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Patch Notes v.386

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#76 ZullyFace


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Posted 02 February 2012 - 07:12 PM

Calm down please and let the man do his work before you piss him off again

No one pissed him off but he had pissed himself off.

There are plenty of unfix bug and he dare to said "Go back to complaining about bugs that don't get enough attention". So I am trying my best to give him more than enough attention.
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#77 CoffeeMuse


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Posted 02 February 2012 - 09:34 PM

I honestly don't know which of you trolls to quote, but the way you go on day after day, week after week, would drive any one - yes, including Calanor to get sick and tired of it.

You all sound like a bunch mal-contents. I'll tell you the same thing I've told many in the past who go on like you, if you are such miserable sots, why don't you go find another game and be happy there rather than hang around here and just stir the pot. Or is that what you live for?

Personally I think Calanor should just ignore y'all, you don't even deserve any further response.

Edited by CoffeeMuse, 02 February 2012 - 09:36 PM.

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#78 ZullyFace


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Posted 02 February 2012 - 11:32 PM

f you are such miserable sots, why don't you go find another game and be happy there rather than hang around here and just stir the pot. Or is that what you live for?

If I never spent money or they allow me to refund my money, I really won't complain a single word because it's free to play. Even the server is down for 1 month I will just keep quiet or play other game, as in I never supply I feel shame to demand anything.

I know they need cost and work to run a game server, so I had chosen to support an official server and hope they can do better than private server. But I guess the result is quiet obvious to see, so I don't need to share the reason that make me feel upset.
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#79 gEddeh



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Posted 02 February 2012 - 11:55 PM

I honestly don't know which of you trolls to quote, but the way you go on day after day, week after week, would drive any one - yes, including Calanor to get sick and tired of it.

Ha! Easy to point fingers to the players if you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

What we are talking about is build up frustation because of a development team that doesn't seem to care what the players need and just keeps adding more things to the Item Mall that we have to buy if we want to keep doing PvP (not even beginning on Class Balance, UW etc). If the developers would stop, think and take the time to react to any of our posts with actual good feedback, situations like this one wouldn't occur.
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#80 Xenobite


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Posted 02 February 2012 - 11:58 PM

Since I don't play this game I might not have right to say a thing, but...

It is a fact that this game is not run very well compared to some other games but it is also not funded well enough
Lots of mistakes were done, some are still being made, but they are also doing some good stuff
At least they are trying :)

Although Calanors choice of words wasnt perfect, but can't you take that one as a joke?
With all complains (and lots of rude ones), (almost) 0 nice words for all the effort he (and his team) puts into this game isn't very inspiring and motivating.
When you are constantly surrounded with rude jokes, it is normal that you can tell few of those yourself.
Also, if I remember correctly, Calanor wasn't a cold lawyer / old uberstrict nanny (who hates kids and men) type of person in his posts and he often uses some sarcasm which gives his posts some charm and fun element.

IM is a part of free to play games, and it will always be.
Some of its implementation went wrong but things can always change, right?
The latest "skip job quest" IM addon is a good step away from "Buy IM or die!", don't you think?
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#81 shokwavez


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 12:43 AM

The latest "skip job quest" IM addon is a good step away from "Buy IM or die!", don't you think?

Not really because as Gojio posted, I too agree about this specifically about what's becoming of this game.

I'm complaining because there are little to no "pure" things left in Rose, everything is contaminated by Item Mall. 2nd Job Quest should have stayed untouched.

No one likes giving negative feedback, but the community has spoken. Besides there really isn't much to rejoice about with the latest patches. True small fixes here and there and minor class balancing but what else? The Item Mall content just quickly overshadows those patches on a weekly basis.

And taking something as small and minor as paying a few bucks to skip the job quest. Yea, of course no one has to pay but it's not even an option anymore. Overall, you get suckered in to try to keep up with many people that do buy thousands of Item Mall - trying to level the playing field. It's not a big blow to skip the job quest but it definitely just tainted the game further.

It's all so funny now. How before making money by farming and leveling was so easy, until they introduced item mall while nerfing: experience/drops/spawn rates. Now we gotta work harder or buy IM to make up for spawn/experience nerfs.

Is there anything left in the game that's free of Item Mall?

Pvp? No.. (Boosters and Jellies)
Farming? No.. (Need medal of fortunes and premiums)
Lvling? No.. (Need trainee medals)
Shopping? No.. (overpriced IM re-rolled stuffs)

I honestly believe if they didn't nerf the experience/drops/spawn rates people wouldn't care too much about Item Mall. It frustrates mostly everyone because it's become a huge dependent. Who can really truly say they enjoy the game without Item Mall..?

It's like a virtual amazon, e-bay or craigs list - buying, bidding, and trading. It's just business.

The only left is chatting and afking. That's free right? Fun.

However, I have looked at their "State of the Game" post and it does kind of lift my spirits. It seems as though were digging out of this alive to breathe for once and enjoy the game.
But I'll give it a year and not a month or two like they say for a good solid turn around in comparison to the present.
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#82 Eleria


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 02:37 AM

Is there anything left in the game that's free of Item Mall?

Pvp? No.. (Boosters and Jellies)
Farming? No.. (Need medal of fortunes and premiums)
Lvling? No.. (Need trainee medals)
Shopping? No.. (overpriced IM re-rolled stuffs)

Well nobody is forced to buy exp medals for leveling (unless you really need to reach 220 in less than a week). Leveling is still far easier and about 10 times faster than in pre-evo times, when it took a normal (not hardcore) player up to two month to reach lvl 100. I also never use any drop medals, the only IM points I buy, are for some costumes. Well if you are playing Rose as kind of e-sports to be the best in everything, you probably need the item mall. If you are only playing Rose as a simple game for pure entertainment and some social interaction there isn't really the need to invest any money.

It's also kind of funny that everybody complains about the additions of new IM stuff, including costumes, and in another thread they were all praising the item mall of JRose, which is more expensive and (if they didn't changed that lately) even more obligatory, since as far as I know, player needed some kind of premium account to get even basic features like access to storage or trading and vending skill.
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#83 SirSlayer


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 03:38 AM

i mean after everyone started commenting after calanor's rage troll comment.
as sirslayer said about im and stuff i also understand, but i dont agree when they act as the only thing they care of is our pockets and i really dont understand why calanor lost his profesionalism, maybe he had a bad day or to much years withstanding heavy pressure from the players made him lose control. calanor i appreciate so dont become a troll at least apologize.

In my business, the minute you lose professionalism is the minute you find another job. So there is no excuse and the unprofessional-ism needs to go immediately. I under go more pressure in one day then he will to "read" peoples bickers and complaints.
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#84 SirSlayer


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 03:45 AM

I honestly don't know which of you trolls to quote, but the way you go on day after day, week after week, would drive any one - yes, including Calanor to get sick and tired of it.

You all sound like a bunch mal-contents. I'll tell you the same thing I've told many in the past who go on like you, if you are such miserable sots, why don't you go find another game and be happy there rather than hang around here and just stir the pot. Or is that what you live for?

Personally I think Calanor should just ignore y'all, you don't even deserve any further response.

Sounds like someone is trying a little too hard to please the mods/staff/etc. This surely will not get you a job, so sucking up does absolutely nothing.

You can tell me the same you've told thousands, the fact that your solution to peoples complaints is also unprofessional and completely ignorant shows that your opinion is rather important to me and most who read it..obviously. Because you don't like something, quit and go to something else? What kind of logic is that? So when your car breaks down and you don't like it, you buy a new one every time? Or because your girl/boyfriend makes you a breakfast you don't like, all of a sudden you need to go out and get a new one that can cook better? Replacing things that have faults all of the time clearly isn't a solution at all. The word you are looking for is perfection and NOBODY is perfect, nor is anything. I love ROSE, but it has faults, many faults, as everything else in this world does. But I complain about ROSE to the ROSE staff, BECAUSE I love ROSE and I want to keep playing it and like many others, we want things to be fixed.

You my friend are the true trollololol who thinks you have wit and a professional demeanor but in truth your solutions will only cause bigger problems for ROSE, because if everyone one of these people who "complain" start quitting, that is less money for the ROSE workers, so nice to actually go against the ROSE staff and their hopes of getting more and more people to play and pay for this game.

And for last, don't speak for Calanor by saying he should just ignore "ya'll", if he chooses to ignore unprofessionally or further continue this conversation professionally is entirely up to him, not you.
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#85 SirSlayer


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 03:50 AM

Shopping? No.. (overpriced IM re-rolled stuffs)

I like this, because generally I sell rerolls and Item Mall stuff in the game. Let me tell you, you would not believe the amount of rerolls one person them self will buy in a 10minute period. I've sold LITERALLY over 700+ rerolls to someone in about 30min. period one time. It's ridiculous how they know they can spend so much zulie on rerolls, but still in turn make a profit from the ridiculous price they will charge once they get the reroll on the item they want. I mean, I don't like that the game is this way, but I liked your comment about this and how ridiculously overpriced everything is simply cause of rerolls.

Edited by SirSlayer, 03 February 2012 - 03:51 AM.

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#86 DigitalKitten


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 03:55 AM

Nice, no second job quest :3 so... Next patch update the game arena kthxbye.

And I say this once again for the people talking about the game; it's not a p2p, if you want to support gravity with playing their games, thats the money some of them perhaps live on. I didn't spend a single dollar when I was fully geared, I farmed and it's a grind game. You have to find your priorities, grind game = grind. None grind game = pay 2 play. Etc... Just like any free RPGs sigh.

If you don't feel like supporting gravity (cause its just like any other free rpg) go and play WoW or something.

Edited by DigitalKitten, 03 February 2012 - 04:01 AM.

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#87 SirSlayer


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 05:24 AM

Nice, no second job quest :3 so... Next patch update the game arena kthxbye.

And I say this once again for the people talking about the game; it's not a p2p, if you want to support gravity with playing their games, thats the money some of them perhaps live on. I didn't spend a single dollar when I was fully geared, I farmed and it's a grind game. You have to find your priorities, grind game = grind. None grind game = pay 2 play. Etc... Just like any free RPGs sigh.

If you don't feel like supporting gravity (cause its just like any other free rpg) go and play WoW or something.

One of my gaming priorities is ROSE, and I do pay to play. I buy IM, so does this give me more right to complain? lol. I think anybody should have the right to complain if they feel it is necessary, non payers of this game aren't less important than payers of this game. Non payers might eventually become payers of this game, so everyone is important on the business end of things.
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#88 CoffeeMuse


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 08:18 AM

Sounds like someone is trying a little too hard to please the mods/staff/etc. This surely will not get you a job, so sucking up does absolutely nothing.

Slayer, How many times have I heard that before? People always make the assumpsion if you "appear" to be defending someone they are critical of, you are sucking up. Here's a little news for your ... I was already a mod here for about 5 years, from spring 2006 thru winter 2011 last year. When I married my wife, we were told by Gravity only one moderator under one roof so I traded places with my wife, who IMO is better at the job and deserves it more than I. To use a worn out phrase - been there, worn out the t-shirt. Past caring.

I do read how you go on. You talk about professionalism but display none of that here in the forums but rather troll on and on and on. Pot calling the kettle black. Just like years past, I get sick and tired of hearing sour attitudes here in the forums like it's going to have a positive result. You say things like "I'm not necessarily getting involved here" but thats exactly what you are doing. I love it how you preface a comment that you didn't want to do this or that, and then do exactly that. If you are as miserable as you come across, then take a hard look at yourself and ask yourself if you might be happier, or more positive in a game you really enjoy. I've told that to many here in the forums in years past, and some of them actually told me later they were miserable and were going to take a break or find something that they actually enjoy for a while, and come back later.

One of my gaming priorities is ROSE, and I do pay to play. I buy IM, so does this give me more right to complain? lol. I think anybody should have the right to complain if they feel it is necessary ...

At some point after complaining over and over and over, it might be time for a reality check. If your not happy with a product and it isn't improving, it seems a more logical choice would be stop buying it. Maybe wait for the company selling it to realize they need to improve the product and then think about buying it if it improves?

In interests from keeping this thread from getting further off topic that it already is, I've self-removed my other "editorial comment" posts.

Edited by CoffeeMuse, 03 February 2012 - 09:19 AM.

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#89 PickUp


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 08:41 AM


How many times have I heard that before? People always make the assumpsion if you "appear" to be defending someone they are critical of, you are sucking up. Here's a little news for you SirSlayer ... I was a mod here from spring 2006 thru winter 2011 last year. When I married my wife, we were told by Gravity only one moderator under one roof so I traded places with my wife, who IMO is better at the job and deserves it more than I.

I do read how you go on. You talk about professionalism but display noen of that here in the forums but rather troll on and on and on. Pot calling the kettle black. Just like years past, I get sick and tired of hearing your sour attitudes here in the forums like it's going to have a positive result. You say things like "I'm not necessarily getting involved here" but thats exactly what you are doing. Lets call a spade a spade. If you are as miserable as you come across, then take a hard look at yourself and ask yourself if you might be happier, or more positive in a game you really enjoy. I've told that to many here in the forums in years past, and some of them actually told me later they were miserable and were going to take a break or find something that they actually enjoy for a while, and come back later.

I really did not want to jump into this conversation, and I neither wanted to be rude or something, but complaining about complainers does not make you less of a complainer. Crying about other people's opinions does not bring anything good into the discussion and neither will solve anything. These kind of discussions are only good to derail threads and such. As an ex-moderator you should know it best that these kind of stuff belongs to PM's and not here.

It is a fact that there are some positive stuff out there, but people will mostly only mention those that are wrong and should be changed. It is really hopeless to talk about the people's attitude here on the forums, because the current attitude of ROSE players now is the direct result of years of ignorance from Gravity's side. Let's take the case of Orlo for example: They released a part of a new planet, but it really did not bring much of a content other than a few new maps, those new maps were really unnecessary as we already had plenty, and then one year after they did the exact same mistake.

I have seen many post of you in the past where you wanted to change the people's attitude, but your personal crusade to change everyone's attitude is just hopeless. People are entitled to their opinions and they can think and write whatever they want on the forums as long as they don't break the rules. You state that you are not sucking up for Gravity, but that is kind of hard to believe as you just stormed in to this thread and started bashing people for stating their negative opinion on Gravity without any kind of reasoning. Basically you stated that anyone who didn't like Calanor's troll comment should cry in a corner about how miserable they are. If you don't have anything constructive to say regarding the patch, or the direction that ROSE is heading you should stay silent, or at least just use the PM function instead of bashing others out in the public.
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#90 Dusk1PS


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 09:40 AM

While, I dont really mind the 2nd job quest being traded in for Ruvens. I don't like the road they are taking with this "idea" if job quest can just be skipped(which is pretty damn simple in the first place)...what else can be skipped?

Can I pay 10 Ruven tokens to Ruven to go straight to Orlo without ever doing the Fate quest next?

Maybe 25 Ruven tokens and I can go straight to Hebarn planet?

How about 100 Ruven Tokens and I can meet Hebarn and has lunch?

Maybe 500 Ruven Tokens and admins can just give me everything I will need for this game so I dont ever have to leave Adventure Plains?

These are the fustrating thoughts players feel when we read "Use Item Mall and you can skip this WHOLE part of the game that has existed since its creation."
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#91 DigitalKitten


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 02:54 PM

I mean compare IM to Pay to play games, You will see what I mean.
It's not worth complaining on IM cause, If you played rose enough, you will know that point won't change.
It's pretty much the only thing they earn money on, so you want them to produce a totaly free game with pay to play feautres, when there's players like me that don't spend money on Item mall? I don't see the point.
And think about it, how many DEVS is there anyway, especially if they make players senators etc etc?.

People quit, and they earn more money on having the game IM based, then pay to play.. if that says something.

It's something you choose to do, or not to do.
I don't have high requirements on a game that's free.

Edited by DigitalKitten, 03 February 2012 - 03:47 PM.

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#92 Genesis


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 04:32 PM

Cleaned up some of the more recent derailing.

Please refrain from contributing to off-topic discussion, especially in an official patch notes thread.

Edited by Genesis, 03 February 2012 - 04:34 PM.

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#93 Calanor


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 05:14 PM

You never saw these bug complain topics repeated in community chat? Let me list out again all the "discussed" bug. I know you had fixed 4 bug in this patches, but IMHO below bugs are those really impact on game play. Don't you agree with me? So can I expect below bugs to fix by next patch or need another 1 year?

Cart bug: If someone fetch you with cart and drop you from cart by clicking "on cart" skill. Then you will have problem, no matter how you buff up but your stat still remain low.

Vend bug: Players vend to buy some item, but we can't sell it to them.

Storage bug: Storage unable to open even we have chosen "open storage" option. Especially during union war server time 5pm-6pm.

TG & CF bug: As you have mentioned, "mass dc" always happened during personal clan war.

Party DC bug: If your client crashed, your character will remain in party and unable to login until you are kicked out from party.

Thank you for bolding this. It helps my old eyes read it better /sarcasm

Aye the Party DC bug on this list is probably the most annoying one and something we have on our To-Do List and something that should get some face time during February.

The Vend Bug, isn't a bug as much as its 3 possible things, which all need clearer notifications
  • Player doesn't have the funds
    • What needs to happen is that there needs to be a message stating that the sale failed due to a lack of funds
  • Player doesn't have inventory space left
    • What needs to happen is that there needs to be a message stating that the sale failed due to a lack of inventory space
  • Which comes up with item mall items mainly, is that there are some item mall items like the Skill Reset Tickets that have 2 entries in the game.
    • So if the Buyer has Skill Reset Ticket #1 and you try to sell them Ticket #2 it won't work.
    • We are updating the descriptions on the tool tips to include "Restrictions" on items, this will help identify what Ticket you have vs what the buyer is looking for.
The storage during union wars is a bit more isolated and I will bring it up and see if it can receive some face time and if its something we can quickly fix, otherwise its will be added to our internal bug board (Its an old issue and doesn't seem to currently have a place on our bug board).

The DC'ing has something to do with players loading between PvP and Non-PvP areas.
When you load into a PvP area the game flags you as either open for PvP or part of a group like Union Wars.
Lately this has become more of an issue due to us updating some of the loading of data between maps, which if your client lets you load fully its not a problem, but if its tries to rush the load its where we see most of the disconnections happen.

Your Cart bug is sort of hard for me to understand. Sorry your english isn't meshing with mine on this. I think I know what your talking about and its something we are aware of but its an isolated bug that has a lower priority sadly.
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#94 Zurn


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Posted 03 February 2012 - 05:21 PM

Your Cart bug is sort of hard for me to understand. Sorry your english isn't meshing with mine on this. I think I know what your talking about and its something we are aware of but its an isolated bug that has a lower priority sadly.

you "ride request" someone and then use the cart skill to get them off and you out of the cart somewhere and they go all slow like its a client side issue to everyone else your going normal speed.
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