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Now to keep ROSE alive

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#26 Rinpyon


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Posted 31 January 2012 - 01:33 AM

I'm fine with the droplist, every MMORPG has it. ragnarok, luna, seal, etc. and they're not dead-yet-
But I'm againts the PLUTORUNES and also the REROLL HAMMER ='=a :p_angel: :p_laugh: :p_smile:
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#27 nikst3r


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 04:15 AM

If they don´t add anything to attract new players any server they add or reset will die slowly like the ones we have today.

Rose needs to change: fe by adding new `arcade` style gamecontent like they are working on as we speak. Hopefully it will work out fine because in my opinion Rose is and will always be 1 of the best MMORPG´s ever made. I want to make new Rosean friends!

Think outside the BOX! Is what I used to learn when I was still in school :)
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#28 Kitt


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 05:15 AM

The solution for bored players is simple and doesn't need a server reset that will cause many long-term players (like me) to leave.

Start a new character. DON'T use any of the shortcuts in game to power-level. DON'T use any of your items (including Item Mall) from storage to give your newbie an advantage. It's easy enough to do. I've done it several times recently while they were tweaking the durability system to give Leonis detailed information about how long a newbie weapon is useful (not at 0 durability) and whether or not I could afford to repair my gear when it did break, using only the zulie I had gathered with that new character.

If you are missing game content -- stop taking the short cuts in the game. Just because they are there doesn't mean you need to use them. I've been here since the open beta. I was here during the Pay-to-Play era that had its own set of problems, and with a few breaks here and there out of sheer frustration, I've been here since. My highest level character just hit 200 a few months ago. Not because I can't figure out how to power-level him -- it's because I didn't want to power-level him. I explore maps with him. I fight against different mobs with him. Since he's a bourg, I gather materials with him.

I have not and still don't see any reason to expend the effort to race any of my characters to the level cap, especially since I have been reading on the forums for years how 'bored' the higher level players are. (I didn't think it would be years and years for Gravity to add useful content and expand the upper limit of the game, but I digress.) It is entirely possible to play ROSE without the Item Mall, without power-leveling, and without zulie- or buff-begging. I don't know if it's possible to be a threat in PvP this way, since I don't play that aspect of the game.

If you aren't happy with your high level character, if you are bored, go ahead and start a new one. If you really want a reset -- empty your storage, give away your zulie (or drop it on a deserted map if you just want it to go bye-bye, or, dismiss a character while that character is holding all your zulie) and dismiss all your characters. After twenty-four hours -- it's your very own private server reset! All without upsetting players who rather like their characters and appreciate the time and effort it took to play the game to get them where they are and DON'T want a reset!

If on the other hand you want a server reset just so everyone starts at level one again, I can think of only a few reasons -- you want to be the 'first' to reach the level cap; you want to be the 'first' to have some doo-dad or another in game; someone has a character you can't beat in PvP and you can't stand it; or someone has some item that you really, really want, and can't get, and you'd rather no one have it if you can't have one yourself. If one or more of these is the case -- well, I feel sorry for you, and hope that you don't try to wreck others' game-play experience because of some personal issue that is so petty.
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#29 1430223594


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Posted 04 February 2012 - 02:53 AM

The solution for bored players is simple and doesn't need a server reset that will cause many long-term players (like me) to leave.

Yah, people like you usualy just play a game no matter what, actualy i think almost all people left in rose are like this and i bet you have not played iROSE, but you see NORMAL PEOPLE DO NOT INSTALL AN ONLINE GAME TO PLAY ALONE! but i guess they can keep those two servers that they have right now, so you can play alone with yourself and have items thats everybody else have and require no effort to get, if that is your idea of fun.

and because i am a real fan of this game i dont want it to dieout.

Its not a matter of good or bad, its a matter of what dev wants to do "get as much money as posible from current base before rose dies" or "actualy make it big and work forward to next rose game"
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#30 Kitt


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Posted 04 February 2012 - 05:45 AM

I did play in IRose (the open beta in 2005) and I've been here more or less since. When I get frustrated with something about the game, I try to figure out what would make it better, then send a PM to one of the development team, or post a suggestion in the proper forum.

There are many games that didn't make my cut for enjoyability versus effort; they've been erased from my computer (or their cards/boardgames/video carts/whatever sold on eBay).

I have played in parties and I've solo-played. If the party has interesting people whose idea of fun is to play and enjoy the game, great. If their idea is to find monsters that only the one or two players can fight so that the rest of the party is just leeching (say, a higher level mage with an AoE and a speedy hawker and they only want to play in the prison where the monsters are too high level for me to hit) I'm not interested. I've been booted out of parties because I used a gun bourg instead of a launcher bourg and I 'wasn't killing fast enough'. With experiences like that, is it any wonder I only party with people I know? I'd rather poke my way along alone, learn how best to approach monsters in the three level ranges that make sense for my character (green, yellow, orange) and progress along the maps instead of rushing toward a frustrating end-point as so many players have already.

For as long as I've been here I haven't made a billion zulie yet. So, no, I don't have everything that everyone else does, either. I have some quirky mementos from back in the day that I would rather not lose. An ancient wooden sword, for example. The first diamond I got as a drop from the Jones Quest way back when (I know it's just a Diamond 2, I keep it separate because of how I got it).

I endured the server wipe when the beta closed. My character sat on a hill near the farm outside of Junon with my best friend in-game and we waited for the end.

I was livid when they first changed to NARose 2.0 or whatever they called it, when they first radically changed the skill trees and erased all our materials from storage, and all our accumulated zulie. The game has been in a constant state of flux since then, and there have been times I've nearly called it quits. There is just something about ROSE that brings me back.

We were promised on the old forums that never-ever-never-NEVER again would they wipe the server. At this point, I think it would be a horrendous business move as people have now spent real money for in-game items, and simply erasing them would be a sort of theft -- or at least that's how it would most likely be perceived.

My suggestion still stands. If the game has become boring and you --personally-- want to start over, simply erase everything on your account and start over. Try to not use the short-cuts and exploits in the game, don't play (or only vend) during the double XP and drop events and enjoy the game as a newbie.

Wiping the server wouldn't magically make new players appear, or want to play. I managed to get 11 people to sign up during the Aurum CG promotion, and several of them did download the game and take a look. Only one played, and only to about level 80 or so -- then she got bored with it. The others thought it was far too basic at the lower levels, not challenging at all (this is after they redid the lower maps, including Luxem Tower) or that it was too 'dated' in appearance and/or mechanics compared to other games out there. There are still others who used to play who've been burned out by the constant changing of things and are simply waiting for ROSE to finally make it out of 'beta-testing mode' and become a 'real' game. I'm supposed to send emails out to several of my friends when core things stay stable for a year or so. Wiping the server will simply annoy many loyal players who've been supporting the game financially during the P2P era and now through the Item Mall. I expect you would ultimately see a huge drop in the population if they were to reset the game again.
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#31 CoffeeMuse


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Posted 05 February 2012 - 07:08 PM

Well spoken Kitt,

And I too miss the game as it was. There is a saying, "hope springs eternal" and i keep hoping against hope that the DEVs will some day "get it" and understand that they need to go "old school" and stop trying to get only people who dump hundreds on the IM just to beat up someone in PVP. They should be able to satisfy both camps, PVP and PVM, but it seems whoever pulls the strings is chosen to put the lions share of the minimal development this game gets into the PVP side. Pity.
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#32 Zurn


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Posted 05 February 2012 - 07:27 PM

i think (and hope) that once the game arena is finally out on the servers that they do start to cater to both pvm and pvp, i think right now since people complain more about the unbalanced union wars and leechers they wanted to get the pvp part in first and try to get that settled down for a bit before they work on the pvm content like Raids/Instances to go with the new system. i also hope they either redo Orlo or at least make parts of it more useful because right now it mostly feels like you just run around to find something there when it could be more like kenji where there are smaller gaps between the spawns instead of like a whole map where it seems they sprinkled spawns here and there. Maybe chapter 3 was going to fix that?

sorry if that looks like a block of words (kinda is) my punctuation placement needs some work along with making posts neater and maybe less often...
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#33 SirSlayer


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Posted 05 February 2012 - 08:39 PM

0. You can stay on permoment if you like and enjoy your shiny items till you get borred out, but i bet you will go to cycling one after a while because that is where fun going to be.

1. Old players will buy again, because items are only fun when the game is not flooded with them, and you know they are useless when you are max level (just for show, but thats gets boring fast).

2. New people will buy stuff! instead of being chased away by max levels and powerleveler and broken economy.

and yeh, main source of money for big games are not the max levels but the NEW players that are btw being born in packs everyday, so instead of trying to keep old players that have already got all items they wanted, it is better to reset and get some NEW players with NEW money flowing it, this will be good not only for new but also for old players because game will get more popular, devs will get rich and invest more money on content updates.

Maybe is it just me here but I see a lot of people saying this "broken economy". I mean yeah the economy sucks, but to me that is what makes this game fun sometimes. I think prices going up and down up and down is what makes this game fun, in the market aspect of it. I mean the up and down price of items ran by Item Mall isn't a good thing, but even if there was no Item Mall I wouldn't want prices to be stagnant and ONE set price. If I could get an FV 15+ d7 for 2bill flat or a set of Frankenstein Costume for 500mill, everytime I wanted it, that would bore me even more with this game. I like the fact that one day an FV costs 1.4bill, and two weeks later it could cost 2.6bill. That's how a market works, real life, a game, market is market. Now don't get me confused, the market shouldn't be ran by things like Item Mall or nerfing, etc. of classes, i.e. FV prices going up and SF prices going way down, cause of the champ "nerf" and people switching to raiders. Now those types of things happen and shouldn't and suck, but what can you do? But I like when I see someone selling something not at value price, I think it is funny when I see someone selling something worth only 200mill for 700mill, not because they are trying to scam others, but because it has personal worth to them. I see this all the time, people saying "oh that guy is trying to scam, look at his ridiculous prices",...well if you think he is trying to scam you, don't buy from him and find someone who sells at "your worth" price. Anyways this was a bit off topic...(sorry lol).

Old players won't buy again, and if they did they are dumb. I'm not necessarily an "old player" but I surely would NEVER buy an item again with real money simply cause they decided to restart everything over. I'm pretty sure new people are far from being chased away, I'm newer in the sense I started playing again about 5months-ish ago, and I'm far from chased off, as I actually think I'm in a 220+ only clan, and have almost everything needed for my characters, I've actually been welcomed by a lot of older members in this game, and yes you have your typical "ego booster" old players who think they are godlike, but that is anywhere. Started new characters and making friends and doing things isn't hard, what would be hard and annoying is starting over every couple months or every time frame you feel a restart is needed.

Any player new or old can obtain any item they want, if they want it bad enough. You can grind for it(drops), you can buy it(grind for drops to sell for zulies, buy IM/sellIM, many other zulie making tactics, etc.). A server reset would not bring more interest, it would bring more hatred towards the game and people trashing it for resetting it and a lot of ALREADY paying customers, quitting and never playing/buying again.
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#34 SirSlayer


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Posted 05 February 2012 - 08:46 PM

I endured the server wipe when the beta closed. My character sat on a hill near the farm outside of Junon with my best friend in-game and we waited for the end.

Aweeee haha this made me almost cry lol. :( :) :omg:

jokes, not really. but was cute -_- :p_err:
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#35 Kitt


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Posted 06 February 2012 - 06:16 AM

Oh, the end of IRose was a sad time. I was, and still am, furious with DeeBee for all the mucking around he did with the game while it was in beta testing. From what I understand, they ended the test cycle sooner than they wanted to, because they got tired of trying to keep him out. If the developers had not had to deal with that, and had a chance to finish testing, we might not have to endure all the radical changes that are happening to this day.

That fact, that in significant ways ROSE is still in development, more than any other thing, has depressed the growth of ROSE (imho). Players who try ROSE out but don't look at the forums, if they are around long enough to have their gear suddenly change on them, or the monsters suddenly become way more powerful, or any other effect of 'rebalancing' suddenly realize that the game isn't as complete as they were led to believe, and leave in frustration. Other, maybe more savvy potential players, look at the forum, read the threads and sense the underlying air of dissatisfaction, and find something else to play. Some rare few sense what so many of us do in this game, and decide to stick around and hope that someday the developers will be able to follow through on the game's potential.

Once ROSE is finished, not necessarily all planets in play, but the core of the game, how the combat system works, the relative strength of the classes to each other and to monsters, how refining works, how crafting works -- once things settle into a state that is permanent -- I think there's a chance Gravity will have to add new servers, or new channels, because there will be enough population to require it. At least that is my hope.
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#36 1430223594


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Posted 06 February 2012 - 06:46 AM

Oh, the end of IRose was a sad time. I was, and still am, furious with DeeBee for all the mucking around he did with the game while it was in beta testing. From what I understand, they ended the test cycle sooner than they wanted to, because they got tired of trying to keep him out. If the developers had not had to deal with that, and had a chance to finish testing, we might not have to endure all the radical changes that are happening to this day.

I think what actually almost killed the irose was the "Evolution Update" it was so bad and deastroyed so much that way too many people have left for private servers that on purpose skiped this update. Like when deebee started thair own server not long ago after original start and it was free and without evolution update.

Once ROSE is finished, not necessarily all planets in play, but the core of the game, how the combat system works, the relative strength of the classes to each other and to monsters, how refining works, how crafting works -- once things settle into a state that is permanent -- I think there's a chance Gravity will have to add new servers, or new channels, because there will be enough population to require it. At least that is my hope.

If they gona listen to players like you, it will never be finished, i think, but looks that is what happening and this is why game is almost empty right now (realy there like 1-2 people on most locations, and half of them are rerolls). But soon an alternative may be out and last people will leave rose for new game, but till then you can enjoy your boredom.
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#37 Kitt


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Posted 06 February 2012 - 07:28 AM

I see. So, you believe my idea that people who would like to play a game, and perhaps spend real money to enhance their enjoyment of the game, might enjoy it more and play more often if there is interesting content throughout all game play levels, reasonable challenges, a stable combat and level gain platform upon which to play and build their characters, and some cohesive purpose in the first place (including an overall story arc complete with quests and end game content) -- basically, my idea that people want a game that is COMPLETE (or at least the most basic relationships between classes and players to monsters is set and won't be changed) is ridiculous, and further, it is my very belief that people want a complete game that is what is preventing people from finding and playing ROSE in the first place.

Instead, you want us all to fall in line behind YOUR idea which is to leave the game as it is now (incomplete and given the constant 'rebalancing' efforts of the development team, somewhat broken), and simply erase all the results that some of us have spent years on, oh, and when YOU get bored with the game again, go ahead and reset all the servers again.

Sorry, I can't understand your position. It makes no sense that leaving a game broken and incomplete, but forcibly resetting it from time to time will somehow make it successful.
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#38 Hirokazu


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Posted 06 February 2012 - 08:33 AM

Here are few points that I observed from the transition of before and after F2P and the reason why ROSE is so deadly boring now:

Before free to play era:

(1) gameguard prevents dual clienting and botting, you can only play your own class of choice actively

(2) ROSE compendium didn't exist, every drop list of a monster has to be written and explored by the community manually, if you discover the drop source of a luna seal staff, you can keep it a secret and make big money

(3) people are dedicated to their class of choice because it takes a great amount of time to get to Lv.210, you have to be true to your class even you find out your 210 artisan actually sucked at everything, it takes so much effort to get a good weapon/armor sets

(4) item mall wasn't so influential to the game as much back then, it was only for cosmetic purpose (salon/plastic surgery/carts/resets)

After free to play era:

(1) botting/dual clienting are basically daily involved, every time I go to prison find party I see 75% of the people are botting, auto AOEing, auto healing, they don't say anything when you ask for party, dual clienting sure is very convenient but it is actually unhealthy to the game as well

(2) I appreciate the nice work of PurpleYouko for ROSE compendium it is a very nice encyclopedia but it is actually unhealthy for the game itself, because it defeats the purpose of exploring the game, not having to find out which monster drop which mats/weapons/medallion

(3) people mostly go for the strongest class (champions currently) because they have Lv.220 of every class, excessive amount of (15) max refined equipment even for buffsets

(4) up to now the game is 90% swallowed up by item mall, it cannot reach 100% because they have to leave something totally free somehow (free to log in/free to chat/free to vend/free to PvM)
I understand this game will not live up to now if Item mall didn't exist, but there is always a trade off with this. "The more revenue catalyst they use on this game, the more corrupt this game becomes."

Revenue catalyst such as the introduction of venurune/plutorune/nepturune into the refine system, the refine level cap from 9 to 15, refine rates event.

The reason why I don't play actively as much as before free to play era is:

-medal of fortune/lucky spin costume with extra drop rates defeats the purpose of farming
-medal of retrieval defeats the purpose of having a low level character to farm certain mats
-item mall integrated refine system defeats the purpose of the ROSE ultimate final goal
-reroll hammers defeats the purpose of SEN artisan, face item craft is completely dead only item mall masks are needed, who needs a Tanzanite 7 when you can reroll a 25AP 50crit, who needs a Jade 7 when you can reroll a 40mspeed 60dodge
-box of enchanted stones defeats the purpose of crafting main stat gems except when you want T7 for buffing, S7 for crafting, E7 for stat crafting
-item mall boosters, who wants to fight against a player with booster?
-they love to take back what belongs to us, cleric party buffs, cleric buffs were just what is now known as booster on item mall, (glad they didn't nerf concussion grenade and put it back on item mall though)
-there is a difference between "guessing 1 out of millions of monster in ROSE to know which monster drop luna seal staff" and "ok here is a giant fiery snapper boss that drop shattered hope, go farm it repeatedly for 10000 times or use double drop medal for 5000 times"

We all know there are less people now compare to in the past, not only it is less populated but most people are actually dual/triple clienting. ROSE is so dead now because it has lost all its play value, there is nothing to explore, every monster drop list is known, whatever is the best weapon/armor/gem sets/stat skill build is known, extremely unbalanced classes that makes PvM/leveling hopeless for certain class, artisan crafts are completely outdated by Union armor, Epic weapon and everything on Item mall, now artisans are used as battle machines, clerics are used as a buff slave and heal bot purpose instead of played actively, bourgs are not heavily used as farmer anymore due to champs kill 10 times as fast. Also, I notice the rate at which new content come out now has slowed down by a lot or stopped completely because all other version of ROSE do not have 5th planet, the 2nd chapter of orlo was really a big disappointment, long waited content with 1 mini map and 1 big useless but beautiful map. As far as I know there is no plan on orlo chapter 3, so I don't expect to see new content in the year of 2012 but another year try to mess with skill balancing and throw in some PvM armor that needs valor points.

Sad but true :/
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#39 Eleria


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Posted 07 February 2012 - 01:53 AM

I think what actually almost killed the irose was the "Evolution Update" it was so bad and deastroyed so much that way too many people have left for private servers that on purpose skiped this update. Like when deebee started thair own server not long ago after original start and it was free and without evolution update.

Uhm objection. iRose closed down on August 31st 2005, while the evolution update came one year later in Aug. 2006. And pre-evo Rose was already completely unlike the irose gameplay (it had different skills for example, while some of the old irose skills have been reintroduced with evolution).
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#40 1430223594


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Posted 07 February 2012 - 05:12 AM

Uhm objection. iRose closed down on August 31st 2005, while the evolution update came one year later in Aug. 2006. And pre-evo Rose was already completely unlike the irose gameplay (it had different skills for example, while some of the old irose skills have been reintroduced with evolution).

Maybe i mixed something here, this was long ago and i wasnt playing much after beta, later then at some point i tryed to start playing rose again and was like "wtf is this? where is my rose ?". I think evo was released when they removed the birth isle ? or was it later ? ahm im not sure.
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