Hey there guys. With Moscovia coming in next week I wanted to have you guys belly up to the bar and chat with us about this town. My preference is to put in the town mostly as originally implemented but looking at the levels of the monsters I am curious if you think that changes can (or should) be made. Besides stems (which we are working on making available through other means), why would you go to Moscovia?
At level 70-mid 80s are there not enough places to level? What can we do to make sure that people make the most out of this map?
Current level range is around the 70s-80s
The spawns on Moscovia field seem awfully generic
Moscovia dungeon 1
Low level Popos and mantises
-Les is the prize monster here due to the high chance of dropping stems
-Wood goblin doesn't seem all that useful
Moscovia Dungeon 2
-Baba Yaga
-More les
-Uzhas with Mastela Fruit drops
Moscovia Dungeon 3 80s-90s
-Gopinch MVP with high Treasure box drop
-Repeats of existing monsters