have hints on other myths though, since we have all kinds of monsters and therefor demons, in RO nearly everything is somewhat possible, if done right ^^

Like a tree out of the ground... so Ninja... Gunslingers...Soul Linkers... Teakwons... and nearly all the monsters dont already do that? So bridging that obvious fact, and looking at what kRO has come out with, why does it have to be centered on the Norse myth, since it's all ready been pulled out years ago? Is the new worlds names and meaning yeah... they are a nice boost to the myth, but the monsters... and nearly every thing else to the game seems never to be focused on?

I do say we need filler, some people confuse plot lines with filler. The filler needed is just to help players walk though the game with less of a "random walk".
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#47 lainee


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 07:32 PM

Cosmetic additions on a game like RO are vital though, because most female characters play to look cute and stuff. I mean, we had a similar discussion when talking about more simple kafra hats being added that are not in lucky boxes. People WOULD buy them---for looks.

What you have to remember Okii is this game has been around for almost a decade. After you play it for while, you not only learn the mechanics, how to play a particular class, WoE, MVPing and the general law and history of the game - you learn how the kRO devs go about things. People have been asking for things as simple as new hair-styles since just post Episode 10.2 Lighthalzen (which was the last time we got 'something' hair related) - and that was in 2006. That's just how the kRO devs are, thus it's better to focus on aspects of the game that can be fixed as opposed to asking for things Gravity will never do. Another example of this is the costume tab, and the shock and dismay on this forum over how it worked. But it should have been no surprise as all you needed to do was go look at the mRO, pRO webistes (has been implemented for 6 months) and obviously kRO (almost a year now) and see what we have is exactly what they have. Working as intended.

Also, with the exception of jRO there is one main rule that governs how the kRO devs work. It really does not matter if Heim, or Oda, or the fun-gineers, or the wiki people came up with the 'magic formula' to fix RO and bring back 100,000 players - unless they come up with it, they have less than zero interest in implementing any outside/non-Korean ideas. Just look at how they do their Sakray testing. They will ignore any bug reports from non-Korean player. And you know what, once you just take the game for what it is and stop expecting miracles it becomes a lot more fun. RO is broken as hell, but always has been. It's still my favorite game though and that is why I still play.
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#48 Okii


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Posted 06 November 2011 - 07:42 PM

And you know what, once you just take the game for what it is and stop expecting miracles it becomes a lot more fun. RO is broken as hell, but always has been. It's still my favorite game though and that is why I still play.

I gave up on that a while ago.
I am learning to accept RO for what it is... that's what this post is about really.
I just want to see what everyone thinks it's about so maybe I can see the common interests and get a better understanding somehow.
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#49 Rutana


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 01:21 AM

Like a tree out of the ground... so Ninja... Gunslingers...Soul Linkers... Teakwons... and nearly all the monsters dont already do that? So bridging that obvious fact, and looking at what kRO has come out with, why does it have to be centered on the Norse myth, since it's all ready been pulled out years ago? Is the new worlds names and meaning yeah... they are a nice boost to the myth, but the monsters... and nearly every thing else to the game seems never to be focused on?

I do say we need filler, some people confuse plot lines with filler. The filler needed is just to help players walk though the game with less of a "random walk".

I said there are exceptions, which is why other myths are fitting in. Still the basic is about the norse myth, and that's not only slightly mentioned...
And with the latest updates, except Expanded Cls and localizations of course, kRO HEAVILY concentrates at the north myth again.

Doing something else is fine, but loosing it out of sight isn't.
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#50 kite24


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Posted 07 November 2011 - 01:50 AM

RO is a game. And it should be treated as one.
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