No to all of it.
Don't screw over everything you've done right within the last weeks.
Posted 17 July 2013 - 12:48 PM
No to all of it.
Don't screw over everything you've done right within the last weeks.
Posted 17 July 2013 - 01:05 PM
Do NOT do this account bound -_-. You'll destroy the server faster then it's dying. Cmon now. Smarten up.
Posted 17 July 2013 - 01:12 PM
Nobody wants another horrible private server, Classic server opened as a promise of a oldschool RO experience, do not screw this.
My opinion is no.
Posted 17 July 2013 - 02:38 PM
old school ? how long are you going to stay old school ?
This server will die if they don't bring bring up some change !!
Posted 17 July 2013 - 02:46 PM
we're here because it's old school ... you A KITTEN? lol if it dies then it dies will die a whole lot faster if they make poor changes based off renewal
Edited by Campitor, 17 July 2013 - 02:49 PM.
Posted 17 July 2013 - 02:56 PM
The best thing to do is to add a quest ingame that converts non-slotted mids into slotted mids for a zeny fee. This would function as a zeny sink. You can add the option to fail if you must, with a kafra shop item to ensure it does not fail.
Advantage is that all types of slotted mids get added the game (sunglasses, glasses, mini-glasses, whatever else I'm forgetting) and there is a zeny sink, as well as a source of KP.
Posted 17 July 2013 - 03:18 PM
this is the worst idea since the 'server-wide' trans quest.
your proposed ideas are universally disliked: even with the edits, they are unbalancing, way too custom, and while it might make the set items in question more consistently valuable in the market, they do not combat inflation or stagnation in the way that you are suggesting. implementing more slotted mids would do a much better job regarding inflation and player demands. valk armor will always be valuable on its own, and the other items can be stagnant; there is no need to artificially create value for them. you will damage the economy far more by implementing your proposed idea, and severely damage player confidence after a string of otherwise beneficial updates.
should probably do a E3 xbox one on this one and completely reverse your decision on everything regarding this
TL:DR: there is no need to create artificial value for set items. making excessively custom changes on a server that is intended to be classic is fundamentally the worst possible thing you could do.
Posted 17 July 2013 - 05:30 PM
Oda - you just pointed out, again, how you, and your whole GM-Team, have no clue about what the hell you're doing here at all.
Even SUGGESTING a slotted Vali's Manteau, and really mentioning it in a thread is enough to tell you don't care about this server at all. Even if you withdrew your idea afterwards.
Add a NPC slotting every middle headgear ingame for 10m/try at 25% success - handing out def and statless versions of the item afterwards.
At the same time you can add a KP-Item which slots the same gears at 25% chance without breaking if it fails. 300~400 KP ea try.
And stop trying to customize this server more and more with renewal-style content. People are playing classic because they don't like renewal...keep that in mind, you already messed that up in the past quite hard.
Posted 17 July 2013 - 05:59 PM
This is the most stupid idea I've ever seen.
DO NOT implement those slotted headgears.
Seriously, you're taking out all the fun and balance a classic server should have had from the start. We want Classic to stay classic!
Edited by MatiazV2, 17 July 2013 - 06:01 PM.
Posted 17 July 2013 - 08:02 PM
I knew this was bound to happen, it was just a matter of time. Seriously, are you guys so hell bent on destroying Classic that you are still pushing for this Renewal-esque major metamorphosis even though people have already posted that they do not want this whatsoever. Of course, there will be your select few that will support it (which begs the question if they even play Classic the way the majority of the Classic community plays)
If I didn't know any better, I'd say this is what you wanted on your iRO Renewal server: no 3rd Classes, just Renewal changes. The server's been suffering for too long. Give it a break.
Posted 17 July 2013 - 09:01 PM
Posted 17 July 2013 - 09:12 PM
Just make it so you can bind any piece of gear, no requirements, no bonus..
Posted 17 July 2013 - 09:18 PM
Edited by Razo, 17 July 2013 - 09:20 PM.
Posted 17 July 2013 - 09:24 PM
The unbound equipment is what we wanted.
This is not what we want.
Please stop making / trying to make major changes that aren't requested by the server population.
A double slotted Ulle's Cap... lol. Double Maestro? How broken.
Posted 17 July 2013 - 09:53 PM
We just got stuff unbound after a year of complaining. It might be a good idea to leave things as they are for now. Look towards some other projects that could make Classic more appealing to all the people who quit or those who avoided playing because of all the negativity surrounding the server over the last 8 months or so.
Posted 17 July 2013 - 11:18 PM
no thanks
Posted 17 July 2013 - 11:54 PM
Who in their right mind would upgrade something to +8 just to have it account bound, and then have to upgrade it again for more def etc...not to mention the imbalance. I do not agree with this, been playing since 2002 and a lot is different already, if you put this in I might as well play on renewal...
Posted 18 July 2013 - 12:18 AM
I think this idea should be shelved... even if it's at least until after we've gotten all possible updates.
Chalk it under future new content and come back to it when we can approach it with a sakray approach and players can sit down and try every broken combination before you even consider putting it in the game IN THE FAR FUTURE.
There may come a day when we need this kind of thing to make it interesting, in the future when all gear options are exhausted, but please that is a long way away.
Unbind or put mids directly in game. That alone will act as a huge zeny sink and actually bring players back.
Posted 18 July 2013 - 12:41 AM
Posted 18 July 2013 - 12:45 AM
Edited by yayiyoyu, 18 July 2013 - 12:56 AM.
Posted 18 July 2013 - 12:53 AM
I believe the main thing they want to do is to put obsolete gear into usage and create a zeny sink by hoping that there would be massive upgrading to obtain a +8 of a certain gear, also on the side promote PVM where players hunt for the items
I may be wrong, but if I am right, it's not a bad goal, but the process of reaching this goal is not so great, and there are better alternatives to do so.
Honestly if you did this for renewal, and stopped the influx of +7 certs via groove packs and only from mimic, renewal's market would so much better.
Edited by KamiKali, 18 July 2013 - 01:09 AM.
Posted 18 July 2013 - 01:01 AM
Posted 18 July 2013 - 01:09 AM
Well my suggestion is great, but if that's there goal make upper headgear buff lets say rideword hat effect if u upgrade morigane, fricca etc... It's easy to script da items but yet again they need a permission from gravity in kro since people work for iro is underlings sad to say...
They don't need kRO permission for anything they do on classic.
Posted 18 July 2013 - 01:20 AM
2 slot on ulles? Right I don'T want that either, it would make freaking insane stats headgear. Actually you shouldn't even think putting 2 slot on a headgear
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