I noticed an abundance of FS priest guides out there that give horrible advice ( max meditatio, telling people to never use heal, ect. ) from my time on the sea server, and since thats the main source in english for people for advice on skills... I figure I'd save people from realizing how dumb many of them are. In this guide I'll explain the build I used, and how everything works. I'll even include skills that can be useful, even if I didn't get them.
Anyways, congrats on your decision to make a FS Priest. Be prepared for being wanted for dungeons by everyone, but not having anyone help you level unless you're enslaving someone to leech you, or you have the rare smart fellow who realizes the tradeoff in exp is actually worth the money you save on pots. ANYWAY, your one attack move is going to be very weak, so if you're solo- you are going to have it VERY rough. Luckily if you are solo- there probably will be stat resets available for purchase from kafra shop early on, so you can build for battle and reset. Attack priest is actually pretty good damage-wise from what I hear, but I always had a leveling partner and never had to/wanted to switch back and forth.
Now then, lets go over the skills you'll be wanting, and give you an idea how they will be used.
You can see the skill tree layed out better over here: http://www.ro2skills...okdnOqnadeAborA
The Healing Tree
Holy Light - You get this level 1 right off the bat. This is your ONLY attack move, and lucky you- you get to keep it at level 1! Don't worry though, with Aqua Benedicta and Aspersio, it's not TOO bad. You still will take a long time to kill anything solo though.
Heal- The first healing spell you'll have access too. At first I will say leave this at level 1 till you max Renovatio. Then after you max that feel free to come back and level this to max.
NOTE- If the res cooldown is not retarded long like seaRO2's, you can leave this at level 4. Losing the 3% increase for a cure you're not going to be using AS much is the best sacrifice you can afford to make. Alternatively- If you REALLY want to max this and leave a level out of Sanctuary, you can but I liked having that maxed.
Renovatio - Your superawesome regen skill. You want to max this ASAP in the beginning. Make it the first thing you max- you WONT regret it. Make sure to ALWAYS have this up on people who take damage.
Meditatio- It's not worth it. Do NOT bother putting points into this past 1. Theres so much better you can get for yourself.
Highness Heal- This will be your main means of curing people. Its a semi-AOE cure that will cure your main target, as well as 2 other people close by to them for a pretty high amount. If you pair this up with Aspersio (which you will ALWAYS want to) it will give 10 seconds of HP regen for the amount you initialy cure'd for to whoever's hit with it. the CD is only 10 seconds too. Using this as your main cure w/aspersio on top of renovatio- you won't be using the normal Heal TOO much, but don't be one of those dummies who don't use normal Heal at all. I found you do need to use it inbetween HH's often when people are taking heavy damage.
I would also try to get into the habit of timing HHs with incoming aoe damage. Not many priests i've talked to know this, but most of the incoming damage in this game is really predictable. Blue circled AoEs can be easily timed with a HH when they detonate. If a boss is going to AoE, it usually applies a debuff 1-2 seconds before the actual damage goes out. This gives you plenty of time to prep a HH animation. It may seem trivial, but I have seen plenty of bosses where people just get gibbed due to double AoE attacks that could have been prevented if heals were timed better
Sacrement- A wonderful buff that when maxed gives you a +10% bonus to your healing skill. This means all your cures. YOU WANT THIS. Max it- no excuses!
Colouseo heal- Your "Oh s***!!" button. The cure that you hope you never have to use. Heals your target for max HP instantly but steals a lot of hate off the mob and has a long CD (5 min at lvl 1, 2 min at max). Only worth leaving at level 1 as you shouldnt need to be dumping this kinda cure often, or that you will want to either.
Assumptio- As with RO1, this skill gives you a nice amount of damage reduction (40%) when maxed. Sadly, it only lasts for 10 seconds, but it's worth maxing imo. There are times when you cant get a HH off and your tank can get low- so throwing this on them in those situations can save you a wipe.
Another thing - Assumptio isn't just for tanks! Use it wisely. Perfect example is Bapho's blue circle. It's usually a one shot on the targeted player, but an Assumptio could save you from wasting an unnecessary rez.
Sanctuary- Your most powerful cure, and it's AOE by a 10x10 radius around you. It also regens you for the same amount for 10 seconds, on top of giving you a HP+ bonus when you pair it with aspersio. This will be your best friend for boss fights when they do AOE moves that hurt HARD, and you can anticipate it comming.
The Support Tree
Blessing- Your main buff, that you will be looked at like a retard by your party if you don't max this. Gives your party +15% HP for 30min. May not sound like much, but it is.
Increase Agi- Unlike RO1, this skill is useless in RO2, and only good for when you need to run away or just want to walk fast for 10 seconds. Raising the level only lowers the CD, so leave this at 1.
Ressurection- Ok this skill. If the CD is normal like kRO2's, you want this maxed. If WP does what seaRO2 did and makes the CD riduculously long ( 30 min for max level wth ) it's not worth maxing. In the event they take the seaRO2 route with this you will be able to leave this at 1, and put the last 2 skill points into maxing Heal with 1 left over for whatever.
Aqua benedicta- An awesome, awesome skill. Instantly recovers 15% of your SP and gives you 3 Holy water. Unlike RO1 you DONT need to be by water to use this, and the recast is only 1 min. You will be using this A LOT for holy waters for skills, and in the event you need some SP. This may seem like a free ticket for not needing SP potions- but seriously please don't be dumb and ALWAYS carry a good amount of them. Heck while on the topic of pots- carry HP pots too so you can use those for yourself instead of stopping and wasting time to cure yourself unless you have to.
Aspersio- Another awesome buff you will be using a ton. Makes your normal Heals auto crit for 3 uses within the time limit ( I think 30 seconds iirc ), Makes Res Insta-cast, and most importantly- makes HH regen, and gives Sanctuary give a HP bonus ( or +15% to the healpower if thats how it is on kRO). It also makes your Holy lights instant crit 3x in the 30 sec time limit.
Gloria- At max level gives your HL and Heal a 15% chance to be instant. This is a passive buff too and VERY helpful. Max it.
Recovery- Your 1 stat recovery skill, that has an annoying range and is a hassle to use. By the time you move in range to whoever needs and then use the skill ( it's point and click on the ground around the target ) the debuff will most likely be off. Also has a 10second CD, and iirc a cast time. Not very useful here like it was in RO1, so I reccomend leaving this at lvl1.
Suffragium- Ok this skill is awesome. Gives you a self-buff of +10% casting speed ( aka Haste ) for 30 min. VERY worthwhile, VERY noticable, and VERY amazing. Haste is one of the MOST important stats for anyone in this game, and especially for priests! It helps you get those heals off on time so people dont die, and allows you to be casting more which well- do I even have to explain why thats important? Max this skill, you won't regret it!!
Thats about it for my skill build. As for the other skills for FS- Another skill people commonly get is Archangel, but in all honesty.... I personally didn't like all the sacrifices I would of had to make for it. Getting this skill makes it so you have to sacrifice points from either sacrament, suffragium, sanctuary, Gloria , Assumptio and possibly res depending on your playstyle. I didn't see it worth it for a 25% boost toMATK for 10 seconds every min and a half that you have to stop your rotations to cast, but thats just me. As for Angelus, well....that skill is just trash. I'll never understand how some people can even want it
And, since I didn't include this earlier in my
Now that we've gone over the skills, onto the stat builds!
For priest, the stat builds you want to go for include INT, AGI, and VIT.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT PUT IN ANY POINTS IN WIS. WIS is Trash, it ONLY gives you a SP bonus, which hell, you have plenty of. You have plenty of SP to begin with, and with Aspersio and pots, theres no need to worry about it. I've actually had this argument with someone before and I still can't believe it happened. Please use common sense and don't waste your points in WIS.
Now for builds- this depends on what you're doing, what gear and cards you have, and stuff like that. All stats i'll give are what you'll be putting in for your base stats.
A common recomended build is 36 INT, 36 AGI, and 25 VIT. This gives you a little boost for your HP that you'll want, a small boost to your Healing crit rate, and a decent cure amount.
Another build is 40 INT, 40 AGI, and rest in VIT ( I think it was 8 points left) This is usually recomended if you have good gear and have a ton of HP already so bosses can't one shot you.
And lastly theres the 50 INT ( Max ) and rest AGI for max cure output. This was my prefered build. A lot of people in seaRO2 were against purist builds for anything, but honestly they aren't bad. This also goes for DD jobs as well. If you have the HP from gear to keep you alive, I honestly feel purist builds are the way to go for PvE to get max output. I'm not as sure for PvP/WoE but unless important stat effects can be blocked by having x statpoint and they arent curable with pots...yeah lol
And thats it for my guide. Hope I was able to help people out with this.
Edited by Terr, 16 April 2013 - 04:38 PM.